Showing posts sorted by date for query Ivermectin. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Ivermectin. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2023

45 studies using Ivermectin late in the game, 41% improvement in outcomes, meaning they didn't die.

See this post with Dr. Bryan Ardis for Ivermectin resources. 

1:22. I admit I was scared to use it initially.  The way I put my mind at ease was by researching it, and I went to the FDA's website to look at the original studies where the drug became approved for human use.  And I looked at their safety data and there's something called the LD50 which is a benchmark number for a drug's toxicity.  And LD50 means, okay, what dosage of the drug will kill 50% of lab animals.  For Ivermectin, you'd have to give about 100 times what we're giving to approach the LDC what we are giving to approach the LD50. And I researched deaths, either accidental or intentional overdose of Ivermectin, and could find nothing.  No case reports.  So, the people who are dismissing Ivermectin are just being lazy.  

And the Texas Medical Board is being lazy because they're not taking you to task over the science of your claims.  They're taking you to task because you didn't tow the government controlled line during the pandemic.

They're making accusations that are not true.  They're making it sound like I just marched into the hospital and started writing orders for a patient that wasn't mine without having privileges, which is not how it happened at all.  Everything I did was part of a lawsuit that the patient's wife was bringing against the hospital, and I was the expert witness.  I was the one they granted me privileges and then I would be writing the prescriptions.  But they're making it sound like if I had gone in there and written orders without permission; that would be a bad thing but that's not what happened.  

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


So let's assess the damage.

LNPs.  There are the lipid nanoparticles, the LNPs, the fatty capsule in which the virus is transported throughout the body and that, in women at least, accumulate in the ovaries, causing horrible disruptions to women's menstruation, even to post-menopausal women. 

Dr. Elizabeth Eads says that

27:17  No.  Actually, the nanoparticles can be shed during transmission as well and they can jump from person to person.  And that's been seen in the DoD literature and supported by James Giordano, who is Advisor to U.S. Military Intelligence community.  In fact, he wrote that "neurotism technologies and neurotechnology nanoparticles, such as NeuroLink, Neurolace should not be considered for their mass destruction effects."


CLOTTING.  Clotting creates a hypoxic environment.  So if you fear that your body is clotting, one way to redress hypoxia is vitamin B1, but use the fat-soluble B1, Allithiamine.




MYOCARDITIS.  What is causing it?

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

DR. ELIZABETH EADS: "the combination of Fenbendozale, Ivermectin, and apricot seeds, i.e., B-17 cures cancers. Not all cancers"

Here is Dr. Elizabeth Eads, [5:00-6:00] who has learned from a series of studies out of Europe that the combination of Fenbendozale, Ivermectin, and apricot seeds, i.e., B-17, cures cancers. Not all cancers, she qualifies that point. But there are 63 papers confirming this fact.  She specifies that this combination treats breast cancers, prostate cancers, and colon cancers.  And I like the dig she makes on Obama, passing the bill to unleash government propaganda through HR 4310, the National Defense Authorization Act, signed by Obama on December 29, 2012.  So basically, Section 1078 of that Bill authorizes the use of propaganda inside the U.S.A. which had previously been banned since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, 1948, was passed.  What does this mean?  [8:00] It means they legalized propaganda, legalizing mainstream media, Big Pharma, hospitals, doctors, and publications to put out campaigns against Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, calling it "Horse Paste."  They weren't allowed to call it Ivermectin.  Who prevented people from calling Ivermectin?  Claiming that Hydroxychlorine was calling heart arrhythmias.  Chlorine Dioxide, they termed it "bleach."  Shout out to Pierre Kory, because the war on Ivermectin is beautifully laid out with all the evidence, and all the studies supporting this propaganda this study from Desort and Henin, The SAIVE Trial is a trial.  "Exposure to that Ivermectin reduced exposure to SARS-CoV-2 by 72%.  Not sure what that means exactly.  I'd be more interested to know what Ivermectin does to the spike proteins from the vaccine.  Hel-lo.  It is telling, however, that all of the Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine papers under the propaganda law were suppressed.  Then how did they get out then?   

12:00  Underlying cause of cancer falls into 3 categories: 1) EMF radiation, radiation, in general; 2) pesticides, glyphosate, benzine, and environmental toxins; 3) parasites.  All of this has been proven in the literature, so you have to attack all three of those causes/categories in order to treat cancer.  She includes the brand Root Spray and Clean Slate.  She also incorporates the blocking of all radiation radiation.and EMF and using products, topical products like Ozone Blocking, EMF-blocking scaler wave stickers.  They block EMF in your phone, your iPad, your cell tower, anything to block the EMF radiation that is bombarding us everyday.

13:35. Lee Merritt recently raised an interesting point going back to when they started to lay the electrical grid and wiryy for the TELEGRAPH. Everywhere where those wires were being laid down, usually along railroad tracks, there was an increased incidence of sickness in people living nearby.  Scientists have been tracking radiation exposure, and EMF exposure, all the way back to the telegraph.  Negative frequencies, whether in music or in warfare, we know that during World War I and World War II, they used negative musical frequency, called The Devil's Tone to injure and make the enemy hyper-aggressive and make them docile and actually surrender.  And then for each pandemic marching through the years, Dr. Lee Merritt lays out a correlation the increased amount of radiation exposure and disease.  So there's a great correlation.  You know, she's from the military, she has a Navy background.  She was an orthopedic spinal surgeon in the Navy and she sat on a lot of these military committees, so she has a lot of data.  But she has correlated the electromagnetic radiation frequency and disease in the human body whether that's acute sickness or illness or cancer she has correlated that and she's out there and she's really outspoken about the importance of Americans decreasing their exposure to EMF radiation and there are great papers on the frequency rate, papers supporting the 5G.  T there is evidence in Wuhan and Lombardi after they turned on those 5G towers is when most of those "Covid" cases occurred. So perhaps it was just a high amount of 5G exposure causing illness and sickness and toxicity in the body that killed a lot of those patients and not necessarily the bioweapon that was also distributed to people In Lombardi and Wuhan and New York City.

16:36. In your February interview you said something that some people thought was outrageous but you don't lie.  For example,  this explosion in cancers, you got the goods on to tell us there's also a video out by Dr. Bischoff. [Taking vitamin D3, Omega 3s, and exercise may reduce invasive cancers by 61% in adults 70 years old and up.] You can see him give his dissertation from the Cancer Society Prevention Society.

17:00  At least a billion dead or disabled by Covid-19 bioweapon vaccine.  Are you sticking by that, or do you have more to back that up?

17:10  I am sticking by that.  Actually, it's going to be higher than that, 1.2 billion.  A paper recently came out submitted by Dave Hodges shows 600,000 Americans per year are dying from Covid shots.  And that data is supported by Stirling and Ed Dowd.  What they did is look at the actuary numbers in the insurance, life insurance numbers, because you know, because we don't have good data sets from the hospitals because they're not reporting vaccine injuries; they're not reporting vaccine status; they're not correlating the deaths with mRNA vaccines.  They're doing that on purpose.  

18:05  You're saying that the data they're getting of 600,000, that's just low because the hospital is shading that.  

18:16  I am sure it's slightly hire because we don't have the data set from the hospitals.  When we're talking about 600,000 excess deaths/year [Josh Stirling, an insurance analyst presents this number at the 6:49 mark] and we're not done with 2023 yet, that could potentially be 1.2 billion.  

18:34  A year?

18:35  Correct.  

18:40  That seems like a lot, right?  That's 1.2 billion globally.  There are 13 billion injections at least.  That's the number. These are the CDC numbers.  And there are at least 676 million injections alone.  676 million injections, CV19 bioweapon injections, in America alone.

19:05  So the UK has really good data set from their Dept. of Health and they have projected recently in a UK study that they've had 5, they're on their 5th or 6th booster.  They're projecting a population decrease by 2025 of 77%.  

20:35  Ed Dowd says that the number of injured is exponentially higher than those who are dying.  What do you think about the disabilities and deaths in the U.S. for 2023?  Ed Dowd said we lost 30% of our workforce in 2022.

20:54  It's going to be in the high millions. 600,000 and we're not done with 2023.  You double that and that's what, 1.2 million and that's underreported.  So millions.  Remember that the spike protein and the bioweapon nanotechnology remain in the body for we don't know how long.  There's no endpoint.  The reason you're getting these super cancers is because you have spike proteins being manufactured with no off button.  And so you have a delayed effect in auto-immune disorders and cancers.  What happens is that the spike protein dysregulates your T-cells, your B-cells which fight foreign bacteria, viruses, and cancers, and the complement system.  It interrupts that.  And then you have the SV40 that was discovered in the Moderna and Pfizer vials by Kevin McKernen who worked on the human genome project, who is a microbiologist.  So you have these foreign proteins with DNA, this monkey SV40 which he discovered in over the legal amount allowed to be as a contaminant in the vials, and multiple vials he looked at.  So you had these DNA proteins getting into the cells and introducing this monkey DNA, the SV40, which is also dysregulating your normal T-cells, normal B-cells, and complement which normally attack and eat cancer.  They're actually causing cancers.  And it's been suggested that these SV40 lead to cancers such as mesothelioma, lymphoma, and brain cancer.  And there's a direct correlation.  So there's no endpoint to the mRNA mechanism, the nanotechnology that has clearly been proven by the patents which are on Karen Kingston's substack.  And there's no turn-off switch for the spike protein.  The spike protein remains in the body for 1-3 years that we've seen so far. 

23:54  It doesn't dissipate?

23:55  No, that's my point.  

24:00  Is this why people are prescribing Ivermectin is it because it binds, this is what Dr. Pierre Kory told me, is it because it binds to the spike proteins and removes them?  Dr. Peter McCullough is also prescribing Nattokinase because it dissolves the spike protein.  Bind, remove, dissolves, sound like a pretty good one-two punch.  Are those two great things to have if you're going to preemptively attack spike proteins if you've been vaxx'd or if you're being shed on?

24:40  Absolutely.  Look, Nattokinase has been used as a food supplement in Japan for years.  And the life expectancy in Japan is really long, it's over 100 years old.  Nattokinase boosts the immune system.  It makes the red blood cells in your blood, whether it's venous or arterial, it doesn't matter.  It makes them less sticky, and it decreases the incidents of blood clots.  But also it's been shown by Peter McCullough and his team, to sweep out the spike protein, so I highly recommend the use of Nattokinase, Ivermectin, and some kind of chelation.  I love the Root Spray and Clean SlateIvermectin has been proven to decrease the effects of spike protein.  Decrease the effects of and limit viral exposure and the entrance of the virus into cells and block the mechanism of the virus sticking to the ACE2 Receptors and the spike protein sticking to the ACE2 receptors, which are all over all the organs in the body.  So I use a combination of products.  I also use dimethylglycine or methylene Blue to turn off the mRNA.  It demethylates the mRNA that is outside the cell.  There's no product that we know that stops the mRNA mechanism inside the cell at this point.  But I use that whole combination to lessen the effect of the spike protein.  

26:55  No treatment that we know of for the q dot nanoparticles that Karen Kingston describes.  

27:05  That's not shed on you, that's actually injected into the 200 plus million Americans . . . that is not a shedding issue.  That's an issue of injection, correct?

27:17  No.  Actually, the nanoparticles can be shed during transmission as well and they can jump from person to person.  And that's been seen in the DoD literature and supported by James Giordano, who is Advisor to U.S. Military Intelligence community.  In fact, he wrote that "neurotism technologies and neurotechnology nanoparticles, such as NeuroLink, Neurolace should not be considered for their mass destruction effects."

27:57  What would Elon Musk say about that? It's a bio weapon, right? These are all bio weapons, right?

28:05. These are definitely bioweapons.  If you go to Karen Kingston's substack, she has put out . . . she has done some great work in Florida.  She has put out 12 Points.  She set up a document that has laid out 12 talking points to send to your County Commissioner to get rid of these mRNA shots.  And in Point #12, I am going to read it, it says biological weapons are weapons of mass destruction.  Allowing their use on civilian populations is a 1st-degree felony in the state of Florida.  And she goes on to say that mRNA vaccines contain neurotechnology that is patented for use as a bioweapon.  She has the receipts on her website.  And this document can be downloaded off of her substack and used for any county in any state.  This is specific to Florida, but she has a letter on there where you can plug in your County Commissioner's name and office.  In the letter, you can tailor that letter to your own county commissioner in any state.  I actually sent it to my county commissioner here in Florida.  

29:40  Are they going to do anything about it? 

29:42  Yes, Collier County has passed legislation that protects its citizens against mandates, and these mRNA vaccines.  It also talks about informed consent and there are other counties in Florida that are going to pass legislation against these mRNA technologies., mandates, and against the lack of informed consent.  It's a beautifully written document and everybody should download that.

30:25  Karen Kingston was on the cutting edge of this from the very beginning.  

If you want to get Ivermectin without a prescription,
there are places in the United States.  See here.  If you order from outside the U.S., say, from India, it will take at least 1 full month before you receive it in your mail.  

$70 for 90 Count.  Well, it was $70.  Today, Sunday, May 19, 2024, it's $90 for 90-count.  

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Antiparasitics also strong anti-cancer therapies- most cancers due to yrs-long immunological mods under control of parasites

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

"Get Ivermectin" they say. Okay, but where?

Someone recommended this pharmacy to order Ivermectin.  But it's in India, and so it will take a full month before you receive it.  

And here is their website

There are other places in the U.S. where you can get Ivermectin. 

1.  PharmacyOnAir.  I've not ordered from this place, but it is in the United States, so the benefit there is that it won't, or it shouldn't, take a month to get your product say if you were ordering from overseas.  And heresomeone [from the company] was thoughtful enough to add a review of the site. 

Well, it looks like I didn't search this thoroughly.  This company is also located in India, Mumbai, India.  Because their phone number is a 310 prefix, I thought that they were located in West Los Angeles.  They're not.  First, their phone number is 310-491-0704, IST, or Indian Standard Time.  So at 2:50pm PST in Los Angeles is 3:20am IST in India.  HOURS: Mon-Fri, 9-8; Sat, 9-5. Closed Sundays. 

2.  BuyIvermectinForHumans.  I am reposting that URL because it has us. suffix.

For this company, no phone number is offered, no physical address posted, only an email form for contact.  I guess these places don't know how to do business.  So I sent an email on Friday, June 9, 2023.  

3.  ReliableRxPharmacy.  This company is located in India, which means that it will take a minimum of 3 weeks, more commonly 4 weeks, to arrive to your mail in the U.S.  Also, their payment system does not accept your credit cards.  They have 2 forms of payment: Bitcoin and eCheck

Two products: Imrotab 6mg, and Ivetab, 12mgs.  Ivetab here for $57.50.

However, if you want to get tested for different kinds of parasites, this site, Parasite Testing, is a reliable source.  

4.  Ravkoo Pharmacy.  Well, another case REFUSING TO INFORM customers WHERE they are located.  Their "CONTACT US" page is an email form page.  NO physical address.  However, they do have a phone number listed:  863-875-5700.  Could be Florida. 

5.  EarlyTreatmentMeds. HOURS: 8:30-5:00pm, EASTERN STANDARD TIME, M-F. 800-889-9638.  If you're you're on the west coast, call before or by 1:30pm.  These guys are located in  Wilmington, Delaware.  Yikes.  Their address is  Corporate Creations Network, Inc.  3411 Silverside Road Tatnall Building, Suite 104, Wilmington, Delaware, 19810.

6.  Ivermectin.  Call 1-888-559-2247.  Located at 701 South Carson Street, Suite 200, Carson City, Nevada, 89701.  This is not a good sign.  I got this page, and message, by clicking on "Order" and "Dosage" from the bottom red banner.  I did not find the "Reviews" helpful at all.  Nothing specific there.


Medicine Counter Pharmacy


5506 Highway 153 Ste 102 102 Ste

Hixson, TN 37343

(423) 680-7373

Mon-Friday 9am-7pm, Saturday 10-2pm, 

Order thru their website,


Friday, April 21, 2023

"He had oxygen in the 70% range. He had 12 (3mg) pills of ivermectin. [Told him to take them with McDonald's fries.] He arrives at the hospital, the oxygen was at 93%”

Dr. Sabine Hazan writes,

I treated a COVID patient who was going to the emergency room. He had oxygen in the 70% range. He had 12 (3mg) pills of ivermectin. I tell him 'Go to Mc Donalds and eat fries, and swallow the 12 pills!' He arrives at the hospital, and the oxygen was at 93%. @SabinehazanMD

95% is normal, so that's quite a feat by Ivermectin to restore oxygen saturation in the tissues.
So someone took 36mg of Ivermectin to treat a low oxygen condition. For most healthy adults, a normal oxygen saturation level is between 95% and 100%.  See that link for some causes of low oxygen.
I asked if the preferred dosage was closer to 36mg. And she explained that medicine is not delivered in tweets, which I totally think she was right to mildly reprimand me. And then thoughtfully, she gave me a list of doctors to contact. I appreciated that. Other than using the fat for helping the medicine go down or for absorption, not sure why the inclusion of French Fries.
I am no doctor, so I can't prescribe Ivermectin, but I have tried it myself and have appreciated the improvements to my energy. Very nice. No wonder that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were offered early on as early treatments.
If you have no insurance, you can still buy Ivermectin online from pharmacies around the country and around the world. Trade or commerce with the internet really is international. One I like is ReliableRxPharmacy.
BENEFITS of IVERMECTINTreats skin conditions, like rosacea. If you're not a fan of taking oral tablets, then try an Ivermectin topical cream.
Ivermectin also comes as a topical cream, which is used to treat rosacea. This is a skin condition that causes redness or blushing in the face. It’s also available as a lotion that’s used to treat head lice

It also improves your microbiome and your gut bacteria. 

Prime Rx Drugs, is an Indian pharmacy that has been serving humanity for over many years. We provide safe, reasonable, and branded drugs and healthcare products to patients and adults in order to prioritize their well-being.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Ivermectin clears out those insta-senescent cells!


defective apoptosis [cell death] contributes to both tumorigenesis [tumor generating] and chemoresistance [13].


To confirm the anticancer effects of autophagy on glioma cells, MTT assay and colony formation analyses were conducted to assess the growth viability of glioma cells. We evaluated the combined effects of IVM and CQ on cell proliferation using U251 and C6 cells. As shown in Figure 4A, IVM co-treatment with CQ decreased the cell growth ability in U251 and C6 cell cells, and notably CQ exhibited a lesser effect on glioma cells. As shown in Figure 4B, we found that IVM co-treatment with CQ significantly inhibited colony formation and induced significant decrease in the colony formation ratio. These results indicated that autophagy increased cell growth ability in U251 and C6 cells.

Autophagy is the destruction of damaged or redundant cellular components occurring in vacuoles within the cell

Friday, March 24, 2023

Vitamin C and vitamin D increase your bifidobacteria, a key bacteria for your immunity

Ivermectin was important for low-oxygen patients.  Fat-soluble B1 also increases oxygen in tissues.  Low oxygen in your blood is a condition called hypoxemia. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

2/3 of the world's non-commercial biological research is funded by just three bodies: The Wellcome Trust in the UK, the NIH, specifically the NIAID under Tony Fauci, and the BMGF

United States with one of the most-funded healthcare systems in the world.  What we find is that mortality is among the worst in the world.  

If you look at these innumerable failed policies, there's only one way to understand them.  They are literally written by pharmaceutical companies.  They can design trials to fail to disprove the use of cheap medicines, and they can make things appear that they don't work.  

I sit as a non-voting member of the action committee for drugs within NIH

BUSTED: 8 NIH Coronavirus Treatment Experts Disclosed Financial Ties to Gilead 

Unfortunately, it's imminently possible to manipulate the outcomes of a clinical study.  If you want a study to fail, that's dead easy.  

A Large Study Finds that Ivermectin Does Not Reduce Risk of COVID-19 Hospitalization, New York Times, 

Now their fourth "negative study" of Ivermectin in a major medical journal, and each time there's a major media frenzy.  

"Ivermectin Doesn't Work: Yet Another Study Shows No Efficacy in Reducing COVID Disease Progression," Molly Walker, MedPage Today, March 7, 2022.

Yet Another Negative Ivermectin Study, This Time in the NEJM,

People need to understand that academics have been threatened with losing their position, and threatened with getting no further research grants if they speak out against the narrative.  Guess why that is?  2/3 of the world's non-commercial biological research is funded by just three bodies: The Wellcome Trust in the UK, the NIH, specifically the NIAID under Tony Fauci, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

BMJ Investigation Raises Questions for The Wellcome Trust on Possible Conflicts of Interest, Dawn O'Shea, March 4, 2021.

Ten Experts on NIH COVID-19 Panel Have Ties to,  Companies Involved in Coronavirus Treatment

Bill Gates and His Coronavirus Conflicts of Interest, Cheryl K. Chunley, The Washington Times, Thursday, April 2, 2020.

There's this pattern that's consistent with a concerted effort to mislead the public by withholding information using modern technology, social media censorship, really, let's call it what it is: thought control.  

"Big Pharma and Healthcare: Unsolvable Conflictof Interest Between Private Enterprise and Public Health," Mayer Brezis,

"Anti-Vaxxers Have a Dangerous Theory Called "Natural Immunity."  Now It's Going Mainstream," Kiera Butler, Mother Jones,May 12, 2020. 

"The New York Times Writes Hit Piece on Dr. Robert Malone," The Inmate, April 4, 2022. 

"Federal Government Using Social Media Giants to Censor Americans," Editorial Board, New York Post, September 6, 2021.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

ALARMING! Merck is buying companies producing ivermectin in India and shutting down the production.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

An Explosion of Cancers? Defuse Them with Antiparasitics

Thanks to Dr. Lee Merritt for the video.  Medical Rebel is her website.  

Dr. Lee Merritt says it's critical to get rid of parasites NOW.  Why it helps people who have and have not taken the vaccine.  She calls it the Parasite Paradigm, or a way of looking at parasites in human health.  She claims that we've been living in a Viral Paradigm, a false paradigm causes us to look at things the wrong way.  

She thanks Celeste Solum (who looked at DARPA's role), Karen Kingston (Pfizer whistleblower, looked at who owns relevant patents), 5 Docs, and Bryan Ardis, D.C. (chiropractor who got her interested in parasites). 

*  Thought it was a contact toxin.

She never believed this was an airborne virus.  She thought it was a contact poison or toxin.  Virus does not mean animalcule that flies out of your mouth and infects someone else sick.  Virus means toxin.  You didn't "catch" a cold.  You're toxic, and you're getting rid of the toxins. 

*  Venom is not the major disease-causing agent.  Doesn't fit clinically, and it's technically difficult. 

Venom doesn't fit.  Not say that vemom doesn't play a role in the vaxx'd or those developing illnesses or the dying. Nicorette gum is a good idea, but the venom is not the major cause of the disease.  Not what she's seeing clinically. If venom were the problem, then children would have died and adults would have lived.  

*  mRNA is too expensive.  What does she mean by that? 

Despite all the literature that showed how dangerous the mRNA technology was, how bad it was on all the animal studies it's just too expensive.  Claim is that the one mRNA technology that they'd actually gotten to market was for an ophthalmology issue.  In 2018, the cost was almost $1 million for a treatment.  How did they suddenly within 2 years supply billions of doses at less than $30 per dose?  That doesn't make sense to Merritt. 

Then she points to this video, Cancer: A Parasitical Infection.  Video of German researchers telling us that cancer is a parasitical issue. 


Ivermectin is antiparasitic. it's also antitumor.  You can get it hereherehere, and at feed supply stores in your area.
Here Dr. Lee Merritt talks about the parasite-cancer paradigm as opposed to the virus-cancer paradigm.

There are equally effective antiparasitics besides Ivermectin.  There is Fenbendezole and Zitanoxinide.  Academic OUP touts its benefits.
Nitazoxanide is a new thiazolide antiparasitic agent that shows excellent in vitro activity against a wide variety of protozoa and helminths. It is given by the oral route with good bioavailability and is well tolerated, with primarily mild gastrointestinal side effects. At present, there are no documented drug-drug interactions. Nitazoxanide has been licensed for the treatment of Giardia intestinalis–induced diarrhea in patients ⩾1 year of age and Cryptosporidum-induced diarrhea in children aged 1–11 years. At present, it is pending licensure for treatment of infection due to  Cryptosporidium species in adults and for use in treating immunocompromised hosts. It represents an important addition to the antiparasitic arsenal. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

"I did everything I could to protect her but I still couldn't protect her from these evil people that murdered her"

Here is the interview.

Hospitals were getting a $39,000 dollar kickback for putting patients on a ventilator, so when we said we didn't want her on a ventilator or her to be given Remdesivir, whatsoever, they immediately made a sign, DNR, Do Not Resuscitate.  So they knew that my mother was going to die, so for people complaining at home, you know, the arm-chair conspiracy theorists, they want people to die because this is the problem: they were not able to get Emergency Use Authorization on the vaccine if there is any sort of remedy for COVID0-19.  If there's any available remedy.  Now, you can technically call Ivermectin an available remedy.  Because of that, because Ivermectin actually works against COVID-19, it would have negated the vaccine, they denied people like my mother Ivermectin.  And then they use Remdesivir when they know from the studies that half the people die from the trials, they gave it to people like my mother behind our back, knowing they had the legal liability to give it to her whatever they wanted because that was the government protocol for COVID, so they murdered my mom right in front of my face slowly . . . .  

She died on October 21, 2021, thirteen days after his birthday.  Really sad.  I still have the last gifts my mother gave me--the notes and cards.  She was my biggest fan, watched all the stuff, and then 2 weeks later, she's dead.  Life is fragile.  I didn't expect to lose my mom.  She did everything.  She wore a mask.  She got vaccinated because she would have lost care from her doctor, she didn't even tell me about it, only told her sister.  She didn't even want me to know because I was so anti-vaxx.  So once again, they killed with the vaxx, they killed her with Remdesivir, they killed her with the protocols.    

My mom was in an accident when I was younger, and my mom was on disability, I took care of my mom, I took care of my mom.  I TOOK CARE of my mom, that's why I feel immense guilt.  I did everything I could to protect her but I still couldn't protect her from these evil people that murdered her.

How could you give her Remdesivir when we both told you not to give it to her?  Did they wait until she was asleep and then give it to her?  Did you figure out how they gave it to her without her consent?  I was very lucky to be in the room with her for 4 hours a day of visitation.  But, Dan, there are so many wires, so much stuff going in and out of there.  And because of intubation, they have what is called a C-Pap machine almost, it just blows in the air.  It was very uncomfortable.  One is Remdesivir, and one is steroids, I don't know.  It doesn't matter.  We told them no Remdesivir, no Remdesivir whatsoever.  My mom was fine.  The only reason she went to the hospital is that she was that she got it too fast, she hit her head and almost fainted.  She did not really even want to go to the hospital.  Long story, short, she called the hospital, and they told her that her breathing is fine.  And the second time, she got up so fast she hit her head and got nervous, thinking that she should go into the hospital because she'd never fainted like that before.  And the next thing you know, those first two days she and I were sitting there, having a conversation, drinking McDonald's milkshakes, and once they started administering Remdesivir, my mom's entire organs filled up with fluid and she died in my arms 5 days later.  

And when you asked to give her Ivermectin at Baylor University Hospital, 

They had 11 different cords going into my mother, they told you it wasn't part of the protocol because it wasn't part of the government, or what was their excuse?  They looked at me like I was a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist like I was They may as well have thought I was QAnon when I asked for that in that hospital. 

The worst of it all was when I was talking about Ivermectin, they had the police escort me out because those nurses were so nervous because those nurses said I was going to do something to them after my mom died.  I'm just saying that's how they treated me.  I would never hurt a nurse, but they were so nervous because they were treating me like absolute crap, like I was an anti-vaxxer, making me feel guilty while I was watching my mom die.  The last thing I'm going to say is nothing scares me, Dan.  When I go into a protest with Antifa, I could care less.  I watched my mom die.  I was so scared to go to that hospital every single day.  So nothing will ever be as bad as 

John Zingsheim survived a 10-month stay in the hospital after finally being treated with Ivermectin.  

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Charles Hoffe is being prosecuted in Canada for recommending ivermectin, and for telling patients that the vaccines are dangerous.

Yeah, this guy, the guy who sounded the alarm of harm early and often, is on trial in Canada for recommending Ivermectin.   

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Medical Cartel Coming for Prominent Doctors. If that Doesn't Shut Up the Rest, They'll Keep Coming Until They Put a Stop to Dissenting Opinion

The medical cartel really hates a conflicting opinion or any opinion that goes off the reservation.  A remarkable threat to freedom.  Jennifer Henderson at MedPageToday writes

Due to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians possess a high degree of public trust," the commission wrote in the statement. "That public trust is essential to effective delivery of medical care. Knowingly false statements or those made in reckless disregard for the truth, such as the medical disinformation statements by respondent ... erode the public's trust in physicians and their medical treatment and advice, and thereby injure public health."

Specifically, at all times relevant to the case, Cole, an anatomical and clinical pathologist, ran an independent medical laboratory that he owns, provided direct care to patients via telemedicine through the website, and spoke at public and private forums, as well as on news shows and podcasts, the statement noted.

According to the commission, since March 2021, Cole is said to have made false and misleading comments during his presentations, including, "Children survive [COVID-19] at a hundred percent," and "A hundred percent of world [ivermectin] trials have shown benefit. 

Oh, their criticism of Dr. Cole is comical. 

Other public statements Cole is said to have made include that the COVID vaccine is "an experimental biological gene therapy immune-modulatory injection," in addition to "a fake vaccine ... the clot shot, needle rape." 

On that, he's absolutely correct.  They won't be able to continue hiding behind "Died Suddenly" or "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome," idiots.  

In a written statement to the Washington Medical Commission dated Feb. 7, 2022, Cole wrote that he had not advised patients or the general public to not get the COVID vaccine, contrary to other remarks included in the statement of charges.

As for the allegations of negligent patient care, the statement included descriptions of telemedicine provided in June and July 2021 to four unnamed patients.

"For all of these patients, [the] respondent prescribed medications that are not indicated for a COVID-19 infection, failed to properly document adequate justification [adequte according to whose standards, the state's or a medical professional?] for the treatment in the medical record, failed to take a history or perform a physical examination, and failed to obtain appropriate informed consent," the commission wrote. [I wonder what "appropriate informed consent" refers to.] "Respondent also provided inadequate opportunity for follow-up care, treated patients beyond his competency level, and did not advise patients about standard treatment guidelines and preventative measures."

Wow, they certainly are building a case against Dr. Cole in the court of public opinion.  

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Clotting Without Platelets Is Unusual

Start at the 24:00 mark. That's where the details begin about the. different kinds of clotting.

Thanks to SenseReceptorNews

He references the unmentionable, Ivermectin, and how it displaces the spike proteins.  In addition to the ACE2 receptor, Dr. Cole references the RAD140 receptor.   

Whether we're vaccinated or not, whether we've had COVID or not, there is some clotting going on in our bodies.  There's probably some micro-clotting in us all that chokes up tissues, and it's true that cancer does like oxygen-deprived environments. If you want to increase oxygen in your tissues, vitamin B1 delivers that.  The fat-soluble forms--Benfotiamine, Lipothiamine, and Allithiamine get the job done.  If you're vaccinated, you'll need high, high doses to bring back some oxygen to your tissues.  
If you want to degrade the spike protein that is responsible for the micro-clotting, I strongly advise taking Nattokinase.
The latest concern, however, is that the vaccine's produce clotting without blood platelets, the long rubbery kind that embalmers are extracting with difficulty.  Are these vax clots simply fibrin clots?  If so, then you should, after checking with your doctor, taking any one of these anti-clotting enzymes Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, and Lumbrokinase.  I can't say with 100% certainty that any of these will by themselves dissolve the fibrin clots but if they can degrade them, that is to your advantage.  This article says that Lumbrokinase breaks up fibrin clots.  So there's that.  

Interferon Type I is essential for fighting cancer.  

Saturday, December 3, 2022

HOW IVERMECTIN WORKS AGAINST SARS-COV-2: ivermectin comes along and stops any further transfection and tags the already transfected cells for removal by the immune system....


NoFluxGiven writes, 

I believe Dr Paul Marik and Dr Been agree, and one of the reasons IVM is the foundation of the I-RECOVER protocols by the

Combined with fasting, red light therapy, and Methylene Blue to effectively stop replication and degrade the spike. Nailed it! 

HOW TO GET IVERMECTIN:  If you're wondering how to obtain Ivermectin, one responder wrote

Here is one farm & fleet store.