Tuesday, February 14, 2023

ANNA PAULINA LUNA: "Clearly we don't have a white supremacy history in this country. Clearly we have an immigration one"

Florida Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna. I don't know what the non-existent "Republican landslide" last November will accomplish to get this country back to its moral roots, but I do enjoy the rhetorical takedowns.  TBH, hers is not the strongest of indictments, but the effect is good.  Taken literally, however, she's said little that condemns U.S. immigration policy. 

Thank you to Steve Bartin.  

The pituitary releases hormones throughout the endocrine system to ensure physiological functions in our body; the pineal gland is mostly responsible for producing melatonin.

From PubMed  


The present study was carried out to investigate if ethanol alters the aromatization of androgens and concentrations of hepatic estrogen and androgen receptors. Hepatic aromatization of androgen to estrogen was significantly increased by ethanol administration. There was a significant increase in serum estrogen level but a decreased circulating testosterone level in alcohol-fed rats. Furthermore, the concentration of estrogen receptors in liver cytosol was significantly higher in alcohol-fed rats (37 +/- 5.3 fmol/mg protein), as compared to the intact control value (21 +/- 4.8 fmol/mg protein). However, hepatic androgen receptor levels were much lower (4.4 +/- 0.5) in alcohol-fed rats than those (10.2 +/- 1.4 fmol/mg protein) in control animals. Similarly, castration increased hepatic aromatization of androgens and concentrations of serum estrogen and hepatic estrogen receptors, but it decreased the contents of circulating androgen and hepatic androgen receptors. These findings indicate that alcohol administration is considered a chemical form of castration, altering the hepatic steroid metabolism and sex hormone receptor contents and contributing to the pathogenesis of feminization. A combination of alcohol-feeding and castration has no synergistic effect on the hepatic steroid receptors and aromatization, but this combination does have a more profound effect in lowering the concentration of circulating androgen.

Here are some foods that raise, or increase, your androgen receptors.  First, knock off the alcohol except for the occasional celebration of personal milestones.  Don't get me wrong.  I love red wine. Would drink it regularly if didn't have all the nasty side effects on the brain and liver.  Those side effects can make a person irritable and grumpy the next day for which you'll need plenty of coffee the next morning to revive yourself.  But alcohol and coffee both deplete your vitamin B stores.  In fact, these beverages are referred to as B blockers because they block the absorption of vitamin B into your tissues.  Because alcohol does have nasty effects on hormones even tissues, I abstained long ago, decades now.  I was always considered a lightweight when friends, relatives, and acquaintances had no problem putting away excessive amounts.  

Coffee does have benefits but too much can drain the brain of B vitamins and deplete the pituitary gland [A MAJOR PLAYER IN YOUR ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, sometimes called "the master gland"] hormones

Which hormones does the pituitary gland make?
The anterior lobe of your pituitary gland makes and releases the following hormones:
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH or corticotrophin): ACTH plays a role in how your body responds to stress. It stimulates your adrenal glands to produce cortisol (the “stress hormone”), which has many functions, including regulating metabolism, maintaining blood pressure, regulating blood glucose (blood sugar) levels and reducing inflammation, among others.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): FSH stimulates sperm production in people assigned male at birth. FSH stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen and plays a role in egg development in people assigned female at birth. This is known as a gonadotrophic hormone.
Growth hormone (GH): In children, growth hormone stimulates growth. In other words, it helps children grow taller. In adults, growth hormone helps maintain healthy muscles and bones and impacts fat distribution. GH also impacts your metabolism (how your body turns the food you eat into energy).
Look at how these idiots describe biological functions.  Science is corrupted.  F**k these compliant bureaucrats.  "assigned"?  
Luteinizing hormone (LH): LH stimulates ovulation in people assigned female at birth and testosterone production in people assigned male at birth. LH is also known as a gonadotrophic hormone because of the role it plays in controlling the function of the ovaries and testes, known as the gonads.
Prolactin: Prolactin stimulates breast milk production (lactation) after giving birth. It can affect fertility and sexual functions in adults.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): TSH stimulates your thyroid to produce thyroid hormones that manage your metabolism, energy levels, and your nervous system.
And a few more

But we all want a simplified life. In that case, ignore everything I've said or printed here, and go on about your business.  But if you want to maintain a high level of productivity long into your years, then be vigilant on bodily processes that deliver on productivity.   To keep your pituitary gland functioning at peak levels as you continue drinking coffee, then it would help, help a lot, to be consuming boron.  

The difference between the Pituitary Gland and the Pineal Gland is that the pituitary releases hormones throughout the endocrine system to ensure physiological functions in our body, whereas the pineal gland is mostly responsible for producing melatonin.  People take melatonin supplements to keep the pineal gland producing melatonin.  Boron helps to keep that organ regulated.  Pineal gland is not just for melatonin.  It's also responsible for critical thinking.  For the Pituitary gland, eat red meat, get sunlight at peak hours, 11-2, get Omega-3s through fish oil, and supplement with vitamin D. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Much Ado About Nothing?

Well it does seem that getting accurate reports of events is getting harder and harder with each event and each passing week.  No authority from anywhere. Reporters who report early don't provide accurate dates, skip reports of what local officials say, or any decent, thorough analysis, or what it means.  Or am i missing something?  And if so, why?  

It never was "good enough for Rover." Therefore, it shouldn't be good enough for you.

From Jan @janbrya72881733,

I worked for a veterinarian back in the eighties. We were to push the vaccines above all else. I realized it was about greed. Adult dogs don't get distemper or parvo but they demand once yearly their entire lives. Of course so much money to make off of skin problems and cancer.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

An Explosion of Cancers? Defuse Them with Antiparasitics

Thanks to Dr. Lee Merritt for the video.  Medical Rebel is her website.  

Dr. Lee Merritt says it's critical to get rid of parasites NOW.  Why it helps people who have and have not taken the vaccine.  She calls it the Parasite Paradigm, or a way of looking at parasites in human health.  She claims that we've been living in a Viral Paradigm, a false paradigm causes us to look at things the wrong way.  

She thanks Celeste Solum (who looked at DARPA's role), Karen Kingston (Pfizer whistleblower, looked at who owns relevant patents), 5 Docs, and Bryan Ardis, D.C. (chiropractor who got her interested in parasites). 

*  Thought it was a contact toxin.

She never believed this was an airborne virus.  She thought it was a contact poison or toxin.  Virus does not mean animalcule that flies out of your mouth and infects someone else sick.  Virus means toxin.  You didn't "catch" a cold.  You're toxic, and you're getting rid of the toxins. 

*  Venom is not the major disease-causing agent.  Doesn't fit clinically, and it's technically difficult. 

Venom doesn't fit.  Not say that vemom doesn't play a role in the vaxx'd or those developing illnesses or the dying. Nicorette gum is a good idea, but the venom is not the major cause of the disease.  Not what she's seeing clinically. If venom were the problem, then children would have died and adults would have lived.  

*  mRNA is too expensive.  What does she mean by that? 

Despite all the literature that showed how dangerous the mRNA technology was, how bad it was on all the animal studies it's just too expensive.  Claim is that the one mRNA technology that they'd actually gotten to market was for an ophthalmology issue.  In 2018, the cost was almost $1 million for a treatment.  How did they suddenly within 2 years supply billions of doses at less than $30 per dose?  That doesn't make sense to Merritt. 

Then she points to this video, Cancer: A Parasitical Infection.  Video of German researchers telling us that cancer is a parasitical issue. 


Ivermectin is antiparasitic. it's also antitumor.  You can get it hereherehere, and at feed supply stores in your area.
Here Dr. Lee Merritt talks about the parasite-cancer paradigm as opposed to the virus-cancer paradigm.

There are equally effective antiparasitics besides Ivermectin.  There is Fenbendezole and Zitanoxinide.  Academic OUP touts its benefits.
Nitazoxanide is a new thiazolide antiparasitic agent that shows excellent in vitro activity against a wide variety of protozoa and helminths. It is given by the oral route with good bioavailability and is well tolerated, with primarily mild gastrointestinal side effects. At present, there are no documented drug-drug interactions. Nitazoxanide has been licensed for the treatment of Giardia intestinalis–induced diarrhea in patients ⩾1 year of age and Cryptosporidum-induced diarrhea in children aged 1–11 years. At present, it is pending licensure for treatment of infection due to  Cryptosporidium species in adults and for use in treating immunocompromised hosts. It represents an important addition to the antiparasitic arsenal.