Tuesday, December 6, 2022

blood fibrin/fibrinogen degradation active 4 hours AFTER NK [Nattokinase]

Okay, so this was interesting.  I mean if you're looking for proof to know whether some nutritional supplement works, this evidence here on Fibrinolytics is pretty close to 100% that I've found.  It reads, 

As a result, D-dimer concentrations at 6, and 8 hours, and blood fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products at 4 hours AFTER NK [Nattokinase] administration elevated significantly (p<0.05, respectively factor VIII activity declined at 4 and 6 hours (p<0.05, respectively), blood antithrombin concentration was higher at 2 and 4 hours (p<0.05, respectively), and the activated partial thromboplastin time prolonged significantly at 2 and 4 hours following NK administration (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively).  

So blood concentration of Nattokinase is realized after only 4 hours of consuming it.  So the de-fibrin action begins after 4 hours.


Is the United States Coming Undone?

We will be publishing next year a special report on . . . how [the United States] will separate as was the case for every civilization historically. Like the Roman Empire, the United States will separate into three regions [and] to the surprise of many, this will also include Canada

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

It is becoming clear[er] day by day why the mainstream media has been so against Elon Musk buying Twitter, for as they say in law enforcement, there is a “Blue Code” where cops do not rat on cops.  The same is true about judges.  Mainstream media is so LEFT it has forgotten how to walk a straight line.  They are no longer the free press – they are propaganda organizations for the takeover of our country, and in the process, they will cause civil war and the collapse of Western culture. The Biden Administration clearly violated the law by telling Twitter to delete photos of Hunter smoking crack cocaine which anyone else would be in prison.

The chaos and confusion behind closed doors at Twitter in the immediate aftermath of the October 2020 surface of Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell has exposed that the very top-level execs at Twitter decided to label the New York Post’s story as “hacked material” without any evidence — behind the back of then-CEO and founder Jack Dorsey. Historically, those on the LEFT have always done whatever it takes to win for their very basic philosophy is to dominate society and to shut down all resistance.  [You can't imagine how far they will go to destroy anybody who resists.]

The New York Times called on President Biden to create a “Reality Czar” to shut down all dissent, which they immediately label conspiracy theories without any real investigation.  CNN has called on cable companies to drop Fox News as if everything CNN says is the gospel. We are living in a world where mainstream media has become the enemy of the people pushing a political agenda no different than the New York Times during the 1930s was urging Roosevelt to adopt communism.

New York Times cheered Stalin and constantly reported that this was the way to the future – Stalinism. They seem to be preaching that again with a “Reality Czar” right out of Stalin’s handbook. They are supporting once again this move to a Marxist Utopia. The New York Times hid the truth about Stalin because they were in favor of Communism during the Great Depression. Stalin’s great economic miracle was achieved by taking all the food from Ukraine to pretend Communism was working in Russia causing over 7 million to starve to death. Today, they are cheering World War III to destroy Russia once more in hopes of adopting this Great Reset and imposing upon the world their cancel culture with a one-world government headed by the United Nations.

I strongly recommend you watch the movie, Mr. Jones. This exposes the TRUE STORY of how the New York Times tried to support Communism in the United States back then, with their top journalist, Walter Duranty (1884-1957), who was their main man in Moscow. The New York Times promoted him to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for reporting on how Communism was Utopia and our future. When Gareth Jones (1905-1935) in March 1933 reported this was all a lie, the truth finally began to appear.

It took the New York Times until 1990 to admit that their reporting covered up the truth about Stalin and the massive starvation in an effort, like Schwab, once again, to sell “equality” as our salvation. The New York Times covered up the more than 7 million people who died of starvation in the Ukraine famine. The New York Times wrote that their reporting on the Russian Revolution constituted “some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper.” They never revoked his Pultizer Prize for writing fake news about Stalin.

Homeland Security and the FBI both said that Russia’s hack of the DNC did not involve altering the vote. In fact, it was his own paper that reported on November 25, 2016, “The Obama administration said on Friday that despite Russian attempts to undermine the presidential election, it has concluded that the results “accurately reflect the will of the American people.” So, were four years of stating the Russians put Trump in the White House, not misinformation?

The constant lies the press has spun about Russia invading the US elections in 2016 and manipulations seem intent upon creating war, exactly as took place with the Spanish American War. We have returned to yellow journalism, which is based on sensationalism and crude exaggeration. Pulitzer and Hearst went head to head. I remember grade school history class blaming the Spanish American War on fake news. There is one such story that male Spanish officials were strip-searching American woman tourists in Cuba looking for claimed messages from rebels. This was the front page of Hearst’s newspaper showing what has become known as “yellow journalism” whereby the illustration was by Frederic Remington and published in the New York Journal, on February 12th, 1897.

Hearst’s New York Journal was called out for this fake news by its rival Joseph Pulitzer’s, New York World, reporting that this story was erroneous and its graphically illustrated strip-search of a woman aboard a U.S. passenger steamer was fake. The Journal article was written by Richard Harding Davis, who reported that Spanish authorities boarded the U.S. steamer, the Olivette, as it prepared to leave Havana and searched several passengers for contraband. Among the passengers was a young Cuban woman named Clemencia Arango, whose brother was a leader in the insurgency against Spanish rule. The Journal’s article was ambiguous, implying the woman was strip-searched by men, which was created by the accompanying illustration of Frederic Remington.

The New York World attacked the Journal’s fake news, quoting Arango as denying that men had strip-searched her. That task, she said, had fallen to a matron, or “inspectress.” The Journalist Davis, in a letter to the World, then blamed Frederic Remington for having drawn “an imaginary picture” and insisted his dispatch had not reported that men had conducted the search.

Nevertheless, this story of the strip search discredited the Journal as being unreliable and prone to publishing “fakes” and other thinly documented reports. Welcome to the present where the New York Times and Washington Post seem to be carrying on in the same unreliable manner as well as ABC, CBS, NBC, and of course – CNN.

We will be publishing next year a special report on what the computer is projecting for the Decline and Fall of the United States and how it will separate as was the case for every civilization historically. Like the Roman Empire, the United States will separate into three regions. However, to the surprise of many, this will also include Canada. We will let everyone know when this report is ready.

Monday, December 5, 2022

After only 7 days on an all organic diet, bodily pesticide levels drop by a whopping 90%

JUST IN - Putin signs law imposing heavy fines for "promoting non-traditional sexual relations, pedophilia, and gender reassignment" among people of any age

"This is really Soviet style, GDR style methods."

This interview made the rounds on the internet about 10 days ago, and didn't stop to listen to it.  I panned it as just another whistleblower.  Boy, is he ever; that, and more.  Taylor Hudak is the interviewer. 

His name is Dr. Thomas Binder, a Swiss cardiologist, and the events he describes occurred in April 2020.  He's no newcomer,

Dr. Binder studied medicine at the University of Zurich, and received his doctorate in immunology and virology with a specialization in internal medicine and cardiology. He has 34 years of experience in diagnostics and therapy of respiratory infections. Dr. Binder has held a private practice in Switzerland for 24 years

He did nothing wrong.  He was no threat to anybody.  He was not armed.  No psychiatry case history, of course.  So they couldn't arrest him, so they had to think of something else.  They didn't know how to deal with him.  So they put him in a psychiatry jail.  They gave him a choice: "either you stay here in the psychiatric hospital for 6 weeks to have treatment this mania, or you can go home and continue to work but you must take a medication.  I was forced to take a neuroleptic.  And whether I took it or not was weekly controlled by BlockCheck.  This is really Soviet style, GDR style methods." He was forced to take a psychiatric medication because he spoke out about COVID-19 restrictions and measures.  The state is force.  "The Corona Insane other side decided I must be insane."