Showing posts with label Quercetin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quercetin. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

"Melatonin has repeatedly been shown to reduce endothelial damage . . . ," the main point of injury from many of the vaccines . . . And A certain type of Quercetin, EMIQ, protects mice 100% from Ebola death.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

In contrast to conventional studies of amyloidogenic drugs, quercetin accelerates fibrillation of prion protein. (A GOOD thing.)


Some highlights regarding Quercetin and amyloids:

Quercetin binding to prion protein is determined, and the network of the binding site at the molecular level is visualized.

In contrast to conventional studies of amyloidogenic drugs, quercetin accelerates fibrillation of prion protein. (A GOOD thing.)

Quercetin turns fibrils into protease-sensitive, structurally loose and non-cytotoxic forms.

Quercetin shows its uniqueness from typical antiamyloidogenic drugs.

Quercetin treatment can disaggregate moPrP (mouse prion) fibrils and lead to the formation of the proteinase-sensitive amorphous aggregates. Furthermore, quercetin-bound fibrils can reduce the membrane disruption of erythrocytes.

Quercetin is distinct from the typical function of antiamyloidogenic drugs that inhibit the formation of amyloid fibrils.


Curcumin may be a powerful alloy and “wing man” to Quercetin.

Curcumin alone reduced prion fibril formation significantly.

Curcumin effectively rescues the cells from apoptosis and decreases the ROS level caused by subsequent co-incubation with prion amyloid fibrils.

I believe urgent clinical trials are needed to assess the efficacy of Quercetin and Curcumin as prophylaxis, and treatment of both Acute and Long COVID.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Curcumin alone reduced prion fibril formation significantly

This is good news.   


Quercetin shows its uniqueness from typical antiamyloidogenic drugs. 

Quercetin treatment can disaggregate moPrP (mouse prion) fibrils and lead to the formation of the proteinase-sensitive amorphous aggregates. 

Furthermore, quercetin-bound fibrils can reduce the membrane disruption of erythrocytes. 

Quercetin is distinct from the typical function of antiamyloidogenic drugs that inhibit the formation of amyloid fibrils. 


Curcumin may be a powerful alloy and “wing man” to Quercetin. 

Curcumin alone reduced prion fibril formation significantly. 

Curcumin effectively rescues the cells from apoptosis and decreases the ROS level caused by subsequent co-incubation with prion amyloid fibrils.


Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Quercetin should be taken with zinc. QUERCETIN itself has strong anti-viral properties.  The major benefit of taking quercetin with zinc is that the quercetin will push the zinc into the center of the cell where the zinc can stop the virus from reproducing.

There are different forms of zinc.  I like all of them.  Zinc lozenges are made of zinc acetate.  Then there is zinc carnosine for intestinal ulcers.  This stuff is fantastic.  Then there is OptiZinc, considered to be one of the more absorbable forms of zinc.  I like taking all of these.  Zinc helps regrow the Thymus gland, a vital immune organ, to its original size even after years of shrinkage from stress and other ailments.   

Mark Pomykala on Twitter asked a good question, 

What's the mechanism of zinc preventing viral replication?

To which Geronimo gave a terrific answer: 

Sunday, February 28, 2021


1:55  We no longer have a pandemic.  We have a planned, controlled demolition of the human race.  We heard early on that zinc, high-dose vitamin C, we’ve known forever that vitamin D is the base molecule of your immune system that needs to support you.  And I was saying early on that if you’re going to get tested for anything don’t get tested for COVID, don’t get tested for SARS-COV2, go get your vitamin D levels tested.  And make sure your vitamin D levels are between 80 and 100 in order for it to be therapeutic to protect you from infection.  

Get zinc level tested because they can do that' it's actually a blood test.  And zinc as a mineral is a co-factor in more than 200 enzymes.  And so enzymes are like the energy, the energy factories that make things happen.  A co-factor is like a key that turns things on and makes them work.  So zinc is important for more than 200 enzymatic processes in your body.  Hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionosphere, so that zinc could hook up with the enzymes and do its job.  It would bind to the surface of the cell and drive zinc into the cell, making zinc more absorbable.  

Quercetin functions as a zinc ionosphere that helps zinc get into the cells.  Quercetin drives the zinc into the cells, and so it gives you this natural holistic approach as a prevention to keep your body's enzymes function very well in the presence of zinc.  35-50 mg every day.  And if you start to get sick with fever, aches, body aches, it doesn't have to be SARS-COVID2, it can be any other sickness, it could influenza, it could be pneumococcus, it could be any other virus or bacteria.  You want to double the amount of zinc that you're taking every day--double it and take it daily until you start feeling better.  

Vitamin D: 80-100

Zinc: 35-50/day unless you're feeling sick.  Double it until you start feeling better.  Take zinc with Quercetin, 500mg once a day.  If you get sick, take 500mg twice a day.  

Vitamin C: the best form of vitamin C is vitamin C ascorbate.  It's the salt form, not citric acid, but the salt form.  Dr. Tenpenny recommends the powdered form because you can give it to people of any age from infants all the way up to centenarians.  About 3,000mg/day.  

Fauci doesn't even treat patients.  I don't think he's treated patients in 35 years, maybe more.  He's been a political wonk . . . in a department working for the government.  So what the heck does he know about vitamins or homeopathy?  And it never ceases to amaze me how political wonks, mainstream MDs, and mainstream DOs, mainstream doctors, claim to be experts in something that absolutely know nothing about.  How can you make any statement about vitamins if you don't know the mechanism of action or about how they work in your system?  How can you make statements like that that homeopathy is going to harm you if you know absolutely nothing about homeopathy?  So it never ceases to amaze me 

Manganese, calcium, magnesium, and so on for proper functioning of the Kreb's Cycle.  

Doctors function like glorified pharmacists.  Sometimes the pharmacists know more than the doctors.  Sugar, milk, bread burn through your minerals and provide only empty calories.