Thursday, February 27, 2020


Thanks to Robert Wenzel, who writes
The coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, originated in Wuhan, China, and has spread to at least 26 other countries.
Here is some sound background information on the virus from Syra Madad, the senior director of the NYC Health + Hospitals System-wide Special Pathogens Program, and Stephen Morse, a professor of epidemiology at Columbia University, debunked 13 of the most common myths about the coronavirus. 
I would want to know who is generating these myths?  Bat soup?  I mean this is the stuff of legends, of Vlad the Impaler.  Like most viruses, they are spread through human contact, which means that people have to touch another person and that contact usually involves some fluid, like saliva from someone sneezing or coughing.  And if you're of a certain age, I mean 35 and younger and in good physical health, odds are that that contact won't even make you sick.  But if you're older and susceptible to illness and have a lowered or compromised immunity, then, yes, you'd want to take precautions.  But a mask is not a great precaution as the two reviewed in the video.  And the Corona-virus does not have the deaths associated with it like SARS did or does.  In fact, if you're looking for deaths or body count as a marker for a serious condition, look no further than hospital beds where Sepsis is responsible for 50% of all hospitable deaths.  So unless you've got sepsis, odds are you're probably going to survive this purported pandemic as well.  Darn it.  Does that mean you have to go to work?  Does that mean that you have to continue making money, continue looking after and enduring family problems?  You bet it does.    

Compare the Corona Virus against other viruses: 

Still freaked out?  Then take some daily vitamin C, vitamin D, and Zinc CitrateBill Sardi points out how indispensable zinc is for healthy immunity.

Friday, February 21, 2020


From Bill Sardi
The anti-tumor therapy involves an anti-worming agent used for horses and dogs. It has been deemed to be safe by the Food & Drug Administration.  Published studies involving this canine drug, fenbendazole, date back a couple of decades.  There has been a lot of foot-dragging over fenbendazole since it was unexpectedly reported to exhibit potent anti-cancer properties when combined with a vitamin regimen in laboratory animals in a study published in 2008.
From G. Edward Griffin's NeedtoKnowNews.

When you look for this compound online, at Amazon or Google it from another vendor, know that the compound is the same, whether it is advertised for animal or human consumption.  Just make sure that you see the term Fendbendazole in the ingredients.  It's the same compound for dogs or humans.  

From G. Edward Griffin's NeedtoKnowNews.
In December, we published a video featuring Joe Tippens, who claims that his stage 4 small cell lung cancer that had metastasized throughout his body, but was cured using a protocol that included fenbendazole, an inexpensive drug commonly used for dogs to get rid of worms and parasites.
We are posting this article from that has a collection of information about fenbendazole, which has been shown to eliminate cancer cells. We apologize for the technical information, but the point is that the studies listed in the article indicate that it works, how it works, and that it needs further study. The studies at the end of the article also show that it can be more effective when combined with vitamins, but was dangerous when mixed with another drug, acetaminophen in an animal study. This is a very good source of information for anyone interested in learning the details of fenbendazole.
Previously, we discussed on this website the anti-worm drug Mebendazole, which based on a good amount of scientific and clinical evidence, shows relevant ant cancer potential. Indeed, there are case reports published in peer review papers showing that Mebendazole can induce anti-cancer response in some aggressive cancers.
In the same article, we explored the mechanism behind the anticancer action of Mebendazole and found that Mebendazole acts in a similar way as a group of chemotherapies such as Taxol. Yet, in contrast to chemotherapies, due to the way Mebendazole works, its toxicity is incomparably lower. Because of its good safety profile, the drug is an over the counter drug in most of the countries.
I specifically like the anti-worms, anti-parasites, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, as a pattern start to emerge suggesting that the origin of cancer maybe related to such a trigger (e.g. viruses, parasites, etc.) in much more cases than we are currently aware of.  
Read the full article here…

When you've finished reading the above article, be sure to check out Bill Sardi's review of this very interesting, anti-cancer compound. 
Joe Tippens now reports at his own “My Cancer Story Rocks” blog site that is bustling with visitors.
He now says around 40 otherwise hopeless cancer patients have reported similar cures.
He continues to take the anti-worming medication and dietary supplements as prevention.
His dietary supplement regimen that he still adheres to is as follows:
  • Vitamin E complex (tocotrienols, tocopherols)
  • Curcumin (turmeric extract 600 mg/day
  • CBD oil


The best thing for bronchitis is 2-4 mg of vitamin C every 4 hours, OptiZinc because it's the most absorbable variety and 10,000 to 40,000IU of vitamin D for one week.  Be sure to add vitamin A to that to make the D more absorbable.  NCBI observes that
Considering zinc, the supplementation may shorten the duration of colds by approximately 33%.
Consider in a 72 hour period what a double dose of zinc would do to bronchitis?  One of the reasons why I think zinc works so well with most people is that most people are zinc deficient.  We just never got enough growing up, and so our innate immunity may only be bolstered by innate things that kids do, like playing outdoors.  Certainly, with oysters being the highest in zinc content when it comes to food, my guess is that few kids are consuming oysters on a regular basis.  So by the time we're in our 20s, 30s, and 40s, we're kind of zinc deficient.  There are benefits to maintaining your immune system in the first place.  Most people don’t really enjoy the activity of self-care since it involves daily calorie vigilance or supplement intakes or exercise or all three.  It’s a full-time job with little to no reward except when you get sick.  But who wants to commit to a regimen that only minimizes or prevents you from getting sick?  Not much of a reward there at the end of that rainbow, huh, Kimosabe?  But look at what this study published at NCBI stated,
Maintaining the immune defense system within a normal healthy state lowers the incidence of infection and/or lessens the severity of symptoms and/or shortens the duration of common colds.
But if you don’t like getting sick in the first place, if you’d prefer to be on top of your vocational game 24/7, then I recommend supplementing, in part, because of the accumulative effect of stress.  We don’t see a cold or fever coming on.  When I got bronchitis recently, I sure couldn’t see it coming on.  But I was out working late in the snow and did not prepare for the extended hours out in that cold, snowy evening.  And I worked late into that night.  I like working.  I like completing assignments, which I did but at a cost.  The bronchitis was deep in my chest.  And my cough was productive for one full week.  But I took exactly what I described above and the symptoms shortened, and I believe the duration of bronchitis itself shortened.  There is no greater pleasure than being able to breathe fully.  Take that inhale, oh, yeah!
Here is a final sampling of how zinc up-regulates your innate immunity . . . from NCBI: 
Zinc supplementation increases cellular components of innate immunity (e.g., phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils, natural killer cell activity, and generation of oxidative burst) [10].
Neutrophil granulocytes, macrophages: large amounts of oral zinc significantly impaired polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) function and, in vitro, zinc potentiated the neutrophil response against Staphylococcus aureus [11]. Zn supplementation (150mg/d) in elderly also induces a decrease in granulocyte zinc that has implications in phagocytosis and chemotaxis [41]. 
Natural killer: a supplementation of zinc (in vitro studies or 100mg/d in elderly) improves natural killer (NK) cells activity, as argued by a lot of authors [9113942]. Zinc administration decreased peripheral. 
For more on zinc from one of the best nutritional reviewers in the English-speaking world, check out what Bill Sardi says about zinc.  

Sunday, February 2, 2020


Given the latest terror with which we are supposed to process our concerns with the Coronavirus, Carlin offers some relevant and welcomed comic relief.  

N.B. profanity. 

If you're at all concerned about the Coronavirus, the best assessment again comes from Bill Sardi.  He asserts that the widespread fear could be a contrived pandemic designed to sell vaccines.  

Your chances of developing symptoms or dying from the menacing Coronavirus that now threatens global human populations is 0.0000017482% for developing symptoms and 0.0000001137% for dying from it.  I think you're safe.  

Hope you're enjoying the Superbowl.  3rd Quarter at 3:47: it's 49ers, 13, Chiefs, 10.  If not, then enjoy the George Carlin show. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020