Friday, October 15, 2021

Zinc-deficiency leads to release of renin from the kidneys, a hormone that increases blood pressure.

From The Drudge Report

CANBERRA, Australia — There are plenty of reasons to prioritize healthy blood pressure levels, but we can now add robust brain health to the list. Researchers from the Australian National University report maintaining optimal blood pressure helps the brain stay at least six months younger than a person’s actual age. Meanwhile, people with high blood pressure, even if it still falls within the normal recommended range, are actually at a higher risk of their brains aging at a rapid rate.  

Study authors say participants with high blood pressure had older, less healthy brains and a much higher risk of heart disease, stroke, and dementia. Even those with only slightly elevated blood pressure still showed signs of accelerated brain aging and increased disease risk.

“This thinking that one’s brain becomes unhealthy because of high blood pressure later in life is not completely true,” says Professor Nicolas Cherbuin, Head of the ANU Centre for Research on Ageing, Health, and Wellbeing, in a university release. “It starts earlier and it starts in people who have normal blood pressure.”

Usually, normal blood pressure is below 120/80, while optimal blood pressure is closer to 110/70.

These findings are especially concerning in light of another recent research project that concluded the number of people over the age of 30 with high blood pressure on a global scale has doubled.

“It’s important we introduce lifestyle and diet changes early on in life to prevent our blood pressure from rising too much, rather than waiting for it to become a problem,” explains cardiologist and study co-author Professor Walter Abhayaratna. “Compared to a person with a high blood pressure of 135/85, someone with an optimal reading of 110/70 was found to have a brain age that appears more than six months younger by the time they reach middle age.”


Researchers examined over 2,000 brain scans conducted on 686 generally healthy patients between the ages of 44 and 76 during this project. Additionally, the team measured each person’s blood pressure on four occasions over the span of 12 years. All that data helped to calculate each person’s “brain age,” an indicator of overall brain health.

Prof. Cherbuin adds that these findings are particularly troubling for adults in their 20s and 30s because the impact of high blood pressure on brain health won’t typically appear until years later. 

“By detecting the impact of increased blood pressure on the brain health of people in their 40s and older, we have to assume the effects of elevated blood pressure must build up over many years and could start in their 20s. This means that a young person’s brain is already vulnerable,” he explains.

Study authors conclude that all adults, even young adults, should regularly have their blood pressure checked.

“Australian adults should take the opportunity to check their blood pressure at least once a year when they see their GP, with an aim to ensure that their target blood pressure is closer to 110/70, particularly in younger and middle age groups,” Professor Abhayaratna concludes. “If your blood pressure levels are elevated, you should take the opportunity to speak with your GP about ways to reduce your blood pressure, including the modification of lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity.”

The study appears in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.


Bill Sardi writes, "Melatonin is the only agent that Dr. Houston has found to work to normalize blood pressure among patients whose blood pressure does not dip at night."

Elsewhere, Sardi points to zinc as the secondary ingredient to bring hypertension under control, "Zinc is the unexpected mineral that controls blood pressure as described in the medical literature but not heeded by practicing physicians."  Further on in that article, Sardi makes another interesting point that "In a zinc-deficient population, excessive salt-induces fluid overload that leads to release of renin from the kidneys, a hormone that increases blood pressure."

If you're looking for markers, Bill Sardi has that too.  "Age-adjusted data, reported by researchers at UCLA a few years back show any risk for death from uncontrolled hypertension doesn’t start till blood pressure is 160/90 or more among adults 55 years of age or older."  Normal blood pressure levels are 136/88.  Hypertension is absolutely something that needs monitoring.  For one, it can lead to strokes.  Scary stuff indeed.  "The latest review of the medical evidence shows adults with 130-139 systolic pressure doubled their risk for a stroke, heart attack, kidney or heart failure compared to those with lower blood pressure."  Pick your poison, or pick optimal nutrients to stay productive, look after the things important to you as well as the people important to you.  Martie Wittekin is in alignment with Sardi on the value of adequate zinc to protect your heart.

Arginine, too, is another important remedy.

Arginine has been marching towards greater acceptance for treatment of a variety of cardiovascular disorders in recent published studies. The Journal of Nutrition suggests human studies begin using arginine among adults with high blood pressure, since arginine is required to produce nitric oxide, a transient gas that dilates (widens) blood vessels and helps to control blood pressure. [Journal Nutrition 134: 2807-11S, 2004

Zinc is better absorbed in the presence of selenium; selenium releases the zinc in to your blood.  And if you're looking for a thyroid supplement, getting zinc in combination with selenium and iodine may be the way to go for you.

And if you're looking for a thyroid supplement, getting zinc in combination with selenium and iodine may be the way to go for you.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

STEPHANIE SENEFF: I go into great depth about the mechanisms of toxicity of the mRNA COVID-19 [Vaccine]

Our healthcare system is a disaster.  And, of course, pharma is doing all the wrong things.  But also because we’re being poisoned.  Many other poisons we’re exposed to on a regular basis.  

Stephanie Seneff has done a lot of interviews lately, in part, promoting her book and how glyphosate destroys our and health and makes us more vulnerable to COVID-19 and to the vaccines if that's what we've done.  Her 2021 book, Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., 2021, which I have yet to read, I believe reviews how RoundUp and Glyphosate are reaching into too many areas of our biology.  

Comments from the Amazon review: 

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the most commonly used weedkiller in the world. Nearly 300 million pounds of glyphosate-based herbicide are sprayed on farmsand foodevery year. 

Agrochemical companies claim that glyphosate is safe for humans, animals, and the environment. But emerging scientific research on glyphosate’s deadly disruption of the gut microbiome, its crippling effect on protein synthesis, and its impact on the body’s ability to use and transport sulfurnot to mention several landmark legal casestells a very different story.

In Toxic Legacy, senior research scientist Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., delivers compelling evidence based on countless published, peer-reviewed studiesall in frank, illuminating, and always accessible language.

Throughout Toxic Legacy readers will discover:

The uniquely toxic nature of glyphosate

How glyphosate disrupts the microbiome, leading to gut dysbiosis, autoimmunity, neurodegeneration, and more

Why we’re seeing a rise in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, infertility, depression, and anxiety

Glyphosate’s role in soil degeneration, water contamination, and threats to wildlife and biodiversity

Important nutritional guidance for conscientious consumers who want to avoid glyphosate-contaminated foods and improve their health 

All good comments, but the last one about wanting to improve one's health might make the book all worth the while. 

"At this time we follow evidence based medicine from . . ."

I am not a big fan of the meme, but the link to the list of doctors whose science the poster relies on is absolutely excellent.   

"we have been conducting our own analysis of breakthrough cases. Those are not necessarily adverse events, . . ."

Set forth below is a partial transcript of Attorney Ron Jenkins’ cross-examination of Dr. Nirav Shah at the hearing for a Temporary Restraining Order on Friday, October 8, 2021 with regard to the vaccine mandate rule and investigations Dr. Shah may or may not have conducted regarding reports to VAERS. While I may have missed a word here and there, I stand by the transcript being accurate as to the substance of the questions and answers.

The last question to Dr. Shah I caught from the State’s Assistant Attorney General, Thomas Knowlton was,

Dr. Shah, how many people are currently admitted in Maine hospitals have reported side effects from Covid 19 vaccines? 

SHAH: As far as I am aware, Zero.


JENKINS: Good afternoon Dr. Shah. Thank you for your time today. 

SHAH: Good afternoon.

JENKINS: You were speaking earlier about the VAERS system and I believe you said that the data produced by the VAERS system is not really about causation it’s more of a signal sending mechanism. Is that correct? 

SHAH: That’s correct. JENKINS: Did you hear the testimony of Dr. (Peter) McCullough regarding VAERS? SHAH: I did. JENKINS: Okay, I just want to read a bit to you from his Declaration regarding VAERS just very very briefly. He says in his Declaration: This total safety reports in VAERS for Covid 19 vaccines alone for the approximately 9 month period commencing December 2020 and ending September 24, 2021, is 752,801. In the prior 30 years leading up to that date, the total number of reports was 16,320. That’s an (unable to get number) increase. Now without commenting on the causal connection, between the vaccination and the event being reported would you not agree with me that that’s a signal that there’s a problem with the vaccine? 

SHAH: I would agree. No, I would not agree with what you said. I would agree that it is a signal as any piece of data is a signal. However, in light of the fact that 400 million doses of the vaccine have been administered in the United States each of which could be an opportunity for an individual to submit a VAERS report. I don’t know. I disagree that it is a problem. I do agree that it is a signal. Again, every piece of data is a signal but I do not agree that it is a problem in light of the fact that there have been 400 million doses that have been administered. Nor do I believe that the increase in the number of VAERS reports, the 100% increase that you noted, I don’t know whether that is of any moment because in order to answer that question we would need to know how many vaccines were being given in the United States prior to the arrival of the Covid 19 vaccines.

JENKINS: Are you aware of any other vaccine that has generated that number of precipitous reports in the VAERS system ever in our country’s history? 

SHAH: Let me be clear. I’m not aware of any other vaccine where we’ve had 400 million doses in 10 months. 

JENKINS: That’s not the question I asked you. 

SHAH: Could you restate your question? 

JENKINS: Are you aware of any other vaccine generating that same number and magnitude of adverse event reporting in the VAERS system? 

SHAH: I do not know. Ah, I’m not aware but I would want to know what the number of administered doses is.

JENKINS: Is it true to say that there have been fully licensed and approved FDA products that have been yanked from the market after as few as 5 unexplained deaths? Is that true or false? 

SHAH: I have no basis to know whether it is true or false.

JENKINS: Now you said that the VAERS system was meant to send a signal and you’ve agreed with me that it is sending a signal but you’re not sure it’s a problem. Isn’t is your responsibility as a public health official to find out whether it’s a problem? 

SHAH: It is the responsibility of public health officials (NOTE: the S in officials was emphasized in the audio) to find out and they are in fact doing so. 

JENKINS: Well in this State of Maine is there any other public health official, Dr. Shah, other than yourself? 

SHAH: Yes. 

JENKINS: Who is that? 

SHAH: We have a team of hundreds of people at the Maine CDC. 

JENKINS: You have a team? 

SHAH: to say nothing about public health officials at the county level and the local level. 

JENKINS: Okay but you have a team. They’re your team. You’re in charge. You’re the director of the Maine CDC, correct? 

SHAH: That is correct. 

JENKINS: So, have you done any studies or investigations? Not into all of the VAERS reports. Why don’t we limit it to just the ones related to people in this state? Have you investigated and done any of your quote-unquote deeper studies into those reports that you mentioned? 

SHAH: Could you explain what you mean by quote-unquote deeper studies? 

JENKINS: Well when you testified on direct examination, you said that these were signals and that what they did is they created a responsibility to conduct deeper studies to find out what the significance of the signal was. Have you done that? 

SHAH: Yes. 

JENKINS: Tell me about that. What studies did you do? 

SHAH: We have an ongoing set of analyses around breakthrough cases and we’ve also worked in partnership with clinicians in Maine to investigate certain reports. For example, of reports of myocarditis. 

JENKINS: So you’ve investigated some myocarditis? 

SHAH: We’ve investigated cases that have been reported.

JENKINS: Have you investigated any of the other adverse events that have been reported? 

SHAH: Not to my knowledge. 


SHAH: It is generally, chiefly, the responsibility of the US CDC to conduct those investigations under what’s called the Enhanced Surveillance System. 

JENKINS: It’s not true (unintelligible). 

SHAH: The states are often partnered with the US CDC if the US CDC requests assistance. If and only if the US CDC requests assistance. In this situation, the one time where they have requested assistance was with respect to the analysis of reported myocarditis cases. Independent of that because we are concerned about the possibility of breakthrough cases, we have been conducting our own analysis of breakthrough cases. Those are not necessarily adverse events, however. 

JENKINS: Dr. Shah, I just want to make sure I am understanding your answer to my question. You’re telling the people of this state that you’re mandating…mandating to thousands of people that they be injected with these vaccines and if they’re not the result will be that they lose their hard-earned livelihoods. You went to medical school. You invested a lot of money and time and effort to become a doctor. If there were a vaccine that you didn’t want to take but you had to take it in order to keep your job, would you not feel threatened? 

SHAH: I can’t speculate. 

JENKINS: Okay but if you’re going to mandate vaccines don’t you think you should investigate all of the reports of adverse effects at least as to people of Maine? The population of Maine for whom you are responsible for their public health. 

SHAH: I believe those reports should be investigated and they are. 

JENKINS: Not by you. 

SHAH: By federal health authorities to whom they are submitted. 

JENKINS: Can you give me the name of the federal health authority who is investigating those Maine cases? 

SHAH: The individual who is in charge, for example, of the myocarditis investigation is named Dr. Thomas Chiminpakora (there’s no way I could get the spelling but this is what it sounded like, my apologies).

JENKINS: Who is investigating all of the other adverse events that are listed…did you, did you hear the testimony of Dr. McCullough? You did. You were listening, correct? 

SHAH: Yes I did. 

JENKINS: And he talked about the Medicare and Medicaid data and there’s a slide that he looked at and we talked about it. Slide #10 in that slide pack and that slide pack says there have been 661 deaths of Mainers within 28 days of vaccination. Now you’ve testified that you are not concerned about that because a lot of people die in Maine every year. 15,000 or some odd but 661 deaths within 28 days of the vaccination? Isn’t that a signal that you should investigate? 

SHAH: Sir, you indicated that I…you put words in my mouth saying that I was not concerned about that… 


SHAH: I never used that phrase so I respectfully ask that you not to characterize my testimony accordingly. Secondly, those processes to the extent they are reported are investigated and evaluated at the US CDC level. 

JENKINS: 661 purported Maine deaths within 28 days of vaccination. As a percentage of the total deaths caused by Covid 19 in this state, what is that 60%? 

SHAH: That’s not an accurate comparator. 

JENKINS: Let’s assume for a moment that all of those deaths, those 661 deaths, were caused by the vaccination. 

SHAH: Why would we assume that? 

JENKINS: Because I am going to ask you a question. Just assume it for the sake of argument. If it’s true that 661 people have died as a result of the vaccine, and only 1,070 people have died in this state as a result of Covid 19, wouldn’t that be a cause of concern for you? 

SHAH: That’s an if. I won’t answer a question based on premises I disagree with. 

JENKINS: Don’t you think you should investigate the 661 deaths and find out about it pretty quickly since you are asking thousands of people to be injected by October 15?

State’s attorney KNOWLTON interrupts, 

Your honor, this is the 3rd or 4th time that Mr. Jenkins has asked these questions and Dr. Shah has answered them.  I would ask him to move on.  Objection.  

The follow-up video is equally excellent.  Dr. Jenkins is doing great work. 

As always, thank you for reading Maine Journal News. You can follow or LIKE us on Facebook (should Facebook decide to allow a LIKE button to appear . . . 'tis a fickle thing that is): Please continue to email us story ideas, tips, and screenshots at or  

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

MODERN-DAY BOOK BURNING: Elizabeth Warren & Adam Schiff Try to Discredit Mercola Book, "The Truth About COVID-19"

Apparently, it's not just Elizabeth Warren who is cajoling Amazon to ban Mercola's book, but also California's Mr. Ubiquitous, Adam Schiff.  

Mercola is co-author, along with Ronnie Cummins, of The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal, Joseph Mercola, and Ronnie Cummins, 2021.  These politicians truly hate anyone who, one, thinks and forms conclusions, not in line with the official narrative, and two, someone who does their own research.  Oh my, God.  She is calling Mercola and Cummins' findings "conspiracy theory."  These politicians are ever more desperate, aren't they? 

Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 abound; some insist that the virus is a hoax, others promote false cures to COVID-19, and many have led to untold illnesses and deaths. Despite the fact that vaccination remains our greatest tool to protect Americans from the virus, myths about COVID-19 vaccines continue to spread, often facilitated by technology companies that refuse to curb misinformation. 

The book perpetuates dangerous conspiracies about COVID-19 and false and misleading information about vaccines. It asserts that vitamin C, vitamin D and quercetin … can prevent COVID-19 infection … And the book contends that vaccines cannot be trusted, when study after study has demonstrated the overwhelming effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

Newsconcerns reports that

Two days later, September 9, 2021, U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., followed in Warren’s footsteps, sending letters6 to Facebook and Amazon, calling for more prolific censorship of vaccine information.7 

All that she is doing is trying to suppress free speech.  At least co-author, Ronnie Cummins, replied to Warren here.