Sunday, February 12, 2023

PFIZER TO JUDGE: We did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.

His name is Todd Callender, U.S. Attorney out of Colorado.  His website is called  He cites the DoD's DMED, Defense Medical Epidemiology Database.

For the last year or so, we've been calling this whole episode military martial law for a reason. When I sued the DOD, HHS, and the FDA, we came to find that [the vax rollout] was a military operation.  Our DOD was the one perpetrating this genocide around the world in cahoots with other militaries around the world.  This was our DOD, not the troops, not the service members themselves, but it was our DOD who contracted Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, and AstraZeneca to do this. 

Clinical trials were never ordered.

FDA and Global regulators impersonated actual regulators so that you fall for the lie and go get injected.

Pfizer already invoked this as a defense in the Brook Jackson case in the U.S.  She's suing Pfizer under the False Claims Act that they defrauded the government.  Pfizer already filed a motion to dismiss the case.  It hasn't been dismissed yet.  Pfizer said,

We did not defraud the government.  We delivered the fraud that the government ordered. 

How does one stop the U.S. Dept. of Defense?  That's the question.  Vladimir Putin is trying to do that.  He's conducting a war crimes tribunals right now in the Donbass with evidence on how it was that these bioweapons were created because some of the components were created in Ukraine.  He's already captured the factories and some people and he has the ability to bring this case.  I imagine that he will cooperate with the Thai Royal family because the only way we're going to get through this is another military tribunal.  I think Bangkok 2.0 maybe is how this happens.  

Nullifying the contract is one thing, but they even have the jurisdiction, universal jurisdiction, crimes against humanity.  They have the ability to try Pfizer and their executives anybody else that helped for crimes against humanity.  All they have to do is get one general in their military to open a war crimes tribunal and they can extra-territorially apply these laws against anybody that was involved in it.  This is also a big deal.  

9:27. Government members are learning with us.  There are still good people in governments, in justice all over the world, who are awake, and are learning who are equally shocked at what's been going on. 

10:24. One of the reasons I sued the DOD was knowing full well when the order comes from the W.H.O., the military would be tasked with the enforcement of that, and that's . . . again, the DOD is now in control of public health in the United States.  And the word goes from Tedros Adhanom to the Secretary of Health of the United States, Xavier Becerra, where all constitutional rights are suspended and the military enforces that quarantine, that experimental treatment, that's why there was no informed consent.  It's a military operation.  Since we did that, hundreds of thousands U.S. service members stood up and said no.  It was them that stopped the DOD.  There is no esprit de corps in the U.S. military.  There isn't anybody that's going to enforce this, so even if there's such an order that comes out, I think you will find that it will be unenforceable because nobody in uniform is going to enforce that order.  We have the opportunity to opt out.  We gave the opportunity to take our planet back.  And this is planetary in every sense of the word. 

East Palestine, Ohio

World-class pilots not able to identify flying objects?

Bureaucracies emphasize procedures, not results

Here is the full post in case you don't have a Twitter account. 

Everyone should know what to expect when entering any bureaucracy but especially a government bureaucracy. The best investigation into bureaucracies that I've read is Ludwig von Mises' Bureaucracy, 1944.  To read it from The Mises Institute will only cost you the time to read and to take notes.  Takes notes.  Remember the lessons.  Highlight indicting, compelling, and searing passages.  


Video was published 6 months ago, August 2022.