Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Davos with Tom Luongo

Jake Sullivan and company.  

US threatens to sanction China and India, and they both laughed.

Turkey is the pivotal country because they're a NATO asset and they've declared that they'll continue doing business with Russia.

Turks have the largest army in NATO next to the United States.  But their army can't move because they'd destabilize Turkey if they were to move on Russia.  Why would they back NATO given how they and NATO have treated Turkey the last 5 years? 

If Singapore building a FoxConn plant in Saudi Arabia. 

The Saker.  

10% inflation will reset values.  

Putin didn't stop the flow of oil, Biden did.  Progressives have voted against refinery bills and pipeline bills.  Were you against the Keystone Pipeline because Obama told you it was a bad idea?  "And it doesn't impact oil prices at all because there was no oil flowing through it yet."

Russian oil has been the thing that has kept oil prices under control certainly in the south. And the minute we cut off Venezuela oil for Russia's ural grade and the minute the Gulf refineries under Biden's orders stopped, or slowed down their imports of Russian oil, which started in January by the way, gas prices here in Florida which were $2.50 a gallon, $2.60 a gallon back in late January, are now $4.50 a gallon, and it's purely because the Gulf refineries are running out of feedstock.  We can't buy the stuff that's refined in New Jersey, that goes to North Jersey.  And they buy it off the North Sea.  They don't buy it off the Permian, guys.  Oil is not just oil, and where oil is and where it needs to go where the refineries are, that s×÷t matters.  Where the refineries are and what they're tuned for matters.  Fractal distillation is a thing that nobody learned.  

Jaime Diamond and Jerome Powell won't let the Davos crowd blackmail the FED. They're independent.  Fed Fund Rate is 1 point, telling Pelosi and the Davis-controlled Congress "Screw you.  You find the money to pay these trillion-dollar bills.  And it's going to be 2% by June." 

We have all the liquidity to pay the bills.  We have facilities that our banks need.  We have the foreign repo facility.  We have the reverse repo facility.  We have all the unlimited elastic money we need to keep our banks solvent, while every bank in Europe goes bust.  

14:32  The reason we're in the shape we are today is because we've [meaning our central bank] been bailing out Europe for 14 years.  Christine Lagarde gas been trying to blackmail [me] for a year and a half.  She bats for Europe.

Find Tom's work at https://tomluongo.me

Monday, March 14, 2022

Nixon initiated the Biological Weapons treaty in 1972. Genetic engineering was discovered a year later.

Start with this,

Nixon initiated the Biological Weapons treaty in 1972. Genetic engineering was discovered a year later. And so at each BW Convention Review Conference held every 5-6 years, the US would block adding provisions for inspections and sanctions.

Nass provides us with an excellent context for the US's concern over chemical and bioweapons labs.


Retinol is the fat-soluble vitamin A; Retinol Palmitate is the esther form of it.  


We need look no further than Chris Masterjohn’s article, “Vitamin A, The Forgotten Bodybuilding Nutrient” (Wise Traditions, Fall 2004). As Masterjohn explains, “The utilization of protein requires vitamin A. Several animal studies have shown that liver reserves of vitamin A are depleted by a high dietary intake of protein, while vitamin A increases in non-liver tissues. One explanation for this is that adequate protein is necessary for vitamin A transport. In one study, researchers fed radioactively-labeled vitamin A to rats on low-protein and high-protein diets, using the amount of radioactivity present in exhaled gases, urine and feces as a measure of the metabolism of vitamin A, and found that vitamin A is indeed used at a higher rate on a high-protein diet.”

Masterjohn continues, “Vitamin A is not only depleted by a high intake of protein, but it is also necessary for the synthesis of new protein, which is the goal of the bodybuilder. Rats fed diets deficient in vitamin A synthesize protein at a lower rate than rats fed adequate vitamin A. Cultured skeletal muscle cells increase the amount of protein per cell when exposed to vitamin A and D, but not when exposed to vitamin D alone.”

In other words, eating lean meat or taking a protein powder sends a signal to the liver: “Send me vitamin A!” Protein consumed in the absence of fat, with its precious cargo of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin A, is an effective way of rapidly depleting your liver of vitamin A stores.

What happens when the liver becomes depleted of vitamin A, so that none can be made available to the body when needed?

Vitamin A is key to almost every process in the body—the concert master, so to speak—not only for protein synthesis, but also for hormone production (including sex hormones like testosterone, and thyroid hormone); vitamin A is also key to immune system function, critical for healthy vision and hearing, plays a role in bone health, and works in tandem with vitamins D and K2 for everything from the prevention of heart disease to the production of feel-good chemicals. A diet of lean meat, or one that incorporates protein powders, is a recipe for hormone disruption, fatigue, depression, bone problems, auto-immune disease, vision and hearing problems, heart disease and even cancer.


Thank you to Chris Sullivan at LewRockwell.com