Monday, May 9, 2022

Right. To. Jail. Right away.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA: Premier Dan Andrews is passing a bill that prohibits people from growing their own food.

BREAKING: Justice Samuel Alito has reportedly been moved to an undisclosed location for safety



Learn more of Kathy Barnette here, here, here, and here.

The 6 Warning Signs of Dementia


1.  Poor Organization.
2.  Personality Changes.
3.  Constipation. 
4.  Sensory Dysfunction.
5.  Language Problems.
6.  Problems Navigating.


1.  TAKE MORE B1.  Hippocampus shrinks due to B1 deficiency.  Nutritional Yeast is the best source of B1.  Stop the alcohol and high glycemic carbohydrates.  Demand for thiamine goes way up when you consume carbohydrates.  You need B1 to metabolize carbohydrates.

2.  FIX THE GUT.  Lack of diversity of microbiome.  Always seems to be gut inflammation.  1) Consume different types of vegetables.  2) Fasting increases the diversity of your microbiome. When you starve off the microbes, they get stronger.  Part of the survival genes.  Gut and brain are a bi-directional, feedback loop.  From the Vagus Nerve you have information going from the gut to the brain and back again.  A good amount of neurotransmitters are produced by microbes.  B vitamins are made by your own microbiome.  Huge improvements in dementia once patients are off gluten.  Go on low-carb, no-grain diet.  Consume organic, non-GMO foods.  

3.  CONSUME MORE SPROUTS.  Sprouts have more sulforaphanes.

4.  KETONES.  Ketones bypass the damage in the brain and feed the neurons directly.  Intermittent fasting and periodic prolonged fasting because fasting upregulates all sorts of genetic factors that support your brain.

From PubMed,

EGb 761 (extract of Ginkgo biloba 761) comes from a single type of tree, a living fossil, the only remaining representative of its phylum; it contains chemical substances unknown in other living things. The flavonoid fraction accounts for 24% of the extract and terpenes (ginkgolides and bilobalide) for 6%. It acts in many different situations and organs, and exerts protective effect on neurodegenerative, sensory, and vascular diseases. In all of these different domains, it has been shown to act at all levels of the organization of life: molecules, cells, tissue, entire organisms, sometimes in particular situations (related to a particular pathology or to senescence) and in humans. Although many questions remain, what stands out in the literature is the overall consistency of the data. Particularly remarkable is that EGb 761 does not exert a specific unidirectional action (activating or inhibiting) in these various domains of physiology and pathology; rather it is regulatory, helping the organism to adapt to the circumstances in which it finds itself.

"Impacts cognitive function.  Not insignificant.  Creates a huge impact on your brain."

7.  OMEGA 3, FATTY ACIDS, VITAMIN D, ZINC, EXERCISE, & SLEEP.  Sleep deprivation raises cortisol and depletes the brain of oxygen.