Tuesday, March 28, 2023

3/4 of PPP Funds Accrued into the Top 20% of Households

Sometimes living in the U.S. feels like living in Ukraine.  And where who is in office matters not a whit. 

Rolls Royce had a record year in 2022.  How did that happen, how does a luxury car brand, the top luxury car brand, have a record year in a recession?  Depends on who you ask.  

Rolls-Royce sold a record number of cars last year, driven by demand in the US — its biggest market. 

The UK-based carmaker sold 6,021 cars, an 8 percent rise on 2021 — and the highest annual figure in its 119-year history. 

 The company expects to deliver record profits when it discloses financial figures in the coming weeks. 

 About a third of its sales are in the Americas, while a quarter are in China and a fifth in Europe. 

Sales in China fell slightly because of lockdowns and the government’s zero-Covid-19 policy. 

The overall sales boost was helped by customization, which also rose to highs as luxury car buyers fitted out their models with “ever more imaginative” add-ons. 

The bespoke features, from the type of carpet inside a vehicle to personalized paintwork, helped raise the price of an average Rolls-Royce car above €500,000 for the first time. 

California Restrict Bill, S.686

Why would a socialist state, like California, use the CCCP to crush its own citizens ability to communicate?  California has never hated the Chinese before.  Why start now?  Cities across the state have more massage parlors per capita than Subway restaurants.  Why is California scapegoating the Chinese to create a cybernetics police state in California?  Do they want their territory back?  I don't know about California.  It feels more and more like WWII with internment camps.  People will be fleeing en masse, more so than they already have.


Title of this documentary is THE GREATER GOOD - VACCINE DOCUMENTARY (2011). it targets the Gardasil vaccine by Merck.
At the 24:10 mark, FDA approved Gardasil for fast track.  Pancreatitis, auto immune disease.  

24:22. No vaccine, particularly a vaccine for children should ever be fast-tracked by the FDA.  Less than 1% of all deaths are for cervical cancer and yet we now have a vaccine that was only studied in in 1200 girls under the age of 16 until it was recommended for universal use by the CDC in all 11 and 12-year-old girls.

Bypassing the Legislature altogether, Republican Gov. Rick Perry issued an order Friday making Texas the first state to require that schoolgirls get vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.

By employing an executive order, Perry sidestepped opposition in the Legislature from conservatives and parents’ rights groups who fear such a requirement would condone premarital sex and interfere with the way Texans raise their children.

Perry was considered a freedom-loving governor.  He was praised by libertarians.  Perry had financial ties to Merck.  One of the lobbyists in the state of Texas, Mike Toomey, was his former Chief of Staff. 

We've lost our history.  No wonder people fall prey.  Here is the Merck Vice President of Medical Affairs and Policy, Mark Feinberg, MD, PhD

25:25.  Public health was never defined in the Constitution as a federal matter, therefore, public health laws are state laws.  Vaccine laws are state laws.  The way it works us the federal government recommends vaccines, the CDC, and the state governments mandate them.  


Different states have different exemptions.  All states have medical exemptions.  Every state but 2 has a religious exemption.  And there are 18 states that have an exemption for philosophical, conscientious belief.  

26:00.  Dr. Lawrence Palevsky.  New Jersey (2009) has the most number of vaccine requirements for kids to got to school.  Recently passed a law that required kids 4 more vaccines to get into school.

Monday, March 27, 2023


Standard Operating Procedure by the CIA when they run these mass shootings.  Most were doubtful that the shooter was even a girl or woman.  The first discrepancy was her age, from a teenager to a 26-year-old to a 28-year-old.  Look for yourself.  Does this look like the same person? Find more reports on the young woman here.

Hey Americans! Germans! Poles! Brits! WHAT ARE YOU SUPPORTING?