Friday, March 8, 2013

Vitamin Supplements Made from GMO!? Eat Whole Foods.

This should come as no surprise but still has devastating consequences.  This report states that most Vitamin supplements are made from GMO, particularly from Monsanto's ubiquitous GMO corn.  Oh, wonderful.

Any time we go to a doctor, traditional or alternative medicine doctor, we're given advice to increase your Vitamin C or take a Vitamin B complex.  And though I myself had question the source of the vitamins, I complied with a doctor's input.  Also, I have friends who are in to high-dose vitamin supplementation.  My untrained eye sees no observable improvement.  So here we are caught in the middle of a GMO war with those riding the band wagon on their efficacy and parroting in bandwagon form from literature on the benefits of supplementation from almost any online or in-person expert.  I could easily rattle off a score of gurus and doctors with whom I have uncritically followed.  This is why it is imperative to get all of your nutrients from food.  All of them.

I've seen kids in schools eat junk food.  Hell, I ate junk food when I was a kid.  I don't make that admission to give anybody implied permission to eat junk food, or to imply that eating the junk is okay.  It's not.  Just trying to make a point.  I used to eat a Honey Bun and a tall Coke with ice for my Nutrition break in high school.  Schools, despite the fact that we fund them with our tax dollars, do not have our best interests in mind; nor does the food manufacturer.  Only you can have your best insterests.  Eat well, eat healthy my friends, and keep these industrial food complex junk foods out of your house.  Bring in the meats, the fat, and vegetables, and watch the health and productive energy of your loved ones soar.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fluoridation: Government/Corporate Elite Poisoning You

 Fluoridation Levels by County
The picture at the left is taken from the 2006 National Fluoridation Report.

Fluoridation is government action.  What right does any government have to medicate you without your consent?  Did you agree to be medicated with a substance you weren't told about even if it is 0.9 mg/L?  Further, it is the height of hypocrisy and outright fraud to think that government exists to serve or help "the public" "the children" or "the community."  It's not.  You know that, and I know that.  We're reminded of this after a quick review of government action.  Think of the malathion spraying in California of the 1980s.  There's the picture-perfect lattices painted in the sky by government chemtrails.  Credible individuals believe those efforts to be part and parcel of a depopulation program.  I read something just last night about how AIDS is a hoax and was called so early on by reputable biologists who read all of the documents, questioned the assertions, and wrote papers criticizing the science of HIV.  What is troubling about fluoridation is that the national health agencies acknowledge its hazardous and destructive effects on health yet health groups and or citizens are unable to persuade or convict the consciences of municipal governments even though as Laurence Vance points out that it is a waste of tax-payer money.  Robert Wenzel recommends reading the following authors for their opinions: Laurence Vance, Murray Rothbard and Joseph Mercola  Hang in there.  Take precaution.  Use a filter on your shower head.  Drink distilled water.  

If you want to be active in this pursuit of purging fluoride from your city's water supply, you do have options:
3.  Weston Price Foundation

If you want a little more than what Abbey Martin presents above, check out the following excerpt from Murray Rothbard's article, of which the full article is linked above:

The official drive began abruptly just before the end of World War II, pushed by the U.S. Public Health Service, then in the Treasury Department. In 1945, the federal government selected two Michigan cities to conduct an official "15-year" study; one city, Grand Rapids, was fluoridated, a control city was left unfluoridated. (I am indebted to a recent revisionist article on fluoridation by the medical writer Joel Griffiths, in the left-wing muckraking journal Covert Action Information Bulletin: "Fluoride: Commie Plot or Capitalist Ploy?" [Fall 1992], pp. 26–28, 63–66.) Yet, before five years were up, the government killed its own "scientific study," by fluoridating the water in the second city in Michigan. Why? Under the excuse that its action was caused by "popular demand" for fluoridation; as we shall see, the "popular demand" was generated by the government and the Establishment itself. Indeed, as early as 1946, under the federal campaign, six American cities fluoridated their water, and 87 more joined the bandwagon by 1950.

A key figure in the successful drive for fluoridation was Oscar R. Ewing, who was appointed by President Truman in 1947 as head of the Federal Security Agency, which encompassed the Public Health Service (PHS), and which later blossomed into our beloved Cabinet office of Health, Education, and Welfare. One reason for the left's backing of fluoridation – in addition to its being socialized medicine and mass medication, for them a good in itself – was that Ewing was a certified Truman Fair Dealer and leftist, and avowed proponent of socialized medicine, a high official in the then-powerful Americans for Democratic Action, the nation's central organization of "anti-Communist liberals" (read: Social Democrats or Mensheviks). Ewing mobilized not only the respectable left but also the Establishment Center. The powerful drive for compulsory fluoridation was spearheaded by the PHS, which soon mobilized the nation's establishment organizations of dentists and physicians.

The mobilization, the national clamor for fluoridation, and the stamping of opponents with the right-wing kook image, was all generated by the public relations man hired by Oscar Ewing to direct the drive. For Ewing hired none other than Edward L. Bernays, the man with the dubious honor of being called the "father of public relations." Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, was called "The Original Spin Doctor" in an admiring article in the Washington Post on the occasion of the old manipulator's 100th birthday in late 1991. The fact that right-wing groups such as the John Birch Society correctly called fluoridation "creeping socialism" and blamed Soviet Communism as the source of the fluoridation campaign (no, not Bolsheviks, guys: but a Menshevik-State Capitalist alliance, see below) was used by the Bernaysians to discredit all the opposition.

As a retrospective scientific article pointed out about the fluoridation movement, one of its widely distributed dossiers listed opponents of fluoridation "in alphabetical order reputable scientists, convicted felons, food faddists, scientific organizations, and the Ku Klux Klan." (Bette Hileman, "Fluoridation of Water," Chemical and Engineering News 66 [August 1, 1988], p. 37; quoted in Griffiths, p. 63) In his 1928 book Propaganda, Bernays laid bare the devices he would use: Speaking of the "mechanism which controls the public mind," which people like himself could manipulate, Bernays added that "Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country...our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of..." And the process of manipulating leaders of groups, "either with or without their conscious cooperation," will "automatically influence" the members of such groups.

In describing his practices as PR man for Beech-Nut Bacon, Bernays tells how he would suggest to physicians to say publicly that "it is wholesome to eat bacon." For, Bernays added, he "knows as a mathematical certainty that large numbers of persons will follow the advice of their doctors because he (the PR man) understands the psychological relationship of dependence of men on their physicians." (Edward L. Bernays, Propaganda [New York: Liveright, 1928], pp. 9, 18, 49, 53. Quoted in Griffiths, p.63) Add "dentists" to the equation, and substitute "fluoride" for "bacon," and we have the essence of the Bernays propaganda campaign.

Before the Bernays campaign, fluoride was largely known in the public mind as the chief ingredient of bug and rat poison; after the campaign, it was widely hailed as a safe provider of healthy teeth and gleaming smiles.

After the 1950s, it was all mopping up – the fluoridation forces had triumphed, and two-thirds of the nation's reservoirs were fluoridated. There are still benighted areas of the country left however (California is less than 16 percent fluoridated) and the goal of the federal government and its PHS remains as "universal fluoridation."


This is what we're all after:

Building Fertility in the Soil

If you're thinking about starting a farm, look to Will Allen's Growing Power, Inc. to get some ideas.   Here is a short video of Will Allen's farm.

When you're ready, check out Michael Pollan's talk below:

Silymarin for Your Liver
Wikipedia explains that "Silibinin is the generic name of the plant from which it is extracted), is the major active constituent of silymarin, a standardized extract of the milk thistle seeds, containing a mixture of flavonolignans  consisting of silibinin, isosilibinin,  silicristinsilidianin and others."

Silymarin is a powerful, liver-protecting, and liver-toning anti-oxidant.  If you try it once, you will feel a difference because most people's livers, I believe, are tired.  Not sick just overworked.  The effects from taking silymarin will be an improvement and reintegration of brain function as well.  That's right.  The liver is a powerful organ.  See this article on the liver and brain health over at Natural News.  In fact, Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, views the liver as the most important organ.  All other organs, including your heart and brain, can get sick or can be injured and you can still live, have a life and thrive because the liver regulates and helps to heal other organs.
A healthy liver is indispensable for your well being. When we have our health, or a proximation of good health, we take our liver health for granted.  The homeostasis we enjoy is an indication of the liver's, or any organ for that matter, ratio of healthy cells to sick ones.  But when an ailment or disease pierces through that mask of homeostasis that also is a signal, one that is telling us that the percentage of poorly functioning cells is increasing and causing that organ fatigue.  If an organ is fatigued, it won't be able to restore itself as well.  But combine the restorative effect of exercise with a good diet of broccoli and spinach and silymarin, I don't see why we can't regain that percentage we lost back. Check out what eHow says about your liver.  

The liver regulates the amount of lipids (fats) circulating in the body and controls the amount of cholesterol, which is used to produce bile salts. Bile salts, bile pigments and cholesterol combine to form bile, which is stored in the gallbladder and released into the duodenum of the small intestine to aid in the digestions of fats and proteins. Bile salts emulsify fat globules to make them easier for the body to absorb. Read more: What Does Your Liver Do? |

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cholesterol Is Good for You

Excellent interview on the benefits and risks of statins and on how lowering cholesterol does not, that's right does not, help in avoiding heart disease.  There are other factors, like sugar intake, stress, oxidative damage that must be paid attention to.  I don't know how well people tolerate sugar intake.  I realize that when we're young, energy and health are redundant.  But after years of work and enduring some stressful arrangements here and there, you know, the health barometer doesn't read as well as it used to.  As a result, foods, like sugar, that we could consume without thought now must give a whole new respect to.  By the way, the evidence is in: sugar is toxic.  Some of my older siblings continue to consume regular amounts of sugary desserts, like cakes, tarts, pastries, and ice cream.  I love ice cream, but I can't eat it as often or as much.  Haagen Daz has two flavors that I could not resist--Dark Chocolate and Java Chip.  Flavors are remarkable.  But the sugar content can waylay me.

As to stress, well, you know when you need to release all the arguments from toxic folks at work.  Just let them go.  Let them be.  There is victory in you letting them go.  It may require a few times to say and think to yourself "Let them go.  Let them go."  It's therapeutic.  After a while, you'll find that it is easier to "Let them go" and start putting your mind on good memories, good people to appreciate, good days in your life.  Eating well  is a choice.  People love to toss around that phrase "Success is the best revenge."  No it isn't.  Success is a choice.  It's a decision about preferring to be happy.  Happiness in and of itself is success.

Oxidative stress?  What causes that?  Eating junk food.  Eating too much.  Be smart and take good care.