Saturday, January 21, 2023

Glyphosate destroys gut bacteria, causing leaky gut and autism-like results. Eat organic

The best way to avoid getting any glyphosate or RoundUp is to buy organic produce.  Glyphosate is a cause of autism.  The U.S. consumes 25% of all glyphosate in the world.  Sulfer metabolites are disrupted.  Sulfur and sulfates are a problem in modern health.  "Glyphosate, Sulfate, and Autism," Rosemary Warring, 

"Does Intestinal Inflammation Cause a Lack of Sulfates?" Healthy Awareness, March 14, 2017.



Earl Browder, Bill Browder’s grandfather, was a spy for Stalin and head of the US Communist party

"Add This to Bill Browder's Resume Criminal Mastermind," Tom Luongo, 2018.  

Zuckerberg Warned His Staff NOT To Get the Vaccine. But censors the info YOU see.

Medical Cartel Coming for Prominent Doctors. If that Doesn't Shut Up the Rest, They'll Keep Coming Until They Put a Stop to Dissenting Opinion

The medical cartel really hates a conflicting opinion or any opinion that goes off the reservation.  A remarkable threat to freedom.  Jennifer Henderson at MedPageToday writes

Due to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians possess a high degree of public trust," the commission wrote in the statement. "That public trust is essential to effective delivery of medical care. Knowingly false statements or those made in reckless disregard for the truth, such as the medical disinformation statements by respondent ... erode the public's trust in physicians and their medical treatment and advice, and thereby injure public health."

Specifically, at all times relevant to the case, Cole, an anatomical and clinical pathologist, ran an independent medical laboratory that he owns, provided direct care to patients via telemedicine through the website, and spoke at public and private forums, as well as on news shows and podcasts, the statement noted.

According to the commission, since March 2021, Cole is said to have made false and misleading comments during his presentations, including, "Children survive [COVID-19] at a hundred percent," and "A hundred percent of world [ivermectin] trials have shown benefit. 

Oh, their criticism of Dr. Cole is comical. 

Other public statements Cole is said to have made include that the COVID vaccine is "an experimental biological gene therapy immune-modulatory injection," in addition to "a fake vaccine ... the clot shot, needle rape." 

On that, he's absolutely correct.  They won't be able to continue hiding behind "Died Suddenly" or "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome," idiots.  

In a written statement to the Washington Medical Commission dated Feb. 7, 2022, Cole wrote that he had not advised patients or the general public to not get the COVID vaccine, contrary to other remarks included in the statement of charges.

As for the allegations of negligent patient care, the statement included descriptions of telemedicine provided in June and July 2021 to four unnamed patients.

"For all of these patients, [the] respondent prescribed medications that are not indicated for a COVID-19 infection, failed to properly document adequate justification [adequte according to whose standards, the state's or a medical professional?] for the treatment in the medical record, failed to take a history or perform a physical examination, and failed to obtain appropriate informed consent," the commission wrote. [I wonder what "appropriate informed consent" refers to.] "Respondent also provided inadequate opportunity for follow-up care, treated patients beyond his competency level, and did not advise patients about standard treatment guidelines and preventative measures."

Wow, they certainly are building a case against Dr. Cole in the court of public opinion.