Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Given how much financial influence and power Gates wields around the world, it is amazing that anyone who knows this could even for a second think that his vaccines are innocuous.  

from ReviseSociology

However the Corbett Report suggests we should not be taken in by this reworking Bill Gate’s Image – it is a similar re-invention to that of J.D. Rockefeller – who used to be despised as the head of the wealthiest oil corporation in America but in later life used his wealth to establish charitable foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation and re-invent himself as a kindly old man in the process.

Bill Gate’s Image as a modern-day Saint is achieved by buying good publicity – the Foundation has spent tens of billions of dollars on Media partnerships such as: 
Our World in Data [and their Twitter page] The Global Development section of the Guardian [and their Twitter feed] and BBC Global Development News, among other sources.  
And funding these media outlets which report on Global Health means it is less likely that Gates is going to be criticized.
NB – a crucial point here: while the Gates Foundation has funded several global health initiatives over the last decade with billions of dollars in contributions, Bill Gates also controls another for-profit institution – the Bill Bill and Melinda Gates Trust with $46.8 Billion on its books, which tends to profit from the initiatives the foundation funds, AND Bill Gates as got richer over the past decade – in fact, his wealth has doubled from around $50 billion to over $100 billion!


"Why Are Gates and the Pentagon Releasing GMO Mosquitos in the Florida Keys?" F. William Engdahl, May 14, 2021. 

Despite strong resident protests, the US Environmental Protection Agency and Florida agencies have approved controversial release of millions of genetically modified or “gene-edited” killer mosquitoes into the Florida Keyes. At the same time the controversial Presidential Science Adviser nominee of Biden is involved in the development of the CRISPR technology being used to genetically modify everything from the mosquitoes to the Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus mRNA “vaccines” to gene-edited salmon. How Bill Gates, the Pentagon, and the eugenics lobby come together now is alarming, to put it mildly. 

A little background from New Scientist on what CRISPR is: 

CRISPR is a technology that can be used to edit genes and, as such, will likely change the world.

The essence of CRISPR is simple: it’s a way of finding a specific bit of DNA inside a cell. After that, the next step in CRISPR gene editing is usually to alter that piece of DNA. However, CRISPR has also been adapted to do other things too, such as turning genes on or off without altering their sequence.

There were ways to edit the genomes of some plants and animals before the CRISPR method was unveiled in 2012 but it took years and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. CRISPR has made it cheap and easy

"Coronavirus and the Gates Foundation," William F. Engdahl, April 26, 2021.

More on Bill Gates from Martin Armstrong

More on Bill Gates from Jon Rappoport.

Here is James Corbett's "Who Is Bill Gates?"

Idaho doctor reports a ‘20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients

Thank you to LifeSite and Lew Rockwell @ LRC.  The doctor's name is Dr. Ryan Cole.  

What we’re seeing is a locked-in lower profile of these important killer T cells that you want in your body.  It’s almost a reverse HIV.  In HIV, you lose your helper T Cells, your CD4 Cells.  In this virus, post-vaccine, what we’re seeing is a drop in your killer T Cells, your CD8 Cells.  And what do CD8 Cells do?  They keep all other viruses in check.  What am I seeing in the laboratory?  I’m seeing an uptick of herpes family viruses.  I’m seeing herpes, I’m seeing shingles, I’m seeing mono.  I’m seeing a huge uptick in human papilloma virus in the cervical biopsies from the cervical pap smears in women.  In addition to that, there’s a little infectious bump the kids get called molluscum contagiosum.  What do you need to keep that in check?  You need CD8 Killer T Cells.  I am seeing a 20x increase in individuals over the age of 50 of this little bump in rash.  You know, that’s innocuous, but what it tells me is that the immune status of these individuals who got the shot were literally weakening the immune system of these individuals.  Now, most concerning of all is there a pattern of these types of immune cells in the body that keep cancer in check.  Well, since January 1, in the laboratory, I’ve seen a 20x increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis.  Twenty times increase.  Not exaggerating at all because I look at my numbers year over year.  “Gosh! I’ve never seen this many endometrial cancers before.”  I’m seeing evasive melanomas in younger patients.  Normally, we catch those early and they’re thin melanomas.  I’m seeing thick melanomas skyrocketing in the last month or two.  I’m already seeing the early signals, and we are modifying the immune system to a weakened state.  Great study out of Germany that looked at these profiles on young individuals after the Pfizer, showing this locked-in—and we don’t know how long, maybe the immune system, you know, is going to regenerate and those ratios will go back up—but who’s studying it?  And where are the long-term trials—2 months, 4 months, how long is this profile locked in?  We don’t know.  

Looks like the Pfizer vaccine lowers T Cell count.  Wait, wasn't that exactly what AIDS or HIV did?  And the Idaho doctor identifies the Pfizer vaccine only at the end.  

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

What Happened to Australia?

Will the Judiciary Cower to the Executive Branch?

Monday, September 13, 2021