Saturday, July 17, 2021

LA COUNTY HEALTH OFFICIALS: Resume Wearing Masks Lest You Forget to Be Scared

Dale Steinreich explains

If the sheeple don’t see people wearing masks, they forget to be scared. Some interesting comments from his perspective: “Vaccines . . . are declining in effectiveness very quickly . . . appear to me to be a third rail.” U.K. had 50,000 new cases today. “Britain is the most vaccinated major country in the world [but in spite of this] they have an out-of-control epidemic right now.” 

The fact that LA's County Sheriffs promises not to enforce the latest mask mandate is cold comfort.  All it means is that he will not send out cops to any grievance or contest with masks at businesses.  It means that businesses will be left to enforce or not, to comply or not.  Again, it's a case where businesses, already besieged by an 18-month, poverty-inducing lockdown, will bear the brunt of penalties.  

Friday, July 16, 2021

"LA is the most anti-science area in the country."

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Bill Gates Thinning the Herd with a Food Crisis?


from Martin Armstrong

Biden is now paying farmers not to grow crops and was perhaps directed by Bill Gates, who has become the biggest farmland holder in the USA. The risk of starvation around the world is rising. The real question is very dark. Is this part of Gates’ idea on how to reduce the population? Perhaps Warren Buffett and George Soros will lead the way and just die rather than clinging to every last breath to screw with the rest of us, the Great Unwashed, for whom they have never had any respect whatsoever.

Some ask if becoming a billionaire creates a new type of disease of assuming they are demi-gods. They certainly seem to lose touch with humanity. They seem to allegedly cheer genocide as long as they can pull it off without a gun or gas chamber. Does having too much money that could never be spent bring out the Hitler in people? I would love to see a physiological study on that subject.

The United Nations, the puppet of Gates and Schwab, is sounding the alarm that the number of people who do not have enough to eat or are starving in crisis countries has reached a five-year high. The corona manufactured pandemic has disrupted the food supply dramatically and is pushing things over the edge. Yes, there are also violent conflicts, economic crises, and extreme weather events that also come into play. With a little luck, Gates will be able to reduce the population as we head into 2027, for already there are around 155 million people that were already in an acute food crisis in 2020, according to the UN. The UN World Food Authority reported at the beginning of May 2021 that the number had already increased by 20 million people more people over 2020 so far this year.

These figures come from the new report on global food crises and hunger, presented by an international alliance of the UN, the EU, and government and non-governmental organizations. People in 55 countries or territories have been affected as they did not have enough food to maintain their health in 2020. “Conflicts and hunger are mutually reinforcing. We have to fight hunger and conflict together in order to stop both, ”urged UN Secretary-General António Guterres in the report. But it was the UN’s WHO that told the world to lockdown. Hello! Did anyone consider this would shut down the supply chain? Or was that really the intended purpose?



UC Will Ban Unvaccinated Students This Fall

Is Fauci & Your Commie Health Officials Making Life Miserable Enough for You Yet?

First this.  Because of this?