Thursday, February 3, 2022

CHONDROITIN SULFATE: "chondroitin sulfate gives you the greatest power over cardiovascular disease"


The following is a sales letter for a product called NUTRI-SPEC, a Chondroitin Sulfate blend.  Despite it being a sales letter, it does provide some important information about Chondroiting Sulfate as a heart medicine and not just a compound for joints.  I love its description of CS right off the bat as "the patriarch of the family of compounds."  

Chondroitin sulfate is the patriarch of the family of compounds that once were known as mucopolysaccharides, and which have more recently been re-named glycosaminoglycans, or GAGS. It is even more absurd with chondroitin sulfate than with glucosamine that the health food industry has pigeon-holed it as an arthritis remedy when that is only one of many (and not nearly the most important) beneficial effect it offers. Of all the amazing ingredients in Formula ES and Go Power/Diphasic A.M., chondroitin sulfate gives you the greatest power over cardiovascular disease. Before we describe the biological activity of this amazing substance let us make one thing perfectly clear with respect to your NUTRI-SPEC supplements – they do not contain some crude cartilage concentrate passed off as chondroitin sulfate. This is the real thing. This is chondroitin-4-sulfate, the biologically active compound (also known as chondroitin sulfate A). There are a lot of companies out there selling products they call chondroitin sulfate that is nothing more than powdered beef trachea. That crude substance has a tiny fraction of  the biological activity, and quite frankly, isn't worth a fraction of the cost.  Chondroitin sulfate (CS) has many important functions in human physiology. Many of those functions relate to the structure and function of joints and other connective tissues. The importance of CS to connective tissues will be discussed in future Letters. For now, let us concentrate on the most important function of CS – the protection of the cardiovascular system. 

And by the way, when it says "cardiovascular system," it's also including your highly vascular brain.  Whereas Chondroitin Sulfate is recommended as a heart medicine, and it definitely repairs the heart, it also repairs all vascular injuries throughout your body. Here are the benefits: 

CS helps maintain arterial elasticity. (Remember, arteries are largely connective tissue.)

CS retards the arteriosclerotic and aging processes within the arterial wall. 

CS also possesses lipid clearing activity. It lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, and it normalizes the ratio between HDL, LDL, and VLDL. 

Most importantly, CS clears lipids not just in the serum but from within the cells as well. 

CS supplementation has also been shown to significantly reduce angina in patients with cardiovascular disease.

CS has been found to protect against thrombus formation. 

The most striking statistic regarding CS supplementation shows that in cardiovascular disease patients treated with CS, the likelihood of having a myocardial infarct, suffering coronary insufficiency, or myocardial ischemia. 

You may want more proof.  Then please check out Bill Sardi's page on Chondroitin Sulfate where he has persuasive photographs along with cases of individuals with cardiovascular injuries who've recovered from taking Chondroitin Sulfate. 

VIRGINIA MOM: ". . . playing politics with kids' faces by placing restrictive fabric over their nose and mouth that the CDC itself said don't do anything and it's for their safety"



"Ar least under [Polish] communism you could go to church"

Thank you to Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo.