Sunday, February 5, 2023


Qantus CEO Alan Joyce, who mandated vaccines for flying his airline, gets Pied Suddenly.  

This charming fella got a pie in the face.

Qantus CEO, Alan Joyce, whose vaccine mandates forced many to lose their jobs.  This pied incident took place in 2018.

This was the most satisfying. Thomas Friedman gets Pied on Earth Day, 2008, by a group called Greenwash Guerillas.  I don't mind Friedman's capitalist arguments but his apologies for war were particularly loathsome. 

Love it because it's all a referendum on this gem.  Brussels, 1998.




Maria Zakharova was born on 24 December 1975) is the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation[1] (Spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) since 2015.

Dr. Daniel Nagase On Reverse Transcriptase, Vaccines

These mRNA vaccines are designed to render the reproductive systems of both men and women infertile.  Some men and women are not bothered by this since they already have children and don't plan on having any more.  But they should be aware that the spike proteins can and do shed, which could affect the fertility of their kids or others who'd like to have kids or adults who prefer to keep all human systems in tact. 

2:00. The three mechanisms for cancer I listed were, one, molecular mimicry.  If a child's body is producing spike proteins, it won't be able to recognize cancer cells as well.  The [second] one was interference with normal child proteins that every cell makes.  Cell proteins at every cell. When it's healthy, those proteins prevent cancer; they prevent mutagenesis and DNA damage. The 3rd mechanism I talked about was reverse transcriptase, and that's the enzyme that's in some cells of the body that can take anything that's mRNA and change it into DNA.  So a couple weeks after that speech I got somewhat famous and I ended up on a zoom call with one very famous cell biologist and geneticist who was a big part of the truth movement, and I mentioned the reverse transcriptase issue.  And he said, "Oh, don't worry about reverse transcriptase, that's not a significant problem."  Now because I'm an emergency doctor, and the last time I actually studied cell biology was over 20 years ago in the 1990s in undergraduate, I thought, well, here's this person who spent his career being a cell biologist and a geneticist and doing experiments, so he probably knows what he's talking about. And then I made my mistake.  I turned my brain off, and I didn't think about reverse transcriptase again until about a week ago.  And what popped up was one of the articles I was reading was supposedly a leak from a Moderna production line engineer and one of his colleagues and what he leaked out on to 4chan which is the most conspiratorial of all conspiratorial websites was that he was a production line engineer and manager and on the modern production line in December of 2020 this is when the first vaccine we're being rolled out

8:15. Lipid Nanoparticles target 3 organs in the following order: 1) spleen, 2) liver, and 3) ovaries.  These are the organs with the highest concentration of lipid nanoparticles after 48 hours.  Two inhibitors of ovulation in lipid nanoparticles thar are designed to carry