Tuesday, April 18, 2023


The American Heart Association is working against your heart health.  Read this:

Increasing numbers of people with hypothyroidism and goiters triggered public health officials to recommend the addition of iodine to table salt. Yet, as has been noted in the past 10 years, the American Heart Association's push for a low-salt diet has had a significant impact on thyroid health.

Incredible.  The AHA is working to persuade Americans against the benefits of iodine.  

In case you don't have a Twitter account, check out Jennifer's article here

Exposure to these halides can disrupt thyroid function since the halogen is absorbed by the thyroid gland. Researchers have found that with adequate exposure to iodine, the effect of fluoride exposure can be mitigated.12 Depew notes13 that in the 1950s fluoride was added to the drinking water and potassium bromate was substituted for potassium iodide in bread and pastry flour, both of which likely have contributed to iodine insufficiency and deficiency.

Increasing numbers of people with hypothyroidism and goiters triggered public health officials to recommend the addition of iodine to table salt. Yet, as has been noted in the past 10 years, the American Heart Association's push for a low-salt diet has had a significant impact on thyroid health.

According to Abraham's data,14 this may have also influenced the rate of breast cancer. In a small number of subjects, an iodine-loading test resulted in the excretion of more bromide in women with breast cancer than in normal subjects. Common contaminants that compete with iodine include:

  • Bromide Bromides are known endocrine disruptors found in baked goods, pesticides and plastics, among other sources. Because bromide is a halide, it competes for the same receptors in your thyroid gland and other body areas to capture iodine, thereby inhibiting thyroid hormone production.
  • Fluoride Fluoride has long been known to displace iodine. As cited by the Fluoride Action Network, Chinese researchers "have repeatedly found that an iodine deficiency coupled with fluoride exposure produces a significantly more damaging effect on neurological development than iodine deficiency alone."15
  • Mercury Mercury is found in dental amalgam fillings and fish like tuna, as well as in consumer products such as antiques, batteries, electronics, light bulbs and pharmaceutical products. Higher levels of mercury in the body are associated with lower levels of thyroid hormone.16
  • Nitrates Nitrites found in processed meats such as bacon, hot dogs, lunch meat and sausage may interfere with your uptake of iodine and potentially lead to an increased risk of thyroid and other cancers.17 Nitrates from agricultural fertilizer, present in contaminated drinking water, have also been implicated as a potential cause of thyroid cancer.18
  • Perchlorate This is a contaminant found in groundwater across the U.S. and in measurable amounts in milk, fruit and vegetables. Perchlorate blocks iodine uptake and inhibits the production of thyroid hormones, which leads to hypothyroidism.19,20

Iodine Insufficiency Affects Cognition and Much More

Your body needs enough iodine to make thyroid hormones. In addition to the effect low thyroid hormone has on your general health, the thyroid can become enlarged, which is a condition known as goiter. A lack of thyroid hormones is called hypothyroidism, which can trigger intellectual disabilities and developmental issues in infants and children whose mothers were deficient during pregnancy.

When an infant is deprived of thyroid hormones in utero, it can have irreversible effects on the child. Babies born to mothers with hypothyroidism during pregnancy have a significantly increased risk of lower IQ scores, learning disabilities and neuropsychological impairment.21 According to the American Thyroid Association


Move over, Paco.  There's a new entitlement class that will take your jobs.

You sometimes hear about liberal bias in the media these days, how they're constantly letting our government off the hook for no good reason

. . . Frankly, I think that's insulting. It's clear that they let us off the hook for a very good reason . . . because we paid them $600 million.  You don't get stellar headlines like these without greasing the wheels a bit.

"We spent thirty years building aircraft carriers and missile defense, and the Chinese built a missile for 1/100000 of the price that makes those things obsolete"

Monday, April 17, 2023

'Nefarious,' Sean Patrick Flanery says that there ARE things you can do to maximize your chances of success in the acting industry!