Saturday, February 5, 2022

PROJECT NIGHTINGALE: Catholic health care system . . . with tens of millions of patient records available for processing health care data.

What is Project Nightingale, you ask? 

Project Nightingale is a data storage and processing project by Google Cloud and Ascension, a Catholic health care system comprising a chain of 2,600 hospitals, doctors' offices and other related facilities, in 21 states, with tens of millions of patient records available for processing health care data. Ascension is one of the largest health-care systems in the United States with comprehensive and specific health care information of millions who are part of its system. The project is Google's attempt to gain a foothold into the healthcare industry on a large scale.[1] AmazonMicrosoft and Apple Inc. are also actively advancing into health care, but none of their business arrangements are equal in scope to Project Nightingale.

Attack of the Transphobic, Putin Nazi Truckers

From the Off-Guardian's C.J. Hopkins' "Attack of the Transphobic, Putin Nazi Truckers":

They rolled up on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill like one of the plagues in the Book of Revelations, honking their infernal air horns, the grills of their tractors grinning demonically, the sides of their dry vans painted with blasphemies like “FREEDOM TO CHOOSE,” “MANDATE FREEDOM,” “NO VACCINE MANDATES,” and “UNITED AGAINST TYRANNY.”

Yes, that’s right, New Normal Canada has been invaded and now is under siege by hordes of transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers, racist homophobes, anti-Semitic Islamaphobes, and other members of the working classes!

According to the corporate media, these racist, Russia-backed, working-class berserkers are running amok through the streets of Ottawa, waving giant “swastika flags,” defecating on war memorials, sacking multi-million-dollar “soup kitchens,” and eating the food right out of homeless people’s mouths.

Rumor has it, a kill squad of truckers has been prowling the postnatal wards of hospitals, looking for Kuwaiti babies to yank out of their incubators.

I know, this is Canada, so that sounds a little dubious, but this has all been thoroughly fact-checked by the fact-checkers at the New Normal Ministry of Truth…you know, the ones that fact-checked Russiagate, and the Attempted Putin-Nazi Insurrection of January 6 at the US Capitol, and the safety and effectiveness of the Covid “vaccines,” and the masks, and the inflated Covid statistics, and the rest of the official Covid narrative.

Or just take it from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau…

Keep reading . . . 

Friday, February 4, 2022

TIMES of ISRAEL: "strong correlation between sufficient vitamin D levels and ability to fight the coronavirus still held"

 It is interesting to see how the media is working to bury the whole vaccine debacle.  They've taken the people's prospects from grim to worse after a 3rd and 4th shot only to portray the obvious--a crashing of immunity across all populations.  This was a  surprise?  Suddenly, governments around the world are "DISCOVERING" that a vitamin D deficiency forecasts outcomes.  This was not news.  The benefits of Vitamin D have ridden a 25-to-30-year wave of popularity.  But scientists and their experts are learning this only now?  Someone in the Fauci $6 billion-dollar chain of command has ordered scientists to now, only now, to talk about the benefits of vitamin D and how the real culprit is not so much the SARS_Co-V-2, no.  Instead, it's a vitamin D deficiency.  And even though the results have come back as remarkable, the report on the study fails to identify how much vitamin D was applied to achieve those "remarkable" results.  

And then to run cover for their dealy in this "news," the author of the report, Nathan Jeffay, offers only a feigned sense of scientific distancing, 

They found that the strong correlation between sufficient vitamin D levels and ability to fight the coronavirus still held, and the level of increased danger in their preliminary findings remained almost identical. 

So he goes from causation, ". . . study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D's power to fight COVID," to correlation, "They found that the strong correlation between sufficient vitamin D levels and ability to fight the coronavirus still held . . . ."  So the best they can do is soft-pedal a recommendation?  What the Times of Israel and Nathan Jeffay fail to understand is that you not only need to take magnesium with vitamin D but you ALSO need glutathione.  Also, Magnesium Girl may be on to something.  It may not be vitamin D alone that brings you back from the brink, but it may actually be magnesium.  I've seen her recommend magnesium glycinate in several posts.  

LEIGH DUNDAS: "When something works, you keep doing it"

SHAQUILLE O'NEAL: No one should be forced

God, these media progressives are the real jackboots of the American Reich.  They soft-pedal the state's line and then like a pitbull bite you as you turn to go.  Just really glad to hear Shaq defend freedom of choice.  Thank you, Shaquille O'Neal.  Here is some backstory on the interview.