Showing posts with label Mark Ruta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Ruta. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

The gist from Luongo

Ultimately, Davos cannot deviate from their Gantt chart of their takeover of the West lest they get torn apart like a narc at a biker rally (H/T Dennis Miller). This is why Mark Rutte is being moved from being PM of The Netherlands to NATO Gen. Sec. and why Jens Stoltenberg is moving to the Norwegian Central Bank.

The wildcard here is quickly becoming Nigel Farage in the UK, who could embarrass them again like he did in 2016 with Brexit. Regardless of the outcome of the elections, Farage, Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen in France and others will all be blamed for a European sov. debt crisis that was baked into the financial cake (and Gantt chart) ages ago.

The big news item for me this week all center on Europe.  U. S. domestic politics at this point are pretty much obvious.  They're trying to do everything imaginable to stop Donald Trump from becoming president and they are failing miserably. I could have just as easily put Nigel Farage up here and talked about next week's election in France and the U.K.  I was all over Twitter yesterday because Nigel Farage came out on national television and basically came out and said, "We provoked Putin into a war, and that's just the reality of it, and if you don't like it, well, you know it's the truth.  

And Farage knows what he's doing.  He's time-tested that idea for a long, long time.  I said I wouldn't talk about Farage, but here I am going on about him already.  Farage's Reform Party is making sincere strides in the polls.  I don't know if he's going to have the kind of coattails that will allow him to really upset the apple cart in the U.K., meaning the planned coronation of Keir Starmer with a massive Labor majority which he'll use to destroy what's left of the U.K. and make it subservient to Davos in Europe.  Well, that's the most likely scenario, but if Reform comes in with 150 or 200 seats, that's going to be an earthshattering result even though it will leave Starmer in a huge majority position, Nigel Farage leading the opposition Party in the U.K. government, aside from the fact that it would be hilariously entertaining, would be tremendous.  Now, at the same time, this is a lead into what's happening in NATO.  I was asked directly by people to discuss Mark Ruta