Saturday, November 6, 2021

BEWARE: The Vaxxed spread the spike protein via the air, the urine, the blood, the semen, & sweat

"Let me give you the science.  You go into a Leukemia ward in a children's hospital, or a transplant ward, anywhere.  And there have been, most of my career, signs on the door that read, "If you've recently had a vaccination, you cannot come in for 7 weeks." 

"a study from the Atomic Scientist as I recall where they have the ability to make a self-spreading vaccine.  If they can make it self-spreading for immunity, they can make it self-spreading for the opposite, meaning immune-suppressive."

How many of you asked yourself,  "Until we know more, I don't want children to be around those who've been recently inoculated because we don't know enough yet."

"I don't understand how parents can be so MKULTRA'd."

". . . so the indoctrination about vaccines started long, long ago."

"other doctors refused to see her because she was vaccine injured and they didn't want to get swept up into diagnosing vaccine injuries that the medical establishment says doesn't exist."

Her name is Dr. Christiane Northrup and Mike Adams. 

1986 of the vaccine schedule tripled.  J & J, AstraZeneca is the worst.  

Northup, 11:22  The drug Suramin is found in pine needles.  So we have pine needle tea, having an antidote to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.  

11:30  It is the spike protein of the vaccinated that is in the air, in the urine, in the blood, in the semen, in the sweat of people who've had the shot.  Now, I remember listening to you talking about a study from the Atomic Scientist as I recall where they have the ability to make a self-spreading vaccine.  If they can make it self-spreading for immunity, they can make it self-spreading for the opposite, meaning immune-suppressive.

Adams, 12:03 (joking around), "9/11 Emergency?  what's my emergency?  Oh, yeah, my vaccine won't work unless someone else takes it too."  What an indictment of American common sense.  

Northrup, 12:25  Think about the brainwashing that led to that.  You have to give your kid 72 different shots to protect my immuno-compromised kid.  Let me give you the science.  You go into a Leukemia ward in a children's hospital, or a transplant ward, anywhere.  And there have been, most of my career, signs on the door that read, "If you've recently had a vaccination, you cannot come in for 7 weeks," because we know that a chickenpox vaccine, a polio vaccine sheds virus.  We know that.  

Now, this is not that kind of a shot.  This is mRNA that is actually programming your body to produce the spike protein that is the thing that injures people and cross-reacts with 28 different human tissues, including syncytin.  Syncytin is a protein, made by the way from ancient DNA viruses, that is absolutely essential to fuse cells, to create the placenta.  Syncytial trophoblast is a specific type of tissue in the placenta, so it looks like the synthetic spike proteins can cross-react, can cause auto-immunity, that causes the person to reject their own placenta.  So, if I were pregnant at this particular time, I would use that time to say, "I need to care for the life that is coming through me."  So, if it's optional, I'm not going to fly on a plane; I'm not gonna be around grandma . . . I just want to know more.  Did you have Leila Centner on your show from the Centner Academy down in Miami?  Basically, she made what I consider just a very sound and reasonable decision, "Until we know more, I don't want children to be around those who've been recently inoculated because we don't know enough yet."  And I just think that's very, very sound.  Now, many parents, about 20, I think, left the school there angry, they were fighting to have their kids PCR tests weekly and masking!  I don't understand how parents can be so MKULTRA'd.  

Northrup, 15:05  And so the indoctrination about vaccines started long, long ago.  "We need to reach herd immunity . . . ."  By the way, herd immunity is not a proven concept unless, of course, you are a herd and unless a certain percentage of the herd had the actual disease.  

First of all, a vaccine does not give you normal immunity.  It doesn't give you the immunity that you get from actually having the disease.  When I was a young mother, I did everything in my power to get my kids infected with chickenpox.  And by the way, you can get into a parallel world that says these viruses haven't been isolated, and chickenpox doesn't cause disease, and all the rest; it makes your mind bend.  But what I do know is that I got my kids exposed to chickenpox as many times as I could.  They never got it.  When did they get it?  When they were 12 or 14.  There are other factors going on. We don't understand it.  It's terrain theory vs. germ theory.  And now we are in a time when terrain is more important.  

I just learned this from Sandra Biscayne.  You can make your own Hydrochloroquine which is going to keep you healthy.  You take: 3 organic grapefruit; 3 organic lemons.  You take the rind off of them and put them in a pot with a glass top, and then you simmer it for 3 hours.  Let it cool down.  Strain it out of there.  You can freeze it, [how is this related to the terrain theory?] put it in the refrigerator, and take 2 tablespoons twice a day.  And then you've got your own quercetin or hydroxychloroquine.  

Northrup, 18:23  We humans, who still know how to think critically, are creating a parallel health system.  Because our local hospital has become essentially a prison.  (I call them abattoirs, but, hey, prison, abattoir, who's going to differ?)  But it's true.  They won't let you go unless you meet their conditions.  

Adams, 18:45  Back to the spike protein and the transmission, Sheri Tenpenny says that perhaps it's the spike protein but we're not sure yet.  Do you have any information on what may be transmitting from vaccinated people to unvaccinated people?  Second question is--do we know how long this effect lasts after a person is recently vaccinated?  Because with mRNA, the body is turned into a factory to churn out spike proteins.  So how long is the mRNA taking over our body's cells?  Does that peter out over time or what?  What do we know?  

Northrup, 19:26  We don't know.  We don't know.  the mRNA does go in there, and there's good science that it gets destroyed by the body.  But here's the problem.  Through a process called "transfection," the mRNA recipe does not . . . goes through the ribosomes--and it's not like I totally understand this, but I do know from transfection that in the daughter cells when the original cells undergo mitosis, then the DNA will become affected, not on the first round but later.  So that we do have evidence that it changes your DNA and then you become a factory for this synthetic antibody to the spike protein.  There are two things: there's the antibody that your body is creating, and there's also the spike protein.  As Sheri Tenpenny points out, there are 50 billion spiked proteins in each of the shots.  so that's going through your body and it's obviously being excreted.  [That's good news!  But how long?]  So I think that our only hope here is to not allow yourself to sink into fear, although it's scary as anything, especially if you're pregnant, especially if you want to preserve your fertility.  What I would say is this: don't get the shot.  Like don't get the shot.  Oh, and by the way,  

22:00  We know that they know that something is being transmitted.  We know that because of the Pfizer document that they issued to everyone who was going to be in the clinical trials that said, "Do not have sex with anyone who can get pregnant for 7 weeks because you don't want any skin contact; you don't want any sexual fluid going into another person."  They obviously know something that they are not telling us.  

Adams, 22:35  A lot of the reports have been about women experiencing effects, but I've heard that some men are experiencing bruising, and couldn't this interfere with spermatogenesis and sperm motility?  It seems like the primary effects in men and women is targeting fertility.  

Northrup,  23:00  That is correct.  Scrotal swelling.  Blood in the urethra.  We know that that is happening.  From years in the medical profession, here's what I konw about men: men generally don't talk about this stuff.  They don't talk about it.  Women talk about it all the time, "Oh, yeah, my period is like clockwork. . . ."  What is the worst of it is that doctors are saying to women bleeding in pregnancy, "Oh, that's normal."  Or, here's my favorite . . . you know that group that was on Del Bigtree, the frontline nurses who were having problems of convulsions after getting the shot?  Their doctors were telling them that they had a conversion disorder, like a psychiatric illness.  Are you kidding me!!!  This is the same as denial about vaccine injury.  [The same?  It IS the DENIAL OF VACCINE INJURY!!!]  "Oh, it's anything but the vaccine.  It's all coincidence."  The medical profession has been brainwashed, lock, stock, and barrel by the pharmaceutical industry.  

Adams, 24:10  One said that other doctors refused to see her because she was vaccine injured and they didn't want to get swept up into diagnosing vaccine injuries that the medical establishment says don't exist.  So they say, it's all in your head, essentially claiming that you're making it up.  It's one thing to be damaged by this bioweapon, but then they're abused by the medical system.  

Northrup, 24:50  Oh, absolutely.  This has been going on forever.  It's why I wrote, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, 2020, because women would sit on the couch in my office and tell me their stories, [tell me of] sexual abuse, or whatever it was, and I could relate it to what was going on in their bodies.  I wasn't hearing this, I wasn't trained in this as an OB/GYN physician.  There are even studies about who is going to get into trouble in labor and what kind of trouble it would be depending upon the abuse programs in her body and her thinking.  This is the standard operating procedure of blaming the woman for being crazy.  

Adams, 26:00  Even before the COVID vaccines, with the MMR vaccines, doctors were telling parents, "Oh, don't worry.  If your child has seizures, just give your child some Tylenol.

Northrup, 26:17  The eye-opening [documentary], and your listeners can see this for free, is called Medical Racism: The New Apartheid, produced by the Children's Defense Fund and co-produced by my friend, Kevin Jenkins. It unearths racism in the medical industry.  [Oh, just glad political biases and resentment doesn't exist with any other group, ahem. Bizarre that RFK, Jr. would come out and say that we're not against vaccines but that you should be more informed on what vaccine you want to take.]  African American boys are 3 x as likely to overreact to the MMR because their immune system is so robust, actually, that when you give an MMR shot--they should probably have one-third the dose to get the same immune response.  And the whistleblower from the CDC, Dr. Paul Thomas, I think, is still working at the CDC, [she's referring to Dr. William Thompson, the book Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, by Kevin Barry, 2015, contains Dr. Thompson's travails] and he came forward and said that those documents showing an immune response in African American boys were there but he was asked to destroy them.  These are the people who destroyed Dr. Andrew Wakefield's career as a physician.  And by the way, when that happened everyone just ran away from Andy Wakefield because he had been targeted.  Now there are so many doctors coming forward--you reported on the 11 doctors who strangely committed suicide and all of them had been doing deep dives into vaccine research.

Adams, 28:02   That number, as I understand it and Erin Elizabeth [also here] covers it, numbers up to 100 [here, are a few, Brandy Vaughan,], but it's not just doctors, it's complementary medicine practitioners and so on.  What you've stated here honestly is like a death cult, the vaccine industry is a death cult.  The doctors have been recruited into this cult, and you don't ever go against the cult.  You can't say someone was injured by the vaccines or you will be attacked and ostracised in the way that Wakefield was.  In your case, for example, you used to be on Oprah, and you were named one of the most trusted persons in America, a hero of pop medicine culture

Northrup, 28:55  I was on Dr. Oz.  I had public television specials.  And in all of my books, every single one of them, I've had stuff about vaccines.  I came out on Oprah in 2006, saying that the Gardasil vaccine was not a good idea.  That was long before all these girls died from it or were maimed from it and got POTS syndrome, so I didn't change anything. What changed is that they ramped up the propaganda.  And then decided if they couldn't beat you as an anti-vaxxer if you were being effective at reaching people, then what they did to you was eliminate you or have a smear campaign.  I intuitively knew that something was up when it came time to renew my license in 2015, and I just decided not to renew it.  I had other things going on, I had a newsletter, and a company that makes a wonderful herb for menopause, so I could make a living without my medical license, and boy, am I glad I did.  The New York Times filed a FOIA request to the Board of Registration in Medicine just recently and they sent me the complaint.  And the complaints were from all over the world, "This doctor is using her platform to say some things about the vaccine agenda, and you should shut her down."  And the Board would say, "She doesn't have a license here, so this isn't in our jurisdiction."  

Adams, 30:33  There is a global war on doctors, and I've met many of them, like Dr. Stella Immanuel, for example, frontline doctors, who are speaking out--you are the whistleblowers--but then you're called the Dirty Dozen or the Disinformation Dozen, but you're the whistleblowers.  But my question to you Dr. Northrup, is how long do you think they can keep this up?  By my calculation here, the fatality rate of this current COVID vaccine is many orders of magnitude higher than all the previous vaccines that we've been worried about, like MMR.  We're talking a 1,000 x higher fatality rate, maybe another order.  How can they cover this up when there are so many people dying, so many people suffering, being injured by this, I mean how long can they do this?  

Northrup, 31:27  I believe that we're going to be at a tipping point.  I predict this summer is going to be the tipping point.  [she's close.]  It has to.  

This is an excellent summary of the spike proteins and the gene-therapy injections.  

BREAKING: US 5th Circuit Court of Appeals halts Biden administration’s vaccine mandate

Dr. Peter McCullough


[FAUCI] assigns the cowering IDSA docs to give him cover with an insane "not recommended outside clinical trial" on Nov. 1. The U.S-led war on repurposed drugs steamrolls on