Tuesday, February 21, 2023

VLADIMIR PUTIN: In the 1930s, the West actually opened the way to power for the Nazis in Germany.

We shouldn't let any politician be "our leader."  Good, moral teachers are your leaders with common sense as our first language.  Having said that, after listening to Putin here, I can't help but make comparisons between him and Biden.  When Biden talks history, he's either shaming you for not being black enough or for being too white, offering up some argument that Black Lives Matter, Project 1619, or Juneteenth to pass as some historical argument.  But here you have Putin having more of a discussion about history with his audience, a relevant discussion, not one where you feel like you're being had with every phrase and ice cream cone. 

In the 1930s, the West actually opened the way to power for the Nazis in Germany.  And today, they began to make Ukraine anti-Russia.  This is not really a new project.  People who are at least a little immersed in history know very well that this project has its roots back in the 19th century.  It was cultivated in the Austro-Hungarian empire, and in Poland, and in other countries with one goal--to tear these historical territories, which are now called Ukraine, from our country.  That's what the goal is. 


JIMMY DORE: Putin isn't the bad guy . . . he's acting rationally

"cancer ceases at PH 6.8 and it dies at 7.0. "

I found this video and Dr. Bernardo Majalarca's protocol after watching the video titled, The Incurables, about Josie Nunez's brain cancer.  What I liked about it is that he is specific with Alkalinity numbers.  Worth a few minutes of your time.  Regardless of what you choose to kill your cancer, it probably requires a multiple front assault.  IP6 manages excess iron the blood to bring down inflammation.  Melatonin is a great anticancer agent to fight off an electromagnetic cause or source cancer.  Multiple fronts.  

All cancer patients, their PH is acid.  Everything in nature has a PH from 1 to 14.  [You can measure your PH with PH test strops.]  7 being water, blood being 7.2.  When we're born, all of our inner cellular fluids, including saliva, have to have a PH of 7.2 to 7.4.  When cancer patients come, or somebody very sick, they're very acidic.  Their PH runs around 5.  So I put the patient immediately on lemon juice and water.  Lemon juice is an acid.  So when you drink it, it starts an alkaline tide in your body so your PH starts going up.  It might take 3 weeks, 4 weeks.  You're approximately 80% water.  So if you weigh 200 pounds, there's about 160lbs of water that we have to raise the PH to 7.2.  It's my opinion that all cancer ceases at PH 6.8 and it dies at 7.0.  


Ian Jacklin, co-author of I Cure Cancer with Chris Wark, states that because cancer is a systemic problem that the approach to treating it requires a holistic approach, meaning you've got to treat the whole body, not just target the cancer.  He writes How do you cure cancer? Cure your acidosis and kill your pathogens. Dr. Bernardo was treating cancer patients for 50 years with this alkaline balancing protocol with a 90% success rate. This book has his protocol and many experts to back it up. I Cure Cancer, debuted in 2006 as a movie in NY. It explains for curing cancer, natural healing is the only way. Go holistic. Get alkaline. You don't die of cancer. You die of Acidosis. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

Explosion being called a 'Mass casualty incident' at metal manufacturing plant in Bedford, Ohio

Bedford is close to Cleveland, whereas East Palestine is at the eastern border of  Ohio with Pennsylvania.