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Showing posts sorted by date for query Graphene oxide. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, September 18, 2021

"Resveratrol blocks all three stages of cancer genesis: initiation, promotion, and progression."

from Greg Hunter at USAWatchDog

Karen Kingston is a top pharmaceutical analyst who has researched and written about many cutting-edge drugs.  She has been ostracized and attacked by Big Pharma because she is speaking out about the great harm being done by the so-called CV19 vaccines.  Everything from heart failure, cancer and even ED are just some of the side effects of the vax injections.  More and more is coming out about how the “vaccines” are hurting and killing people.  Kingston, who has read and studied hundreds of pages of CV19 vaccine patents, says, “They are not vaccines.  They are only intended to poison, mutate, cause genetic mutations, and kill adults and children.   They contain advanced medical technologies called lipid nanoparticles that are made of hydrogel, which contains graphene oxide (poison to humans). . . . There are strong immunosuppressants, different types of chemotherapies that could suppress your immune system while being injected by something that is going to highjack your immune system . . . . and actually produce this disease-causing genetic material that can cause cancers, inflammatory diseases, genetic disorders, infertility and etc.  That’s when I cried, not for myself or my family, but for God’s children basically.”

Nanolipid capsule hydrogel is poison. It contains graphene.  Dr. Ryan Cole who's been doing autopsies is appalled by what he is seeing. He's seen a 20-fold increase in cancers.  

If cancer is indeed the fallout from these vaccines, then people need to be taking supplements that stop the onset, halt any cancer that a person may currently have, and actually reverse cancers so that your body can heal itself.  What product is that?  Resveratrol.  And the preferred brand of Resveratrol is Bill Sardi's Longevinex.  

On pages 9-10, check this out: 

No single molecule, natural or man-made, has been proven to cure cancer. Most cancer chemotherapy consists of multiple drugs. But then again, there is resveratrol.

It was a breathtaking moment in the history of medicine. It is nearly forgotten now, but momentarily relived for readers here. A researcher had been dispatched across the globe to test and examine over 30,000 natural molecules for their ability to quell cancer. Unexpectedly, one molecule stood out from the rest.

John Pezzuto PhD, the researcher who traveled thousands of miles for the National Cancer Institute to put these natural molecules to the test, said: “Of all the plants we’ve tested for cancer chemo-preventive activity and all the compounds we’ve seen, this one has the greatest promise.”

Resveratrol blocks all three stages of cancer genesis:  initiation, promotion and progression.  No anti-cancer drug comes even close to doing this.  Resveratrol may be as close as biologists will ever come to a singular cure for cancer. Oddly, even though resveratrol has been demonstrated in numerous studies to help overcome cancer drug resistance and to quell cancer itself, it is not even used as a secondary medication in cancer therapy today.

According to Dr. Pezzuto, a recent research study involving resveratrol showed that it switched hundreds of genes at one time. Commenting on that study, Dr. Pezutto likened resveratrol to a “whiff that induces a biologically specific tsunami.” Those are strong words from a usually reserved investigator  

The passage that got my attention was the one that read "Resveratrol blocks all three stages of cancer genesis:  initiation, promotion, and progression."  Seems like that would help.