Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Pfizer admitted it hasn't tested the long-term efficacy - or the long-term risks

Excessive drinking during pandemic leading to big spike in liver transplant operations

It doesn't get any easier to understand what the vaccine manufacturers have done to the American people

AMERICA: Has only 4.5% of the world's population, but 25% of all the world's COVID-19 deaths. How did that happen?

Thanks to Walter Riley @ Lew Rockwell.


In May 2020, when Fauci and the NIH put out their mandates for treating hospitalized patients, I knew that based on the drug they assigned hospitals to use in their protocols to treat COVID patients, Remdesivir, would turn out to be Fauci's genocide. 

3:50  It was going to be how Antony Fauci was going to kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans in hospitals treated around the country and I have not gotten off of this ever since.  

The truth is that in the memo when Fauci stated was that there was one drug and one drug only that "was found to be effective and a viral trial against Ebola virus a years earlier.  And this experimental, anti-viral drug, called Remdesivir, that at that time had never been FDA approved, he said it was proven safe and effective against the Ebola virus and that now we were going to use it in America as the only treatment for all hospitalized, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 infected people.  

And so I had never heard of Remdesivir, but I had selected the actual hyperlink on NIH.gov's website, the National Institutes of Health, and this is important for . . . you mentioned you have audiences all around the country--it really doesn't matter how big your audience is or how small it is or where it is.  It doesn't matter if there is only 1 person in that audience, they all have loved ones and family members--they all need to be warned of this same message, so I was going to take on and have been ever since, to take on any audience no matter how big their platform is to warn as many people as possible of the ill-advised protocols that were going to do more harm and cause more death than the SARS-CoV-2 infection by itself, and that still stands true a year and a half later.  

On the May 1st, 2020 memo, Fauci claimed that the Remdesivir, on the Ebola trial, proved it to be safe and effective against the Ebola virus, this drug called Remdesivir. So I clicked the link to read the study, which I've read studies for the last 20 years being in practice, only to find out that not only was the drug not found to be safe, it definitely was not found to be effective.  It was the least effective and had the highest death rate of the 4 experimental drugs that were in that trial.  

5:50  So halfway through this trial with the Ebola patients in Africa, the Safety Independent Board found that Remdesivir had a mortality rate of 53.1%.  In fact, it was the only drug that had a death rate of over half of everyone they gave it to.  So the drug was found to be so dangerous that the Independent Board in August 2019 pulled Remdesivir from the study and said "No other Africans could get this drug.  It wasn't safe or effective against the Ebola virus." It was only proven to be the most deadly.  Then I knew Antony Fauci was lying in his memo that he sent out to all hospitals that this was the only drug that you're going to use.  Don't use anything else, like Hydroxychloroquine in the memo.  He goes on to state in that memo that Hydroxychloroquine was proven in COVID-19 patients to cause heart attacks and deaths, so it's not approved for COVID-19.  And I just thought that was odd because Hydroxychloroquine has been approved for 70 years, safe and effective over the world, over-the-counter safe for most of the world.  So I knew something was wrong with that, but I didn't care about that as much as I wanted to know more about Remdesevir.  

7:00  So I learned very quickly in the New England Journal of Medicine from the Ebola virus trial that Anthony Fauci LIED.  Remdesivir was not safe and effective against the Ebola Virus, so then I wanted to know what else he was lying about, so I clicked the 2nd study that he was referencing and this was called a cohort study, totally funded and carried out by Gilead, which owns Remdesivir's patent.  And in March 2020, Gilead decided to treat 53 people from Japan, Canada, and America that were COVID-19 positive.  And they gave them the Remdesivir drug for 10 days.  And this is significant because the Ebola trial was published in December 2019.  Just 3 months later, in March 2020, Gilead is going to give Remdesivir to a new trial COVID group with 53 people.  In the Ebola trial, they gave Remdesivir for 28 days and the other drugs.  And at 28 days, Remdesivir was found to be the deadliest of the 4 experimental drugs.  So now 3 months after that Ebola trial is wrapped up and is finished, in March 2020, Gilead is like let's just give these COVID-19 patients, 53 of them, 10 days of Remdesivir, and see what happens.  And their actual conclusions were 23% of all 53 people they gave the drug to, Remdesivir for 10 days, 23% of them had acute kidney failure, liver failure, multiple organ failure, 8% had to be taken off the drug by Day 10 because they had such severe liver failure or kidney failure; they needed kidney transplants, they were doing to die.  That's 31% of everybody they put that drug on in that 53-person trial.  Now he lied about the efficacy of the Ebola trial.  Now I know this drug is super dangerous and causes acute kidney failure in 30% of everyone you give that drug to.  And then 2 months later, on May 1, 2020, Anthony Fauci is saying that this is the one proven drug, safe and effective for all Americans, and I knew he was lying, and I knew he was setting up a hospital protocol with a very dangerous drug, called Remdesivir, not proven safe or effective.  And that this one drug was going to be the cause of most deaths from supposedly COVID-19, that they would call COVID-19 deaths in hospitals, when in fact it was death by Remdesivir poisoning.  Remdesivir causes acute kidney failure in 30% of everybody you give it to within 5 days.  What happens then when you have someone on an IV bag, you continue to fill their body with water, their kidneys are diseased and shut down, they can't excrete water from the body in the form of urine.  So your bowels retain the water, then water goes and surrounds your heart, and then it floods into your lungs and you're drowning these people to death, and in every hospital in America, they're drowning your loved ones to death by shutting down their kidneys, flooding their lungs with water, and you're calling it Secondary COVID Pneumonia, and it is not.  And since May 2020, I've been telling every loved one of anyone in the hospital from here on out--you need to make sure the hospital does a sputum test to determine if it's really bacterial or viral pneumonia they're saying that your loved one has and if they're saying it's not hospital protocol, you know they're lying to you about the pneumonia.  That IS hospital protocol.  It's the only way you define if it's viral or bacterial pneumonia.  There's no other way: an X-Ray is not definitive for pneumonia.  But that's all they're doing, so they're getting away with lying to you, when in fact, they have pulmonary edema.  They flooded your loved one's lungs with water with a drug proven to shut down your kidneys.  

10:35  Just so you know, I have been in the media non-stop ever since. And I've been telling people to avoid hospitals at all costs.  Stay home. 

Let's use some common sense here.  How many people around the world, Sir, have been infected with COVID-19, and what is the death rate from that infection?   

I don't have the exact number.

ARDIS:  It's less than 1% of the entire world.  But the mortality rate, the death rate of Remdesivir in the Ebola trial when they gave that drug, 53% of all people died on that drug.  Why would you select a drug that had a higher mortality rate than the infection you decided to treat.  Let me tell you right now that Anthony Fauci in May 2020, asked our federal government to buy up all the reserves of Remdesivir from Gilead, and then asked our federal government not to share Remdesivir with another country until the end of 2020.  

Do you want to know why at the end of 2020 America had 550,000 dead Americans and no other country was even close to that death total?  Because we were the only country that had the majority of 95% of their COVID patients/victims they died in hospitals, in ICUs, and in those ICU's they were only treating them with Remdesivir.  No other country was doing.  They were poisoning all Americans with this drug, convincing all of Americans that it's a deadly COVID infection, and it never was.  It was a deadly poison drug in hospitals that they were using to kill you.  And then they needed that narrative that [COVID] was deadly because they needed to sell you on the coming vaccines as a savior.  And they needed the American population to buy into it.  At the end of 2020, we had 550,000 dead.  We only have 4.5% of the world's population.  95% of humans live outside the U.S.  But at the end of 2020, the entire world, 7 billion-plus people have had COVID-19 go in and out of them.  And American which has 4.5% of the world's population, had 25% of all dead COVID-19 people in the world.  How is that possible?  How did we have 25% of all COVID-19 deaths?  We only have 4% of the entire world's population.  I thought this thing was super deadly around the whole world.  The only thing that was different was that America was using Remdesivir to poison people in hospitals.  They never died from COVID-19.  They died from kidney failure, liver failure, secondary lung, pulmonary edema.  And when your lungs fill with water, they have to put you on a vent to force air into your lungs and they're just drowning your loved ones to death and that's what they've been doing.  13:27

Why is Pfizer Requesting Legal Immunity if Vaccines For 5 to 11 Year-Olds are Safe?