Thursday, March 18, 2021

"Italy and Germany are among first to announce humiliating U-turn" on AstraZeneca

"a woman who got the Spanish Flu still showed immunity 90 years later."

Thanks to Don Boudreaux.  

[00:21Shane Crotty, Ph.D., Virologist at La Jolla Institute for Immunology in La Jolla, CA concludes from his experiments that the amount of immune memory gained from natural infection would likely prevent the vast majority of people from getting hospitalized, disease, severe disease for many years.  In this study, which was published in Science, Dr. Crotty, showed that antibody levels stayed relatively constant with only modest declines within 6 to 8 months, Dr. Crotty reported notably that Memory B cells, specific for the spike protein, or RBD, were detected in almost all COVID-19 cases with no apparent half-life with 5 to 8 months after infection.  In other words, Dr. Crotty found significant evidence of long-term immunity after COVID infection.  Furthermore, Dr. Crotty noted that B-cell memory to some other infections has observed for sixty-plus years after smallpox vaccination or even 90 years with natural infection with influenza.  That was a woman who got the Spanish Flu and still showed immunity 90 years later.  So, rather than being pessimistic toward people gaining immunity after they’ve had COVID or had a vaccine, studies argue for significant optimism.  In fact, there have been no scientific studies arguing or proving that infection with COVID does not create immunity.  There've been no studies of significant numbers of re-infections of the 30 million Americans who've had COVID.  Only a handful of infections have been discovered.  In fact, the New York Times reported last fall that more than 38 million at the time worldwide had been infected with the Coronavirus and, as of that date, fewer than 5 of these cases had been confirmed by scientists to be reinfection.  Scientists interviewed for the article concluded, "In most cases, a second bout with the virus produced milder symptoms or none at all."  Given that no scientific studies have shown significant numbers of reinfection or patients previously infected or previously vaccinated, what specific studies do you cite to argue that the public should be wearing masks well into 2022? [2:27]

Find more on Shane Crotty, Ph.D., here.

If you want a little insight into Fauci's credibility, give a listen to what Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, said about Anthony Fauci.  

"I said at least have them sign an informed consent form . . . rejected”

I guess it's true what some libertarians say--that American capitalism really is fascism.  Just look at how pharmaceutical corporations shuck and jive their way to work around your [property] rights. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

El documental sin censura sobre la verdad de la pandemia

The uncensored documentary on the truth of the pandemic

Thanks to Martin Armstrong at Armstrong Economics.

"This pandemic is not a real medical pandemic"

The consensus from doctors around the world is that the COVID-19 virus is harmless.  They all reject the extreme measures by governments around the world.  

The first speaker in this video is Dr. Andrew Kaufman, a medical doctor, and board-certified Forensic Psychiatrist.  I am glad that the video started with him for his statements are a bombshell.  By the way, he has all the right enemies.  

Dr. Kaufman says,

This pandemic is not a real medical pandemic. 

The covid vaccine has not proven safe and effective because there’s not been enough time.  In addition, there has not been a clear definition of any new disease for which it can be tested against.  There has not been a virus that has been purified or shown to be the cause of an illness; thus, there is no target for a vaccine.  Bottom line is, that since no additional deaths have occurred in relation to a new disease, there is simply no need for a new vaccine. 

Seasoned warrior, Jon Rappoport has made the same claim as have a handful of other esteemed journalists, doctors, and scientists.  

Belgium doctor, Dr. Hilde de Smet, says the same thing, 

There is no global medical pandemic. 

She says that the imposition of a global "emergency," that it grants the pharmaceutical industry to skip the time-intensive animal trials.  Unfortunately, the vaccine manufacturers and their pharmaceutical PR machines have sold the general public on the virtues of rushing untested medicines to the public.  This is not public health.  This is a mass catastrophe.  

If there is no pandemic, what is the point of issuing a vaccine that claims to vaccinate you, and even claims to make you immune to the COVID-19 virus, yet for which there is no new virus?  Some have argued that it is gene therapy or gene tinkering, turning people's bodies into viral factories that destroy the host and infect a greater number of people.  

Patients are being denied informed consent.  

Irish professor, Dolores Cahill, tells us that 

We have good news.  The Coronavirus and the lockdowns were not as severe as was thought.  We know that we can treat viruses with vitamins D, C, and zinc.  

Bill Sardi added that Lysine also remedies viruses

I think she's spot on with regard to the virus--it does not cause severe illness.  She's wrong on the lockdowns if what she says is unedited.  The lockdowns have been an unmitigated disaster.  She's been good on the vaccines as well.

Here Prof. Dolores Cahill reads the concluding statement of an abstract on the mRNA vaccines.  It reads (and you can see it for yourself in the video), 

Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.

So the literature itself ends with a call to action that says “CAUTION!!”  And yet folks are running to the doctor, getting in lines that snake around a stadium parking lot, to their local Walgreens pharmacy for a promise of immunity that the vaccine cannot and does not deliver.  One, vaccines mutate, so how can a vaccine chase down a mercurial virus?  The best that the vaccine can promise is that it promises that you are vaccinated, not immunized.