Monday, December 12, 2022


The presentation was given by Dr. Frank Shallenberger.  

PureBulk is the site for buying in bulk.  BTW, if you need to phone PureBulk just know that their hours are 7am to 3pm, PST.  They close early.  
He explains that people don't die from cancer; they die when the cancer metastasizes.  

He says that with prostate cancer melatonin is a slam dunk. Now he uses additional compounds but melatonin is the main one and he gives it in massive amounts. I just didn't hear a dose amount.  He does say that Professor Russel Reiter in studying mice, gave mice, WHO WERE BRED TO GET BREAST CANCER, large amounts of melatonin and they DID NOT GET BREAST CANCER.  So there's that.  But how much, how much?  Reiter has said previously that he takes upwards of 140mgs of Melatonin/day.  I'd say that if someone has cancer that you'd want to go a little higher.

7 anti-cancer mechanisms of melatonin:
1.  Direct Anti-neoplastic effect.
2.  Decreases cell proliferation at low doses.
3.  Direct cytotoxic effect occurs with higher doses.
4.  Stimulation of cell differentiation.
5.  Induction of apoptosis.
6. Anti-angiogenic.  
7.  A synergistic effect has been found in several types of cancer when it is administered in combination with chemotherapy.  Shocked that he would use chemotherapy.  

Sunday, December 11, 2022

COVID was never a public health policy; it's a social control policy. Got that? A SOCIAL CONTROL POLICY

Fascism with a chirpy face?

What does the Biden Administration think of China's Zero Covid policy?  

US Congress has adopted the same position.

NBA has no word about how China is throwing its people into concentration camps. 

Methylene Blue is a dye. I've heard of it before but didn't take the time to learn how a dye can rebuild the mitochondria post-COVID or post-vaccine. Grateful to Dr. Mobeen Syed, or Dr. Been, for pointing to a few studies for my edification. Thanks to munge or Craigh64 for alerting me to this lesson sponsored by the FLCCC.

So then what are the benefits of Methylene Blue?  Upon recommendation from Dr. Paul E. Marik, Dr. Been dug a little deeper on what Methylene Blue is and what its benefits are.

Dr. Been says that Methylene Blue is neuroprotective.  So is curcumin.  So is red meat with all of its B12.  So is Allithiamine, the fat-soluble B1.  

Mitochondria is a target of neuroprotection, a benefit if Methylene Blue.  

Here is a decent explanation. So in its role as a neuroprotector, Methylene Blue rejuvenates the mitochondria.  How?  Like this,

Methylene Blue quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier. It improves mitochondrial efficiency and respiration, acts as an antioxidant, and increases brain cell lifespan, resulting in improved memory and mood. At low dosages, Methylene Blue is used to enhance mitochondrial function, increase cerebral blood flow, and acts as an antidepressant. 

Don't other products do this?  Yes.  There are a score of products that can.  Here's a short list.  

Urolithin A.  Never heard of it.  What is it?  

The Mitochondria know how much oxygen is in its system.  If there is less oxygen, then it has to release nitric oxide to open up the blood vessels.  NO is a vasodilator, and so it relaxes the smooth muscles.  It also helps with preventing clotting.  Also prevents inflammation.  So generally, nitric oxide in a good healthy, oxygenated environment needs to stay at a baseline.  

20:10  If there's an injury--spike protein, viral damage--there's less oxygen supply, or hypoxia.  One consistent problem in the vaccinated is less oxygen of brain tissue.  [This would be a tell-tale sign that Mitochondria helps manage the blood flow through nitric oxide. 

When the mitochondria is damaged, for example, it will produce less ATP.  When energy levels are reduced for a cell, the cell will go into a crisis, and even more inflammatory events will occur.  At the same time, more ROS, or electrons, will get produced and more will escape, wreak havoc, and destroy the cell by welding fats and proteins into dysfunction.  

Low dose Methylene Blue, given systemically, meaning in low dose, MB acts as an electron donor.  [That's exactly the role of vitamin C.  Exactly.]  As the machinery freezes up, MB shows up and has a propensity to enter neurons as opposed to other tissues, and it enters the mitochondria and acts as an electron donor directly without having to be harvested from food or other nutrients.  Interesting.  Revives the electron transport system, allows the mitochondria to get water, blood, and oxygen, effectively restoring the cell and preventing inflammatory outcomes.  So it's an anti-inflammatory?  It improves cell survival.  How long does it take for a cell to die?


Canada is killing 10,000 people a year with ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAID) aka euthanasia.

We need our older folks around.  Hell, I'm an older folk.  We need that continuity of narrative so that we keep fresh in the hearts and minds of the next generations the institutional narratives of the past both that helped us survive and that threatened us.  We need these narratives to protect us, keep us vigilant. It's the old people who have these stories.  They are society's treasures.

"When you see a man with his children and his family, he's just like we are" --SGT Bill Thomas on watching a German soldier die at the Battle of the Bulge

And that's what Iwojima was about.  It was a killing field.