Showing posts with label Virology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virology. Show all posts

Sunday, October 29, 2023

"In The Virus: A History of a Concept, Sally Smith Hughes also suggested that virology emerged as an independent science around the midpoint of the 20th century"

Thank you to Michael McKay @ Lew Rockwell. 

Ton van Helvoort (1996) has recalled Nobel Laureate immunologist and virologist Frank MacFarlane Burnet believed that prior to the late 1950s virology did not exist as an independent field of research.

So it does seem as though virology has had a dubious origin, kind of like a fiat origin.  I say it exists, therefore, it exists.   

Why don’t defenders of virology ever want to discuss the history and foundations of virology when they try to defend it?

Even though researchers said that they were studying “viruses” in the late 1800s, virology was not accepted as a “science” until the late 1950s.

Before the 1950s, “viruses” were merely a concept.

It wasn’t until Andre Lwoff astoundingly stated “Viruses should be considered as viruses because a virus is a virus” that this concept was *simply accepted as fact* & virology journals surfaced.

In other words, the field of virology did not exist before the 1950s.



Now we know that Virology is a pseudoscience built on logical fallacies, corrupted experiments, and the overwhelming laziness of those so-called virologists to examine its fraudulent historical and scientific roots.

You can easily learn this for yourself by going HERE if you are a scientific researcher or medical professional.

If you are new to this topic please go HERE.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Do Viruses Exist? If Not, Then What Is It that Virologists Are Seeing Under a Microscope?

Thanks to Karen De Coster @ LRC and her post, "A Farewell to Virology."

If this topic interests you, I highly recommend that you listen to the new Tom Woods podcast, “Do Viruses Exist?If this topic doesn’t interest you because you’ve been taught to never question the existence of so-called contagious viruses, you have an even better reason to listen to this podcast.

No, viruses do not exist, and finally, the case against the clown show known as virology is starting to be noticed among the podcast community. Tom interviews the heroic Dr. Mark Bailey, apparently, at the request of many of his listeners. Mark and his wife, Dr. Sam Bailey, are very adept at making the case against virology. Additionally, know that both of the Baileys are also well-versed in Austrian Economics.

Tom asks some good questions for a guy who is starting to explore this topic, and I love Dr. Bailey’s responses, especially as concerns his explanation of what an “anti-viral” really is, and what it really does. So much good stuff from Mark Bailey in this short interview. Problem is, Tom needs a Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and maybe more with Dr. Bailey to touch on all of the foundational concepts of the topic. Here are a few links to browse.