Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Questioning doctors is enshrined in our faith.  Go and do likewise.

Read this, please.

However, after a day’s journey they looked for him among the group – only to discover he was not there. A frantic search then began and they returned in panic to Jerusalem. As St Luke tells us: “After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.” (Luke 2:46).

When his mother asked Jesus why he had behaved that way, upsetting both her and St Joseph, he responded: “Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (2:49) These are the first recorded words of Christ. His answer reveals both his sense of duty to God and his close relationship with his Heavenly Father.

Further, Pope St John Paul II once reflected on the hidden message of this event, which took place immediately after the Passover. He said: “Through this episode, Jesus prepares his Mother for the mystery of the Redemption. During those three dramatic days when the Son withdraws from them to stay in the temple, Mary and Joseph experience an anticipation of the triduum [three-day period] of his Passion, Death and Resurrection.”

Biden's IRS Army in Jeopardy?

Biden’s IRS army of 87,000 new armed recruits is coming under fire by the Republican party. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Jon Thune (R-SD) are working on a bill that would require Congress to approve IRS spending. Both men also sit on the House-Senate Joint Committee on Taxation. Biden would like to spend $80 billion on his IRS army over the next decade to shake down American taxpayers.

Our bill will ensure that the IRS is answerable to the American people in how it uses this money and will force it to forfeit funds every day it’s not in compliance,” Grassley said. “If our bill becomes law, the Biden administration’s IRS would have to answer to the American people, not Washington bureaucrats,” Thune added. The American people fund the IRS, and it is only right that they vote on how their money is spent. In fact, they should vote on whether there is a need for the IRS at all.

If the bill passes, the IRS must explain how they use their money every year. Funding to the IRS would be withheld if they failed to comply. If Congress turns red this November, this measure is likely to pass. This would be a great first step in a long overdue overhaul of the entire US tax system, which is designed to be as complex as possible so that the government can squeeze funds out of every citizen.

I ask them what would cause that? Most of the time they would say nutrient deficiencies, or toxins.

Already 25% of Tabulators Malfunctioning. Is This How Coups Are Run?

Monday, November 7, 2022

Not even Wally George or George Lincoln Rockwell talked like Tiffany Cross

The New York Post calls the host and her comments controversial. Her work is not controversial. It's pretty obvious that she peddles hate speech, anti-white hate speech. Not even Wally George or George Lincoln Rockwell made such vile race comments as Tiffany Cross abd her band of merry race baiters. This encourages all groups to be violent against whites, including whites.  If you call her speech controversial, then all speech is controversial.  And if you want to see how any group might react to political threats, just look at the respective mouthpieces on air.  Whites have Chuck Todd or Jake Tapper, liars.  Whites tend to have lots of speakers who end up in jail or destroy themselves with drugs and or women, or who harm or kill women.  Least those aspects of their lives is what's publicized.  Almost as if the editors and the media masters want white lives to be destroyed, white men in particular.  Will never forget how I sat through a lunch-time meeting of MEChA and how the instructor had the kids spouting hate speech toward whites, saying, "I will not be free until every single white European male is wiped from the face of the earth.."  Right, right.  European males but not european females.  That, my friends, is what you call protected speech.