Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Government prevents certain chemicals of your choosing, mandates others of their choosing

Monday, November 14, 2022

JEFFREY SMITH on "How Eating the Milk and Meat of Animals Fed BT Corn Might Turn Our Intestinal Flora Into Living Pesticide Factories"

The name of this presentation is "How Eating the Milk and Meat of Animals Fed BT Corn Might Turn Our Intestinal Flora Into Living Pesticide Factories," and it was given back on February 2-11, 2018.  The presenter's name is Jeffrey Smith.  Here is a printed interview with Jeffrey Smith done by Acres USA [and their Twitter page] discussing the corruption behind genetically modified foods, GMOs.   

In Canada, they found the BT toxin in 93% of the Canadian women tested and 80% of the pregnant women tested, and 80% of their unborn fetuses.  

agricultural industry has more recently started a biological warfare campaign against insects with an organism known as Bacillus thuringiensis, or the Bt toxin.

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a bacteria that produces proteins which are toxic to insects. Bt’s extreme toxicity comes at no surprise. It’s in the same family of bacteria as B. anthracis, which causes anthrax, and B. cereus, which causes food poisoning

Now if it gets into the bloodstream, according to a study on mice, it's toxic to red blood cells.  If it gets into the fetus, there's no blood-brain barrier at that age, so the hole-poking toxins might end up in the brains of the offspring of this generation.  Now, why would 93% of the pregnant women in Canada have the BT toxin in their blood if the BT toxin should be washed out very regularly, they must be having some continuous ingestion of BT toxin for it to be there in such a high percentage.  That's according to the study authors.  But most of the Bt that's ingested in North America, pretty much all of it is from corn.  The cottonseed oil that we eat doesn't have the BT toxin in it.  But most of the corn consumed in Canada and the United States is the highly refined corn--corn syrup, corn oil--and that doesn't have the BT toxin in it either.  It wasn't done in Mexico where they eat corn tortillas every day.  So the authors surmised that the exposure was being developed or built up by eating the milk and meat of animals because the animals are fed BT corn and cotton meal, so I would like to propose a different plausible explanation.  The only human feeding study conducted on the GMO's currently on the market show that the genes from soybeans, that were genetically engineered to resist spray from RoundUp, part of them transferred into the DNA of our gut bacteria.  Now, they didn't follow this up to see if the same thing happened with corn.  But if it did, and if the BT genes transferred to gut bacteria, and if they continue to function, that might turn our intestinal flora into living pesticide factories.  So that our very gut bacteria which is very useful for so many things might be a cause of producing this BT toxin which is known to elicit immune system responses and to poke holes in human cells.  So the reason why 93% of the women tested had BT toxin in their blood might have been because they were producing it themselves inside their own digestive tract.  

The third possible problem is that there are more herbicide residues.  Before we get there, I'd like to ask, can you see already why the processes of genetic engineering and BT toxin might explain the increase in digestive disorders?  Obviously, holes in the walls of the intestines, and allergic responses from the BT could increase histamines.  Histamines are related to digestive health as well.  The extra growth in the stomach walls, the intestinal walls etcetera.  

RoundUp may be worse [than BT toxin].  RoundUp since it was introduced, the weeds have developed resistance, so farmers are using more and more RoundUp.  The amount of herbicides used in the United States in the first 16 years of GMOs because of the herbicide-tolerant crops increased by over half a billion pounds.  Now, RoundUp was originally patented to clean boilers and pipes; not RoundUp, but glyphosate, the so-called active ingredient.  That's because it is a chelator.  It grabs onto the minerals.  You know that mineral build-up that happens inside boilers and pipes and your teakettle and whatnot?  Well, glyphosate pulls those and it binds with them.  So it's a descaler, but it also uses that same action, that same mode of action to kill plants.  

Glyphosate is destroying the health of anyone who eats animal and or vegetable protein.  Don't you think it's worth the fight to eliminate this pesticide from the farmland in America?  

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"What saves lives, frankly, is freedom to speak and freedom to find truth. What saves lives is immunity . . ."

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