Saturday, January 8, 2022

"Everyone who died of COVID should be considered murdered"

"And families are realizing this, and they are rising up and they are going to come after governments and the hospitals."  Morgan Wallace

On Tuesday, January 4, 2022, registered nurse Morgan Wallace spoke at a New Hanover County school board meeting in Wilmington, North Carolina, where she demolished the COVID narrative and called out medical authorities for refusing to promote early treatment protocols.  Continue reading . . . . 

PHOTOS [CAREFUL]: Genital necrosis with cutaneous thrombosis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination

An 84-year-old Japanese woman presented to our department with a three-day history of genital necrosis. She had received her first dose of Pfizer–BioNTech (New York, NY, USA; Mainz, Germany) BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine 26 days before admission. Nine days after the vaccination, she developed increasing pain in her genital region. She denied any trauma or precipitating event. Her medical history was significant for deep vein thrombosis after orthopaedic surgery, for which she had been receiving edoxaban over the past three years. She had no other risk factors for thrombosis.

Treatment was started with ampicillin/sulbactam along with local wound care. Her fever, leukocytosis and genital pain resolved within the first week. The skin lesions also improved: more than 80% of the eschar had fallen off when she was discharged after one month of admission (Fig.2a), and epithelization was almost completed another month later (Fig.2b).


The p53 protein (TP53) is a vital tumor suppressor

Telomeres cap the ends of chromosomes and are crucial for genome stability. The p53protein (TP53) is a vital tumor suppressor, activating the transcription of numerous genes in response to cell stress. We reported that direct binding of p53 at human subtelomeres corresponds with local transcription activation and enhanced telomere stability in the presence of DNA damage.

Supreme Court justices have a history of making abominable decisions in the name of public health and safety due to relying on the recommendations of "experts."


From Life Extension,

As we age, our immune system function deteriorates, leaving us increasingly susceptible to health threats such as cancer, autoimmunity, infections, and chronic inflammation. This process is called immune senescence.

Scientists are studying various methods for countering immune senescence, including young stem-cell mobilized plasma transfusions. Research suggests old blood may contain pro-aging factors whose concentrations are diluted by young-blood transfusions, potentially causing rejuvenating effects.

In addition, several natural interventions, including cistanchereishi, and  zinc may slow or potentially reverse the course of immune senescence.

How Aging Accelerates Immune Decline

Decreased numbers of naïve T cells, or cells that can easily be activated to recognize and respond to diseases like the flu and cancer.

Increased numbers of senescent memory T cells that have lost their ability to divide and function properly and instead release pro-inflammatory molecules.

Decreased natural killer (NK) cell activity, which is linked to increased illness and death from infections, atherosclerosis, and diminished response to the flu vaccine.

Cytomegalovirus infection may be associated with immune senescence, cardiovascular disease, frailty, and mortality. 

Some of the above compounds read like effective anti-aging substances.  Check out what NCBI says about Herba Cistanche,

Herba Cistanche extracts are pharmacologically active, with a range of functions that include improving chronic renal disease and senile constipation, increasing learning/memorizing ability, treating Alzheimer's disease (AD), and improving immunity.