Friday, September 10, 2021

DR. OZ: "My Wife's Not Getting Immunized Nor Are My Kids"

Thanks to Steve Bartin's, "Mark Dice: The Mask Came Off." 

At the 1:04 mark:   

JOE BIDENThe bottom line, we’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers.  

MARK DICE: Isn’t that what the vaccine itself is for those who decide to take [the vaccine]?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Remdesivir, the protocol for hospitalized COVID care, is destroying kidneys

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

FDA: Slanders Its Own Citizens, ignoring its own findings in order to describe many of them as animals.

Cases in Australia continue to rise despite their strict, army enforced lockdowns & mask rules.

You only rule this way after you have permanently & irreversibly abandoned the idea of governing via legitimate authority and consent

 You only rule this way after you have permanently & irreversibly abandoned the idea of governing via legitimate authority and consent . . . they’ve decided to go all-in on lying, and irreversibly cash out their reputations.  This means that from here on out, their continued “authority” (power) can only be propped up by more lies, which will necessarily grow geometrically in number and severity.