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Showing posts sorted by date for query FOR THE GREATER GOOD. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2024

MIND-BLOWING REVELATION🔥 Please stop and think about the implications of what's explained here. (1/3)

THIS is why it's IMPOSSIBLE to "vaccinate" against anything. THIS is why "vaccines" are the PERFECT POISONS. THIS is why eugenicists like Bill Gates love "vaccines." Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for James Delingpole (@JMCDelingpole) how "vaccines," essentially, work in the exact opposite way as we're told they do—meaning it's literally impossible to make a vaccine that does anything but poison somebody. While we're told that "vaccines" work by giving us a small amount of a toxic substance—e.g. a bacteria or virus— in turn allowing us to create immunity against future infections, what the injections actually do is make us vulnerable to said toxins. Furthermore, "vaccines" prime our bodies to react badly to *anything* that's injected into us, including benign substances like milk or egg proteins. Hence the proliferation of allergies, such as allergies to milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, etc. Incredibly, Latypova explains how this has been known since 1913, when Charles Richet—a French physiologist and self-proclaimed eugenicist—won a Nobel Prize for figuring out that injecting animals with toxins primes them for harmful or deadly reactions if they encounter the same toxins in the environment, even in small amounts. He called these reactions "anaphylactic" reactions, but said that these reactions also included allergies. After researching this topic and analyzing Richet's work, Latypova says she's come to the conclusion that "everybody who is . . . closely familiar with this history and work cannot think that it's possible to vaccinate." The pharma insider adds, "It's impossible to vaccinate for anything. And Richet has demonstrated it conclusively and was given Nobel Prize for it...because he figured out how to poison everyone by sensitizing them to the most commonly occurring things in their environment." "It's the most ingenious way of poisoning," Latypova says. "The eugenicists never went away. They all still think that way. They all still think that they should poison us and limit our reproduction because, you know, we're polluting the earth now. We're causing climate change," Latypova adds. "They're brainwashing themselves and their followers into thinking that this is actually acceptable. It's acceptable to poison people. It's acceptable to sterilize people. It's acceptable to lie to people because it's for the greater good. So what started with Richet continues today." Partial transcription of clip: "One of the historical examples, Katherine [Watt] and I ran into, and this became a huge, epiphany for me is, Charles Richet, who was a French researcher in that time. So he worked in early 1900s. In 1913, he was given Nobel Prize for this work, and he is credited with the work on anaphylaxis, although he wasn't the only one, but so he received the Nobel Prize. And so that to me, you know, opened so much kind of I was like, of course. You know, why didn't I see this before? But, basically, you know, when you look at this work and then when you look at what preceded and what went after, you kind of understand a few things. "First of all, everybody who is, let's say, closely familiar with this history and work cannot think that it's possible to vaccinate. It's impossible to vaccinate for anything. And Richet has demonstrated it conclusively and was given Nobel Prize for it...because he figured out how to poison everyone by sensitizing them to the most commonly occurring things in their environment. It's the most ingenious way of poisoning. "He was a committed eugenicist. And at that time, you know, everyone should realize, eugenicism was a fashionable society attitude. So, you know, all the well-to-do classes were subscribing to it. The good breeding was always, you know, promoted. And, at the time, the sentiment was, well, how can we help the poor be less dirty and less numerous? Make them less humorous. And AKA kill them. Because this side of them is so offensive to us when we ride our horses through the park and, you know, and then there's like them. What can we do about it? And what can we do about it became into let's figure out how to control their, overbreeding because they tend to reproduce too much, and they tend to live in crowded conditions, and they tend to have poor hygiene and no sanitation. "So instead of working on those issues, they will decide, oh, let's vaccinate them. And, actually, the same same thing continues with Bill Gates in Africa and India for the same reason. And, you know, but all of these thoughts extended now to us, to normal people. "Now all of the globalist and this, you know, elite. [aka, the parasitic class], I don't call them elites, but they all think of us that way. That's, you know, that's what people need to understand. The eugenicists never went away. They all still think that way. They all still think that they should poison us and and limit our reproduction because, you know, we're polluting the earth now. We're causing the climate change. Whatever those ideas are, but they're brainwashing themselves and their followers into thinking that this is actually acceptable. It's acceptable to poison people. It's acceptable to sterilize people. It's acceptable to lie to people, because it's for the greater good. You know? So what started with Richet continues today."

Sunday, September 8, 2024

If there isn't enough evidence and information surrounding the dangers and illegalities of not just the code injection but all injections that are falsely called vaccines it may be important to take a new look at the term anaphylaxis a term normally reserved for a serious allergic reaction that has a rapid onset and is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention, or so we've been told.  But hold on.  In reviewing the work of 1913 Nobel Prize winner, Charles Richet, biotech expert and analyst, Sasha Latypova, and legal expert Katherine Watt have a broader take on this condition because they believe it may be at the center of what is injuring people and killing them in this mass genocide operation.  Let's take a closer look and welcome once again to the show Sasha Latypova.  

2:25. How did you and Katherine Watt get interested to even dig into this topic, and why do you think it's important right now?

2:30.  Katherine has been working on a very large project going back through vaccine-related laws of the United States all the way back to the 1700s, so she and another collaborator are writing what she calls "a beast of a" report on how all these laws and this entire framework have been put in place and specifically looking at definitions.  As you know, definitions are very important, like what is a vaccine?  What is a virus? etc, because definitions in law are basically everything.  So that work is ongoing, and as part of this work, she came across Richet's Nobel Prize and she sent me originally his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, a lecture, which I read and I was shocked by it.  And then I decided to research it further, and I actually went into the archives and I found his book that he published in 1913, he published his book, and I provided several screenshots from it on my sub stack when I wrote about this so I read his book and I kind of understand what he did and the conclusions that he made he also sites other authors working on the same area at the same time.

4:00. Who was this guy was he a scientist was he a money guy Charles Richet?

4:07. Yeah at the turn of the 20th century I would classify him as a sort of there were a lot of these gentleman scientists so people who had independent financial means and they were interested in different topics of science so he seemed to have been very well connected of the original story says that the Prince of Monaco invited him on his yacht which was a huge ship that was traveling in the Mediterranean and he went to research the jellyfish, the Man of War, the very dangerous jellyfish and so from then on when they returned he started working with different poisons that he made from similar things so getting them out of War was kind of difficult so he created what he himself called virus of Actinaria.  Turns out, the virus of Actinaria is basically the tentacles of a sea anemone dissolved in glycerine.  At that time, the definition of "virus" was poison.  So he made poison, and he described how he made it, and he called it a virus, which was the scientific nomenclature at the time and this whole methodology this particle that infects and flies around and you get it from casual contact.  That wasn't there.  It was already well understood that that doesn't happen, and viruses are something you inject to poison.  That's what he was doing in his laboratory experiments he mostly worked on dogs he poisoned a lot of dogs and other people that he collaborated with or knew about who worked with rodents, rabbits, guinea pigs, and sometimes other animals. Turns out white mice and some breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis.  Isn't it surprising that they are the staple of pharmaceutical research?

6:10. You also mentioned that he was at that turn of the century the group of eugenicists, he wasn't doing this to help mankind, or did he find out I guess, did anybody have success stories in terms of health so that those mice, the animals that do not experience that abrupt serious allergic reaction, why?  Do they have something that we don't have?

6:40. They did not know.  I think they just figured out that these breeds don't experience anaphylaxis, and said, well, we're not going to work with them because we are interested in the anaphylaxis.  In addition to his interest in anaphylaxis and vaccination or early attempts at vaccination, he was a committed eugenicist.  He thought that black people were inferior, and he was actually a president of a Eugenics Society in Europe, I think in France.  At that time, eugenics was a fashionable conservative position in high society, so almost everybody, if you read the literature which I do from the early 20th century, you will see that high society, well-to-do social economic classes are all eugenicists and this is acceptable; it's considered a proper conservative point of view.

7:38. I agree with you I've been inspired by the work of Scott Shara who's done a whole bunch of work originally to avenge his daughter's Grace's hospital murder.  But he ends up stumbling and digging into finding that this was all part of the greater eugenicist movement.  It was a very proper thing to do.  You wanted a healthier race.  People just missed that whole, they fell into it, the masses, thinking that it was going to be something good for them.  

8:10. Right it's a little bit of a digression but it's important to understand this stems from Darwinism by the way and there was a lot of scientific debate at the time it wasn't a centrally so the concern of these rich people was how do we prevent these poor classes that were dirty and inferior from overbreeding.  That was their main concern and actually, Darwin was against that not because he was some humanitarian his position was that if we prevent them from over-breeding then we don't have the competitive evolutionary selection if you read the literature at that time it's really fascinating but it shows where these ideas come from yes it came from the richer classes the more well-to-do classes, who called themselves "well-bred" from trying to limit and prevent over breeding of poor classes, which they associated with infectious diseases, epidemics, general dirty stuff, crime, that was their attempt to limit it.  So they devised all these methods and Richet was working in it although in the book at least he doesn't say explicitly his goals, he just lays out the scientific stuff.  I think they were working on how they can figure out how, we can prevent epidemics and limit the reproduction of the dirty classes.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

British invented communism and other subversive movements, then blamed them on the Jews

55:20  If you look at the period we call "The Age of Revolution," when all of a sudden people started rising up and overthrowing governments, late 18th century through the early 20th century, the Russian Revolution.  This was the age of Revolution, and this was exactly the age when the British Empire rose and basically took over the world and became the master of the entire planet.  Its only real rival was, by the time of WWI, the real rival of Great Britain, was not Germany, it was Russia, and I explain in geopolitical terms why this was in my book.  

56:00  Germany was a rival, yes, but they understood that Russia was potentially a much greater rival, and there is no question that British elites went into WWI with a very definite plan to defeat both Germany, their enemy, and Russia, who was supposedly their ally, and they accomplished both.  And the reason they dared to do this, obviously, it was a very risky thing to do, to take out your ally, Russia, in the midst of trying to defeat Germany, but they did it because they already knew that the Americans were going to  enter the war because this had already been arranged in advance with Colonel House and Sir William Wiseman and all the British intelligence people who were controlling Woodrow Wilson.  They said, "Oh, it's already been set up and arranged," so the British already knew that the instant that they took out Russia the Americans were going to come in and replace Russia with fresh troops and finish off what was left of Germany.  That's exactly what happened.  It was admittedly a very risky move; could have gone badly for the British, but they're a risk-taking people; that's why they got where they got.  They took this risk and they won.  It absolutely happened exactly as they planned it.  And the key was their control of the United States, and their absolute ability to know with 100% certainty that they could get Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany.  It was an intricate and fascinating set of maneuvers, but it really happened.  It was so well documented.  But the way that covered it was the British to have Winston Churchill get up in 1920 at a point when the whole world was totally disillusioned by war, by geopolitics.  So many people had died, and the catastrophe in Russia, in particular, was still going on, so many millions slaughtered.  What was it all about?  And so Churchill got up there and said "It was the Jews.  The Jews did it.  It was all their fault.  And we need to defeat these bad Jews in Russia," he said, "and we need to encourage these good Jews who are going to set up 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

JAMES LYONS-WEILER: often involves an autoimmune reaction...but it's simply the body's intolerance of toxins and the brain becomes overwhelmed

"Adults who were exposed to too much mercury because they ate fish from the Bay of Minamata... They started hand-flapping, they stopped talking...we call that mercury poisoning over [there], but if you poison a kid with mercury to their toxic level of tolerance, it's autism."

Scientist, CEO, author, and human rights advocate James Lyons-Weiler () describes for Stephanie Weidle (@ActiveSinger24) on a Feds for Freedom () podcast about how autism is caused by "a long list" of environmental toxins, which he refers to as "autismogens." "Like there are many carcinogens, there are many autismogens," Lyons-Weiler says. "These autismogens include any number of organic pollutants [including] mercury of both types." The scientist highlights the Minamata disaster in Japan, which saw citizens in the 1950s, in the city of Minamata, Kumamoto Prefecture, fall prey to mercury poisoning following the release of methylmercury into the ocean from industrial wastewater from a chemical factory. The methylmercury bioaccumulated in shellfish and when citizens subsequently ate them, they were poisoned. "Adults that were exposed to too much mercury because they ate fish from the Bay of Minamata after the Minamata disaster...[they] stopped making eye contact. They started hand-flapping, and they stopped talking, it's a one-to-one correspondence. We just call that mercury poisoning over here. But if you poison a kid with mercury to their toxic level of tolerance, it's autism, if it's mercury-based." Partial transcription of clip: "All of the literature up to 2015 showed environmental toxins that are associated with autism. It's a long list. "Like there are many carcinogens, there are many autismogens. These autismogens include any number of organic pollutants. They include mercury of both types. And proof of this is the Minamata disaster in Japan. Adults that were exposed to too much mercury because they ate fish from the Bay of Minamata after the Minamata disaster, [and] well, let's go through the symptoms of autism: you stop making eye contact; you can't speak; you lose the ability to speak; you don't interact with people socially; you act like they're not there in the room If it's severe, you might hand flap and do repetitive motions. "Anybody can identify a kid with autism that way or an adult. The adults that were exposed to high levels of mercury stopped making eye contact. They started hand flapping, and they stopped talking, it's a one-to-one correspondence. We just call that mercury poisoning over here. But if you poison a kid with mercury to their toxic level of tolerance, it's autism, if it's mercury-based.

The reference to Dr. Russel Blaylock's Chronic Microglial Activation.
So often involves an autoimmune reaction...but it's simply the body's intolerance of toxins and the brain becomes overwhelmed, can't do the things that the brain needs to do. "What happens in the brain if a brain cell dies due to the toxins that are present of any kind, it actually activates, it sends out cytokines that activate microglial cells, which are the scavengers and the immune cells of our brain. And those microglial cells will pick up the cellular debris and clean it up. They also do pruning of the brain during neurodevelopment and they have two roles. They're the trash collectors of the brain and they prune the brain for neurodevelopment. Well, if you fill the brain with toxins to the point where these microglia are so busy taking out the trash all day long, they can't build the brain properly. So we have altered neurodevelopment due to toxins. "So please, let's stop with, okay, for the greater good, you're taking on risks for to protect other kids, and what about these kids? What about these kids' rights to live in a world free from the ravages of pharmaceutical toxins to save some other kid from a mild childhood illness. That's where the balance of ethics should be and we need to revisit that as a society.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

BYSTRIANYK: Over 140 years ago, Dr. Henry Littlejohn observed how important FEAR is in the manifestation of disease. He found it wasn’t about a virus or bacteria as much as you FEAR

Over 140 years ago, Dr. Henry Littlejohn observed how important FEAR is in the manifestation of disease. He found it wasn’t about a virus or bacteria as much as you FEAR of it. His 25 years of experience with his staff found if you weren’t afraid of the disease, you didn’t get cholera, smallpox, fevers, measles, or whooping cough, and they didn’t transmit to their families either! Remember, this was a time before gowns and masks! They worked with patients in close proximity with their bare hands! “Infectious germs of all kinds have no power of successfully attacking the healthy individual.” Is it time for a complete rethink of our FEAR of germs??? “All medical authorities are agreed that the risk attending the entering a room in which there are cases of infectious disease is infinitesimally small to the healthy individual; and that even where a person actually assists in removing a patient sick of an infectious disorder to another apartment or to a conveyance, while the risk is greater, it is in reality very small to the sound constitution. As a rule, it is rare to find nurses affected who live for hours and days at a time in the same atmosphere with the sick, and who at the same time make use of the simplest precautions. It is still rarer to hear of medical men sickening of infectious diseases caught in their practice, and is well known that medical men never, or very rarely, bring the infection of such diseases to their households. For twenty-five years I have been engaged in active sanitary work, and have had, with very limited staff, to cope with serious outbreaks of Cholera, Small-pox, Fever, Scarlatina, Measles, and Hooping-cough, and although I have during that period brought up a large family, I have never communicated any of these diseases to my children or dependents, nor am I aware that any of the numerous sanitary inspectors who have acted under me have ever contracted or communicated these diseases while in the public service. To live in constant fear of infection is one of the surest methods of courting the risk of an attack. It is a popular, and I believe a true, saying with regard to Cholera, that the fear of it kills more than the scourge itself. This holds equally good for other forms of infection; and the Sanitary Inspector; to be an efficient public servant must be assured of this cardinal fact, that infectious germs of all kinds have no power of successfully attacking the healthy individual.” — Dr. Henry D. Littlejohn, of Edinburg, Medical Officer to the Scottish Board of Health. Henry D. Littlejohn, MD, “Report by Dr. Littlejohn,” The Poor Law Magazine and Parochial Journal, vol. VIII, 1880, Edinburgh, pp. 309-311.

Friday, August 16, 2024

C. HENRY KEMPE on SMALLPOX VACCINES: Vaccines are more dangerous than Smallpox

The government and vaccinators have always thought that if you are injured or die for the “greater good,” it is all worth it. Of course, they don’t ask you if that’s ok with you or your family. “The mortality and morbidity from routine infant smallpox vaccination in this country is now truly appalling when compared to the risk of smallpox. Analysis of data obtained from a review of questionnaires received from 19,616 physicians surveyed by us suggested that the estimated number of complications in 1963 was approximately 3,000, with ten to eighteen deaths among a total of fourteen million persons vaccinated… The last smallpox death in the United States following an importation occurred in 1948, but since that time there have probably been 200 to 300 deaths from smallpox vaccination… The majority of workers in the field of public health sincerely feel that the current morbidity and mortality from routine vaccination is “the price we have to pay” for keeping our country free of smallpox.” – C. Henry Kempe, Professor and Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, 1968 [C. Henry Kempe, “Smallpox vaccination of eczema patients with attenuated live vaccinia virus,” Yale journal of biology and medicine, August 1968, pp. 9-10.]

Monday, July 22, 2024

DR. ERIC BERG: out of all the things that are involved in the healing and repair process, we need amino acids. We need bioavailable protein, which is going to be animal protein

01:28. In fact it's difficult to heal and repair your body without animal protein, especially red meat and today I'm going to prove it in past videos I have talked about eggs and I eat a lot of eggs and eggs are awesome but if we compare eggs to me there is some significant differences and that's what I want to talk about.

01:48. Lots of benefits from having salmon and fish which I have once or twice a week salmon and sardines are very high in Omega-3 which is good, but red meat or beef has more protein and has a lot of other things that can help you heal.  If we look at the whole picture, I will say out of all the things that are involved in the healing and repair process, we need amino acids.  We need bioavailable protein, which is going to be animal protein and we need concentrated protein.


If we just compare red meat to eggs, 

Red meat is twice as concentrated in amino acids.
Red meat has 1.5 times greater iron.
Red meat has 2.2x greater magnesium.
Beef has 3.7 times greater amounts of zinc.
Red meat has 50 times more vitamin B3 than eggs.
Red meat has double the amount of B1.
Beef has 4 times the amount of B6.
Red meat has twice the amount of B12.
Beef has 4 times the amount of vitamin K.
Red meat has 5 times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids. 

So the ratios of red meat are going to be better.  Not processed meat from factory farms things like deli meats bologna Etc he's talking about grass-fed beef.

Beef compared to chickens that are pasture-raised, the chickens are still fed grains, which kind of throws off the Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratios.  That being said eggs are also a good source of protein.  As a side note, beef liver has 73 times more vitamin A than eggs.

03:22  Another nutrient that eggs have that is better than beef is choline.  Eggs have a little more than double the amount of B2.
12x more folate than in beef.  

Beef has the X Factor, 4 X-Factors actually.  

X-FACTOR #1CARNITINE.  Carnitine helps transport fats into your cells, into the energy Factory called the mitochondria to help you get more energy.  Without carnitine, the cells can't get energy from fat.  Carnitine gives you that quick energy when you're exercising and since we're talking about a really important transport of fuel to the mitochondria that is essential for healing and repair of your tissues, not only do we need all the essential amino acids as the raw material we also need other things like those vitamins.   

If we compare 100 G of red meat to 100 G of eggs, the amount of carnitine would be 150 mg versus only 7 mg for eggs.  

Lamb is #1 when it comes to carnitine content.  Beef is #2

X-FACTOR #2CREATINE.  Creatine gives us that quick energy.  

11:45. Somebody on Substack explained this concept well.  The whole Globalist One Health is basically labeling not health as health.  For example, the energy that's not clean, or clean, depending on who is opinion it is, which is not health is now health.  Plants, which is not health, are now health.  So everything . . . war is health.  They're announcing that Ukraine is a health issue.  Yes, Ukraine is a health issue!  If you're lonely it's a health issue.  So they claim that the entire world, every aspect of living existence, is health. And these local bureaucrats that have no business and no authority to make law actually make law about your health.  So your Health Department now makes de facto law because they're going to say, "Oh, no, you need to drive on this day not on this day.  You need to go lock down here," and this is all health regulation that has nothing to do with laws but the deprivation of your rights.  That's how they are claiming the world capturing the world while everybody is talking politics and distracted.  

I will never forget the scene in the 1987 movie, Escape from Sobibor, starring Alan Arkin and Rutger Hauer, where after a trainload of Jews arrived and departed into formation, the German commander explains that typhus [at the 12:04 mark] has spread in some of the camps and that the residents will have to take showers.  So totalitarians are always using "health" to get compliance from you, and why not?  We know that health is good for us.  We know that we don't do enough for our own health.  And none of us like disease, and if disease is prevalent we want to wipe it out completely for the greater good.

13:10, BREGGIN. One of the first things I did when the whole thing started is I got a couple of textbooks on public health and one of the things that was very interesting to me who were writing the articles were for themselves planning the future of the world, each one of them.  And they would talk about how they were going to have to do this and that.  And never did these individual articles say we might run into trouble with the Supreme Court and there was a Bill of Rights that would tell us you can't do any of these things.  It's gone. It's not in their minds and they've succeeded, as you brilliantly just described, at going around the whole thing bypassing government. 

14:04. LATYPOVA. By administrative diktat, the Administrative State.  Yeah, I published on this very scary authority that they give themselves, the CDC and then down to every Health Department including in your county, they give themselves the authority to arrest anyone without any cause or due process through quarantine measures.  And they already did that in 2020 when they arrested and put into Federal detainment into military bases about 3,000 people from two cruise ships on absolutely a secret PCR test that only the CDC had in their possession at the time and didn't allow anyone to validate it.  So they secretly tested everyone, told them that they were positive or exposed to somebody who was positive based on their own hand-waving rules, and took those people and put them into military bases indefinitely.  And people could appeal their quarantine imprisonment to the same people who put them there the CDC and the medical orders for quarantine were written up by PHDs, not by MDs.  So that's how they do it and they can do it at any time there are laws in the United States that allow them to do it freely any time and there is no recourse so that's the scary part and people have no idea that this exists in your health department can do it to you.  We recently FOIA'd so I had a CHD fellow help me to get the FOIA from CDC.  They only gave us partial response but even in the partial response this is very clearly spelled out.  These are the papers that they gave to these people, and they said, "We CDC have this authority under these rules, and you must go," and people have no understanding.  Of course, they were scaring them with things like "This is a novel virus," "It's very deadly," "You might not feel anything right now, but it's very very deadly and very scary," and "You need to follow us and we'll give you the best treatment."  And then in that military detention, 10 people died.  But we don't know from what.  

16:41. I think they gave them Remdesivir, put them on ventilators, and that's how they died.  And then they called it COVID, and then disposed of the bodies, paid off the family members.  And remember, it all comes back to money. Throughout this whole time, FEMA would give $10,000 to people whose relatives were killed in the hospital as long as they called it COVID-19 and shut up about it.  Most people took the money, burial money.  I know Ernest Ramirez's son, Michael, was murdered by vaccines and he was also offered $10,000 and he refused.  And some people did refuse.   That's probably how we know about these payments.  

24:00. BREGGIN.  You said that the largest deep state agency in the world is our Department of Defense.  Is that what you said?

24:18. LATYPOVA.  Yes, the largest globalist organization is our Department of Defense because they have something like 900 military bases with weapons, serious weapons, occupying various countries. They had a number of them all over Europe, most recently Sweden and Finland, who remained for a long time independent.  Now they have signed up to a Defense Cooperation Agreement, DCA, where the US now can occupy about 15 military bases in each country.... 

25:00. BREGGIN. Now is that part of joining NATO?

25:05, LATYPOVA. Yes. 

25:06. BREGGIN.  If you join NATO, you come under our Department of Defense?

25:08. LATYPOVA.  Yes, and the US can occupy 15 military bases in Finland and in Sweden, which are small countries.  It's occupation, and occupation has been ongoing since the end of World War II.  U.S has occupied Europe and gradually pushed these countries to give up their military, to give up their own defense in exchange for protection, and this protection also is basically the role, the globalist, of the US Department of Defense is to hold guns literally to every government's head so that they accept the petro dollar, the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.  You're right the structure is shaky and collapsing.  It's not clear how long the collapse is going to take.  But up until this point the whole point of having a globalist army enforcement via the US Department of Defense was so that everyone takes the US Petro dollars, or the reserve currency, as a main global transaction mechanism, and that's the power that the US exerts on the entire world: the power of U.S. money and forced by US military.  

Thursday, June 27, 2024


Gene therapies - futile and deadly. The Train Wreck Continues. by Sasha Latypova

No, there is no "off-switch". mRNA is poison and cannot be made into medicine.

Read on Substack

Neither failure of treatment nor increased deaths stop the Spaceship of Fools that gene therapy is! Despite consistent failures to produce any medicinal value, the FDA will expand the indication for Sarepta’s product:
Within the narrow group of patients eligible for Elevidys, demand has been high. The FDA is expected to decide by June 21 on whether to expand the eligible population based on mixed results from a confirmatory study.
Of course, the demand is high!! Doctors poisoning terminally ill boys for $4M a pop are not stupid.  Famous quote by Robert Malone quoting his friend Steve Hatfill - “they are going to die anyway!” So, what’s the big deal, folks? $cience needs to experiment on somebody! For the greater good!

In other news, Gilead, the maker of hospital murder weapon Remdesivir has a newly-manufactured gene-therapy caused $4.9B whole in their pipeline, having recently terminated their monoclonal antibody program for cancer due to increased deaths.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

LAYNE KILPATRICK: Chick-Fil-A bringing back antibiotics into their chicken

from Layne Kilpatrick, the Hormones Specialist.

Why is Chick-fil-A moving to chicken-raised with no antibiotics important to human medicine (NAIHM)?

To maintain supply of the high quality chicken you expect from us Chick-fil-A restaurants in the US and Puerto Rico will shift from chicken raised with no antibiotics ever to chicken raised with no antibiotics important to human medicine ((NAIHM) starting in the spring of 2024.  Canadian restaurants will transition from chicken raised without antibiotics the chicken raised with no antibiotic important to human medicine starting in the spring of 2024. 

Chick-fil-A is reintroducing antibiotics back into their chicken when I heard that I was a little alarmed so I did some research maybe I can help you understand what's happening in the chicken industry.  Chick-fil-A made a pledge in 2014 to serve only chicken that had never been exposed to antibiotics as did Tyson Foods, one of their suppliers.  You see in the poultry industry has been using antibiotics routinely in chicken feed to prevent disease in crowded conditions with poor sanitation.  And, if we're honest, because they learned that antibiotics make them gain weight.  But daily antibiotics also make smart bacteria mutate and become resistant and this would transfer to people who ate the meat.  And more [chickens] began getting nasty infections that no longer responded to any antibiotics and they were dying.  The pressure was on and No Antibiotics Ever or NAE became a status label in the chicken business.  They just charged 20% more for the extra care required without antibiotics.  And to make up for the dead chickens that got sick after a decade or so, that 20% increase has been absorbed into the collective acceptance of grocery shoppers and largely forgotten.  Well, it has been forgotten.  That's just the price of chicken, right?  Things were good for a while.  The whole process was better.  Then along came super inflationary pressure on production costs, and the industry is again looking for pharmaceutical relief.  And frankly sticker-shocked consumers are looking for a reprieve as well a difference designation in the chicken Market is now in favor. NAIHM, or No Antibiotics Important in Human Medicine.  Has the industry dropped the bar a little here Tyson Foods announced last year they are largely abandoning the NAE standard preferring instead the NAIHM label.  This means that they can now use antibiotics in raising chickens that are not used to treat conditions in humans except, of course, in their organic line where antibiotics are still prohibited.  So this reserves antibiotics for human diseases for us, preserving their effectiveness there, and this is with the blessing of the FDA and the World Health Organization.  The more relaxed standard seems to even have the buy-in and some of the more natural-minded.  Although she works for Southland Organics, veterinarian student Alyssa Routon says,

NAE was correct in it's time, [but it is] not ideal for animals.  We cannot treat disease, and that drives prices up for consumers. 

I get that there can be overreach and regulation which needs to be adjusted as greater understanding comes to light but the implementation here seems a little wonky on this.  There doesn't seem to be a listing I can find anywhere that specifies which drugs qualify for the NAIHM designation. So who gets to decide that status?  As a pharmacist, I worry that we won't always know the full impact of animal antibiotics on humans when they eat the meat.  We are after all animals too so what about negative effects on our gut bacteria?  I would say we need to test them for safety? We could test them in other ways but that probably won't happen.  For me personally, I think I just prefer to pay a little more and buy organic which will always be NAE, No Antibiotics Ever.  They position an NAIHM in the best interest of animal husbandry.  But let's face it, the public information spigot of Big Food doesn't exactly have the reputation of being a fountain of Truth.  Consumers are pretty smart.  We've had the NAE standard already baked in the price of chicken for nearly a decade.  Now they want to drop the standard, but I bet they won't drop the retail price proportionally.  Sales for Tyson Foods were almost $53 billion in 2023.  Profit was $933 Million which was down 79% from 2022.  Maybe that's the real motive. 


Sunday, May 5, 2024

An interesting conversation I had last night.

I was in Palm Springs last night, I was there speaking at a medical food freedom forum.  Some interesting talks there.  Obviously, I was talking about the health benefits of meat, trying to make sure that we have access to that in the long term.

00:30. Interestingly, I was talking to two lawyers.  I spent 2 hours talking to these guys about what they're doing they are suing in the state of California they were suing a bunch of hospitals over some of the events over the last couple of years and they are using a novel legal argument called constructive fraud basically because a lot of the measures performed during an emergency situation gives hospitals immunity and they can't be prosecuted or sued for what they did they're using the concept of fraud.  Hospitals benefited financially and left out critical information so that patients were not able to give fully informed consent.  That's the nature of the lawsuit so far they said 16 to 17 judges to hear the case on those grounds which is a good precedent for that.  But, the interesting part is that I was talking with one of the lawyers and he was telling me that he had been on this carnivore diet for 15 years now he knew Owsley Stanley [an advocate of eating red meat raw] and some of the other and one of the proponents of the all-meat type of diet.  Interestingly, one of the lawyers who is using this novel approach of constructed fraud, and will likely see success in the lawsuits, is also on the carnivore diet, maybe giving him greater brain power.  He's been eating straight-up meat for 15 years now.  

Beef Carpaccio.

Steak Tartare.


Gored Gored.





Kibbeh Nayyah.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


This is a Nazi idea, not a Catholic social ethic.

Monday, April 1, 2024

PUTIN: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish

Here Putin tells a group of Jewish Rabbis that 80-85% of the Bolsheviks were Jewish and behind the largest genocide in history.

No wonder Hollywood, mainstream media, and our corrupt political leaders say that "Putin is worse than Hitler." They are terrified of collective punishment, a classic example of "projection". Lucky for the Jews, and deservedly so for all the innocent Jews, Putin is an Orthodox Christian, so his faith is based on love, compassion, forgiveness, truth, and due process, i.e., only the guilty can be punished. Collective punishment of all Jews is NOT a Christian thing to do.

That, on the other hand, has been the Global Order since the genocide of German civilians from 1945 to 1949 when 15 million mainly innocent German civilians were genocided [by] the Morgenthau Plan, the Hooton Plan [another replacement plan], the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. Theodore Kauffman's book, Germany Must Perish, 1941, What to do with Germany, 1944, by Louis Nizer, and many other Jewish genocidal plans of collective punishment of unruly Goyims. Meanwhile, not a single genocidal German plan has been found, not even a single statement from a German politician or scholar that all Jews should be genocided. [That statement needs to be fact-checked.] Another example of projection, maybe the biggest example in human history and certainly the most successful one, that's managed to traumatize millions of white Christian people to accept being discriminated against in their own countries.

We have seen Collective Punishment play out in every war since the Talmud followers took charge of the USA in 1945.
We have seen it in the war against North Korea where every major city was totally leveled like all major cities were in Germany.
We have seen collective punishment of civilians in Vietnam with Agent Orange and in multiple other countries.
"We came. We saw. He died," said Hillary Clinton mockingly about the bestial murder of the beloved Gaddafi in Libya.
"There is 90% collateral damage," said Obama about the percentage of civilian casualties in their carpet bombing campaigns against Israel's perceived enemies.
On a 60 Minutes segment aired on May 12, 1996, titled "Punishing Saddam," Leslie Stahl, a Jew, asked U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, a Jew, "We have heard that half a million Iraqi children have died. I mean that's more than children than when . . . in Hiroshima. Is the price worth it?

Albright's response?

I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it.

Let me say that this post is an indictment against the globalist Jews, the Zionists, not your coworkers, your working-class Jewish friends and allies, not your neighbors, nor your neighborhood rabbis. This is not a hate-filled screed, but rather some sorely needed historical revision.

All global policies are based on collective punishment "for the greater good" of course, backed up by "narratives," meaning momentous lies spewed out by our corrupt media and repeated ad nauseam by our politicians and "experts."
You all have to wear a mask so as not to kill Grandma. You all have to take the vax to not kill Grandma. You all have to pay the Globalists $50 trillion, so they somehow can "save the planet". They will then use that money to enrich themselves while paying out a tiny fraction to their deeply corrupt political leaders, journalists, and "experts" lying through their teeth. You have to spend your taxes and money creation on wars against Israel's enemies; otherwise, the terrorists will come and get you. They then use the war to launder money and traffic children.

And lastly, if anyone is in ANY doubt, that the world is run by Satan-worshipping Talmud followers who believe in hate, revenge, and "narratives" instead of truth . . . , then all you have to do is watch what they are doing to the Palestinian people in Gaza, based on a false-flag operation October 7th, 2023, where they had foreknowledge of the attack, opened the borders at 15 places, stood down for 7 hours, then invoked the Hannibal Directive and shot to kill everyone, Israeli hostage or Palestinian alike, then told lies about 40 beheaded babies and rapes, none of which, none, have been corroborated by actual evidence.
It is such a horrendous collective punishment taking place in Gaza, where people are murdered on an industrial scale, including killing babies in incubators (literally), that even the globalist-controlled and corrupt UN and ICJ have to come out reluctantly and admit that Israel is conducting a genocide.
Now it is time for action from the UN, ICJ the global community, and the people.
No more Talmud World Order. We need a Christian World in the Christian nations, likewise, a Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist in their countries based on love, compassion, forgiveness, truth, and due process. We Will Win 110 will happen for sure Palestine will be free. Palestine will be a country without apartheid. And once the Palestinians have defeated the Talmud-following government presently in Israel, the Talmud-following World Order will totally collapse worldwide. All thanks to the heroes in Palestine. May their God Bless them.


Saturday, March 23, 2024

DR. JOHN BEAUDOIN: in 2021, when you start vaccinating everybody, what [incident increases are greater] relative to all others? It has everything to do with the blood.

This means that anyone who was vaccinated ought to focus on cleaning or straightening out the blood.   

2020 was the year of excess respiratory deaths.  Pneumonia was up.  COPD was up.  ARDS was up.  These are all respiratory.  Those were all higher in 2020, then all of a sudden in 2021, when you start vaccinating everybody, what is a greater increase relative to all others?  It has everything to do with the blood.  Cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmia.  So cardiac arrest in Massachusetts alone was over 3,000 excess deaths in 2021 more than normal.  Pulmonary embolism was 500 excess deaths . . . in one state!  And we're 7 million people.  We're 38% bigger than New Zealand in terms of population in a small space of Massachusetts.  The cardiac arrhythmia you have athletes dying on the field.  Kids dying in their sleep, and a bunch of old people too; it's all ages, but we notice and hear about the younger people.  Many of those are cardiac arrhythmia.  

1:04  What is causing the PQRST signals of the heart? If anybody knows, if you look at a heart monitor, it's not just up and down.  There's a little bump that sets off a down, and then a big bump, and then down, and then back to normal, then a little bump, and that's PQRST.  You may have heard of Long QT Syndrome, your heart's electrical system taking longer than usual to recharge between heartbeats.  You've heard of ST-Segment Delay?  A STEMI [heart attack] or an N-STEMI [heart attack]? is an ST-Myocardio infarction, which is a heart attack.  So it's either a STEMI or an NSTEMI, a non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction or it did have to do with that.  So when you change the signals of the heart, for whatever reason, like some of the cells were killed and it left behind apoptosis and calcification, which can change the electrical signals throughout the heart.  And if you have a delay, your heart's signal is saying, "OK, contract," and then run into another signal from the other cycle, it says, "No, expand."  And the heart is like "Do I expand or contract?"  So the heart starts fibrillating and you're dying.  You're dead, right.  Your heart is like "I don't know what to do."  And that happened.  And that's in the data.  

2:32  So yeah, 2021 was a year of blood causes, thrombocytopenia, you can't clot--not enough platelets.  The immune mechanism, so that's where your white blood cells are made.  Has to do with your blood, so your lymph and your marrow are dysregulated, so you're producing after the vaccine you're producing the wrong kind of white cells, and some of these tests come back and say, "Oh, your antibodies are up because you got vaccinated and that's a good thing."  It's like, "I don't need THOSE antibodies, I need different ones.  And you're not allowing me to produce those because you've dysregulated my immune system with this shot, you took over the production of white cells that are going to heal me in the presence of the pathogen.  And for doctors to not understand these simple things is kind of shocking.  But doctors these days all just kind of follow each other; now they just do what they're told.  They might as well be robots.  

Thursday, March 7, 2024

CORRUPTIBLE TRUMP: He's used his antiwar record to whitewash his 4th Generation warfare Operation Warp Speed that's weakened and killed millions of Americans

People liked Trump for being brutally honest with the media, Hillary, & Biden (aka, Obama's 3rd term) and people like his Borscht Belt humor. So he is entertaining. But a single man or a single one-term administration cannot sort out the mess of a bazaar of billionaires.

He likes to tout his antiwar record. I don't know. What secret wars did he fund? I don't know. There was the brazen assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in January 2020 before the rollout of the COVID hoax and scamdemic that imposed warlike restrictions, stripping of civil rights, couldn't enter a grocery without a pair of panties on your face, pulled up over your nose; couldn't walk 5 feet to a dining table in a restaurant from door to table without a mask on. But let's not exaggerate, please, this was not a war; it was an emergency. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

So was Trump really antiwar, was he really the peace-loving, pidgeon-feeding St. Francis of Assisi? I have my doubts. He sure seemed to be free and easy with taxpayers' money. Perhaps Trump didn't start any hot conventional wars, but he didn't seem to end any either. But wasn't COVID itself a war? They called nurses frontline workers, certainly a warlike term like frontline soldiers. W

Dave DeCamp illuminates his war record a bit,

President Trump almost immediately rolled over in 2017 and gave then-Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis a small surge of troops in Afghanistan, bringing numbers up to around 14,000. This was small potatoes compared to 2010, when President Obama’s surge put the number over 100,000. But troop numbers aren’t everything.
In 2019, a record number of bombs were dropped on Afghanistan, the most since the US started keeping track of the number of bombs dropped by the coalition in 2006. Coalition aircraft dropped 7,423 bombs on Afghanistan in 2019, slightly higher than 2018, when 7,362 fell on the central Asian country. This was all possible due to Trump loosening the rules of engagement in Afghanistan in 2017, giving the military free rein.

We had lockdowns. People couldn't go to work. They couldn't sustain a livelihood. With his signature, Trump authorized $2.3 trillion to a 130 million Americans, effectively buying off Americans' collective fight against what was being imposed on them.

About 130 million letters signed b President Donald Trump have been mailed or are on their way to taxpayers who have received federal stimulus checks. Intended as notices to inform people about the one-time payments, the letters include Mr. Trump's distinctive signature — and effusive praise for the U.S. government's efforts to help struggling AmericansThe stimulus payments, authorized under the $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act, are intended to offer a financial lifeline as the U.S. reels under the impact of the pandemic. The economy shrank nearly 
But to the American people and through his Borscht Belt humor and razzmatazz, President Trump, politician Trump gaslighted Americans with a fake COVID virus and whitewash the bioweaponed vaccines that injected people with unknown, untested poisons. This was Trump executing 4th generation war on Americans that killed millions and crippled millions more.

So his antiwar record could be the worst in history, killing and maiming citizens of his own country with cancer causing toxins.

Now he's a white Knight promising to deport aliens? He's been called the most persecuted man in American politics but they are easy cases to show corruption, fall out of court, or be bogged down in courts in appeals for years without having to pay a cent in hundreds of millions in damages. All this has only increased his appeal and polished him into a Teflon Don. If he's serving the deep state rather than actually fighting it, you can bet that Trump as President again will not take revenge in the deep state but he'll go after the American worker which is gradually dying away.

Don't be fooled by Trump. That schtick on the stage with Hillary was all prescripted.  Because you've enjoyed his antics, it's going to be hard to fathom his betrayal of you.  Don't
 forget that the DoD under Donald Trump tried to kill you and other Americans from 2020 to today?  You know all of his "Oh, it's gonna be great," or "Bob is a great senator from Pennsylvania.  He's going to do wonderful things there" is insincere and poli-racketting or political grifting. True, the Trump brand is like brass.  Just know that the COVID countermeasures are still in effect until 2028.  So your beloved guy with the full force of the U.S. government has at least 3 more years to try to kill you.  Do you need evidence of that?  Will that help you press the pause button on him, protect yourself, and defend a nation that once was?  Prove it. 

Everybody loves Trump.  Trumpsters love Trump even more.  

For what, exactly?  

Did he stop the Operation Warp Speed of the vaccines that hurt and murdered millions of Americans? He won't even deny that; he'll simply call it the Wuhan virus. It's the U.S. that owns all the biolabs. 

No, Trump has done so little for Americans except for lying.  For evil to prevail requires lying.  The bigger the lie, the greater the evil.  

Here is the Austin Fitts tape with Greg Hunter where she schools him on Trump. Good that she did that to slap some seriousness back into him.

"The technocrats sunk their claws into President Donald Trump, and he rolled over."  This is from Patrick Wood at Technocracy News, and he has bullet points here with 6 different items.  

*  We have the executive order that Trump signed well before there was anybody dying, right, claiming that it was a pandemic and then it set the stage for mRNA and DNA injections.

*  [The Executive Order] turned over the design, manufacturer, and distribution to the military.

*  It set up a huge private public partnership with big Pharma and he said it set up a task force that was co-headed by the Secretary of Defense.

*  Operation Warp Speed confirmed the design, the manufacturing, and the distribution by the U.S. military, and this is in September 2019.

We just keep getting all this stuff: in September 2019 Trump signs this, does all that to set the stage for mRNA and DNA injections, and you got Fauci the next month at the Milken Institute, asking, "How do we get everybody in the world to take an untested vaccine?"

"Well, we do it with disruption from the inside." 

And we do it iteratively.  

You got Alex Azar from Eli Lilly, the biggest lobby and Trump makes him HHS secretary?