Showing posts with label Dale Steinreich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dale Steinreich. Show all posts

Saturday, July 17, 2021

LA COUNTY HEALTH OFFICIALS: Resume Wearing Masks Lest You Forget to Be Scared

Dale Steinreich explains

If the sheeple don’t see people wearing masks, they forget to be scared. Some interesting comments from his perspective: “Vaccines . . . are declining in effectiveness very quickly . . . appear to me to be a third rail.” U.K. had 50,000 new cases today. “Britain is the most vaccinated major country in the world [but in spite of this] they have an out-of-control epidemic right now.” 

The fact that LA's County Sheriffs promises not to enforce the latest mask mandate is cold comfort.  All it means is that he will not send out cops to any grievance or contest with masks at businesses.  It means that businesses will be left to enforce or not, to comply or not.  Again, it's a case where businesses, already besieged by an 18-month, poverty-inducing lockdown, will bear the brunt of penalties.  

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The proposal, approved by top FDA officials in late 2011 and kept secret since, would have told dentists they should not use mercury fillings in cavities in pregnant women, nursing moms, children under 6 and people with mercury allergies, kidney diseases or neurological problems.  It also urged dentists to avoid using fillings that contain mercury compounds in any patient, where possible.

Lobbying against any changes is the American Dental Association which has a political action committee that donated almost $2.5 million to Congressional candidates from 2013 to 2014.

Read the rest, including a few case studies that suggest that the FDA is likely understating the problem.

Of course progressives want even more government involvement in health care since it’s such a “neutral party.”  Sure.  Funny how so many of them still vehemently defend “Obamacare,” a scheme first concocted and embraced by conservative Republicans.

Do not get fillings.  Do not let dentists scare you into getting fillings or amalgam fillings.  Instead, eat a nutrient dense diet with good fats and proteins.  Doing so will help you remineralize your teeth.  Also, don't get your wisdom teeth pulled.  You want to keep as many of your teeth as possible.