Thursday, November 3, 2022


Here's what IP6 does to the protein 53 gene,

IP6 has been shown to desirably alter the expression of proteins produced by the p21 and p53 genes (these are cancer suppressing genes) that control cancer growth,

p53 is short for TP53, which stands for Tumor Protein 53.  TP53 is the name given to this particular protein in people.  In mice, it's labeled trp53. Biologically, the TP53 is pretty important to human life.  In fact, it's referred to as the Guardian of the Genome, so pretty dang important.  Wikipedia explains,

The p53 proteins (originally thought to be, and often spoken of as, a single protein) are crucial in vertebrates, where they prevent cancer formation.[6] As such, p53 has been described as "the guardian of the genome" because of its role in conserving stability by preventing genome mutation. 

So if the spike protein inserted in the COVID-19 vaccines causes the p53 genes to down regulate, meaning to become less responsive, and suppress your immune system, IP6 switches that and up-regulates your p53 genes so that they are more responsive.  

IP6 Gold has come recommended.


This panel got together on June 11, 2021, more than a year ago.  And after listening to an urgent call for everyone to get behind climate change as the organizing principle Jay Powell raised interest rates two weeks later with the intent to destroy Davos and their climate change weenies, the ECB always whining "Oh Bernanke or Yellen or Greenspan, please bail us out.  We don't know how to run our lives on a budget."  

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

"Those who pushed these vaccines face a reckoning we can hardly imagine."

Without medical ethics, you have no profession; you have a trade, but no profession

Dr. Richard Amerling.  

Furin insert is critical to make [the] spike protein infective in people, and the U.S. government own[s] the patent to it

Three things to look at:

1.  HIV Glyco-protein 120, which is a part of the HIV virus.

2.  We have the papers which show that Dr. Shi Zhengli-Li of the Wuhan Institute intentionally inserted that into the spike protein to make the Coronavirus infective.  There's also something known as the prra insert, and so those 4 amino acids at which those 3 nucleotide bases, which are the genetic for them, for each one, that's 12.  That insert is called a furin insert and no other coronavirus on the planet has that.  That insert is critical to make this spike protein infective in people, and the U.S. government just happens to own the patent for.  Not only is the glycoprotein a prion, so a prion is something that when it comes into your body it changes your protein so that it becomes abnormal.  Classic diseases that people are aware of are Mad Cow disease and Alzheimer's disease, and those are because of prions.  It turns out that not only is the glycoprotein 120 a prion but very much like a bix when you step on it you change the rest of the shape of the box.  When the prra inserts and the glycoprotein 120 are inserted in the spike protein they change the shape of the spike protein compared to other coronaviruses, and it turns out that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is a prion.  You can find the grants that paid for the research that led to this happening.  One of the patents is for the express purpose of altering, changing, genetically changing the spike protein on coronaviruses.  Now, I don't know how much clearer you have to get than patent, federal funding, genetically change spike proteins of coronaviruses.  I'm sorry. I mean I am just dumbfounded by the fact that we don't already have these guys in prison, but we're going to get there.  


In 2002, following the SARS-CoV-1 outbreak in China, Dr. Shi Zhengli-Li and colleagues at the Wuhan Institute of Virology began investigating how SARS-CoV-1 was transmitted. In particular Zhengli was interested how SARS-CoV-1 was transmitted from person to person. To do this, she developed chimeric (Gain-of-Function) coronaviruses using human immunodeficiency, virus-based pseudovirus systems (laboratory man-made viruses) with the cell lines of people, civet cats, and horseshoe bats. In March 2004, the US Health and Human Services agency announced that it was going to create the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity to be managed by the National Institutes of Health, thus consciously violating U. S. laws prohibiting such research. In 2005, Dr. Ralph Baric published a paper declaring he could alter the genome of coronaviruses. In 2006, using chimeric (Gain-of-Function) research, Chinese scientists in Wuhan reported their ability to combine parts of four different viruses into a single viral genome. They combined parts of four viruses: hepatitis C, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1, AIDS), SARS-CoV-1, and SARS-CoV-2. Thus, COVID-19 was made in a laboratory as an attempt to kill human beings