Monday, June 6, 2022

"B vitamins markedly slows the rate of whole and regional brain atrophy and also slows cognitive decline"

Consume high-dose B-12, Methylcobalamin.


I stopped ordering salmon at restaurants as well, even seafood restaurants unless their menu specifically states "wild-caught salmon." I once took a chance on farm-raised salmon from a local grocery store in Los Angeles back in 2010, and I got seriously ill.   

More than likely, the salmon you're eating at one of these seafood chain stores is GMO salmon. 

The first GMO salmon was sold, unlabeled and untested for long term health effects on humans, at a market in Philadelphia last summer, and production has increased since.

A GMO salmon plant, not even a salmon farm, is being built in Indiana that will cost at least $300,000 million and be fully operational in 2023.  The organization has already conducted test runs for their product without telling the consumer because, like the Tuskegee experiment, the owners of the AquaBounty GMO salmon want to test the population for side effects.  Lovely.

In May of this year, the FDA was sued over its failure to release documents pertaining to the approval of GMO salmon and the continued building of the $300 million GMO salmon farm in Pioneer, Ohio.

The facility is expected to be completed in 2023, with the stated goal of increasing GMO salmon production to 10,000 metric tons per year.


From reading Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula, and seeing a few Bella Lugosi versions of it, I've heard of the undead.  Hell, I've worked with a few.  I've also worked with the unloved, people who have never felt love or appreciation for their efforts or understanding from those they like or admire.  It's a tough world out there.  But too many of these undead, unloved souls reach, God knows how, official and unofficial seats of power with the sole desire to quench their envy on your name, your work, or your soul.  These are above-ground troglodytes who seek destruction for its own sake, who don't really operate on any other code.  Not quite nihilistic since your demise is front and center of their destructive machinations.  And it is to their pure delight that you, by way of bills, house payment, personal responsibility, and work ethic that you show up everyday and give them an opportunity to endure their crap. Oh, no.  These ghouls are goal-oriented: your destruction.  So don't give in.  Take back that spiritual territory and send them back into the depths of Hell.


Predictive programming is literary mass mind control that is used to different effects or ends.  The technique can be used for good or evil.  So be aware.  Language is flexible, and so are intentions.  Call it predictive programming, call it subliminal messaging, call it mind control.  It's all the same thing.  Or brainwashing, which is just repetition.  It's not just something used by diabolical cabals breaking GMO bread in some mountain resort in Switzerland, but it is also used in advertising, music videos, commercials for your favorite soap, or sugary foods that ruin your health.  It is a form of hidden messaging, and so with any deceit you've got to be paying attention, you have to be on the ball whenever you read, see, or hear anything.  You can't approach messaging like you would reading a novel, curled up under a blanket on a cool autumn afternoon reading Tolstoy's War and Peace.  One use of predictive programming is to manage the panic to events, like supply chain shortages or catastrophic events, like 9/11, or the fallout from mass vaccination programs.  But because it is a form of subliminal messaging, some folks can integrate the messaging as instruction rather than a warning.  That's not good.  That, in fact, is the function of a lazy mind. You can't expect others to be moral or ethical to you.  You've got to control that spiritual territory that surrounds your soul.  Vigilance with every decision, every action you take assesses the risks, considers where and what it can lead to, and proceed with caution.  Guarantees don't exist and your results may vary.  For we're always dealing with entropy.  You can have the best-laid plans, but no plan, no decision, no execution of an action is risk-free.  We can have something planned out to the minute, to the penny, to the conversation, but there's always going to be something that you did not calculate.  Entropy.  So in general, cooperation is the goal of those designing the messaging in predictive programming.  It's like what Tom Luongo says,   

Be ungovernable.