Friday, March 8, 2013

Vitamin Supplements Made from GMO!? Eat Whole Foods.

This should come as no surprise but still has devastating consequences.  This report states that most Vitamin supplements are made from GMO, particularly from Monsanto's ubiquitous GMO corn.  Oh, wonderful.

Any time we go to a doctor, traditional or alternative medicine doctor, we're given advice to increase your Vitamin C or take a Vitamin B complex.  And though I myself had question the source of the vitamins, I complied with a doctor's input.  Also, I have friends who are in to high-dose vitamin supplementation.  My untrained eye sees no observable improvement.  So here we are caught in the middle of a GMO war with those riding the band wagon on their efficacy and parroting in bandwagon form from literature on the benefits of supplementation from almost any online or in-person expert.  I could easily rattle off a score of gurus and doctors with whom I have uncritically followed.  This is why it is imperative to get all of your nutrients from food.  All of them.

I've seen kids in schools eat junk food.  Hell, I ate junk food when I was a kid.  I don't make that admission to give anybody implied permission to eat junk food, or to imply that eating the junk is okay.  It's not.  Just trying to make a point.  I used to eat a Honey Bun and a tall Coke with ice for my Nutrition break in high school.  Schools, despite the fact that we fund them with our tax dollars, do not have our best interests in mind; nor does the food manufacturer.  Only you can have your best insterests.  Eat well, eat healthy my friends, and keep these industrial food complex junk foods out of your house.  Bring in the meats, the fat, and vegetables, and watch the health and productive energy of your loved ones soar.


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