Saturday, October 9, 2021

Aspirin as Part of COVID Treatment

Friday, October 8, 2021

The Hill That Many Are Willing to Die On


1:27:15  from Dr. Annie Bukacek:  So they say that they care so much about the elderly, that's why they're doing this to them.  It's not true.  The elderly are . . . more prone to loneliness and despair.  Seeing their families is what the elderly live for.  Initially with this, I really thought the nursing home administrators meant well that they were misguided but that they meant well.  That's what I thought a while back.  But then in June, I started reading the details of CARES Act 2020 and found out that $4.9 billion of CARES Act 2020 money went to these nursing care homes and assisted living.  So they're being paid, they're being paid money to torment these elderly people.  They're getting paid for that.  So there is no good intention there.  And if you add on top of that, the nursing homes and assisted living facilities are testing their employees once or twice a week, they're making bank off of this and torturing people.  No, I don't believe for a minute that they're doing this because they care about the elderly.   

A gunshot victim who died, but had tested positive for COVID weeks earlier, is coded as a COVID death and not a shotgun death.  A similar thing happened to a drug overdose victim.  He had a COVID PCR test a few weeks before he died, but the hospital, because money from Medicare incentivizes them to do so, counts a drug overdose as a COVID death.  Why would hospitals give an old man dying of old age count the death a COVID death? Or to someone known to be suffering from cancer for years?  This was a political agenda from start to finish.  CDC sets hospital protocol for diagnoses.  So the CDC, to serve a Faucian bargain, and a Gates bargain, made everything about COVID to pad the numbers used in projections to stoke the fears to make people compliant in getting a gene therapy that does nothing for their health.

Ted Nugent

Thursday, October 7, 2021

"I have had an Epstein Barr resurgence twice after being touched by people carrying the spike protein."

Well, I love it when a doctor gets online, alerts the public to serious fall-out from "an approved" medicine but fails to support the claim with qualified evidence.  It just pours fuel on the fire of panic, causing people to rush here, rush there, besiege their doctor with new information for which he is unprepared.  

The following comment is what I've heard a lot about--that those carrying the spike protein are reactivating previously tamed childhood viruses.  The shingles is just that--a resurgence of a childhood virus that your immune system has been managing for 30 to 40 to 50 years, and then someone gets the vaccine, which crashes their immune system, and voila!  Childhood viruses reappear because the vaccine has knocked out your defenses.  And as the immune system is disarmed, it gradually becomes weaker with the body becoming immunosuppressed.  This is what chemotherapy does to cancer patients--it weakens their immune system--and the cancer cells repopulate and flourish.  Is this what Dr. Ryan Cole was referring to when he said he was finding so many of his patients with different kinds of cancers?

It's one thing for the vaccinated to experience this, it's another for the unvaccinated to have reactions from being around the vaccinated.  And I don't think that the vaccinated are aware that their defenses have been disarmed, for the vaccine initially ramps up their defenses, makes them feel energetic.  One vaccinated individual I know said that the vax felt like it had caffeine in it.   

If cancer is indeed the fallout from these vaccines, then people need to be taking supplements that stop the onset, halt any cancer that a person may currently have, and actually reverse cancers so that your body can heal itself.  What product is that?  Resveratrol.  And the preferred brand of Resveratrol is Bill Sardi's Longevinex