Showing posts with label John Holdren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Holdren. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2025

MARK MARANO: Biden Administration, "Yeah, we know this is dangerous. We don't know the effects, but darn it, people aren't buying electric cars fast enough, or they're not embracing Green New Deal policies so we have to risk our entire planet with this insane kind of research . . ."

Mark Marano at  

As the Biden Administration signals its fight against global warming may actually involve blocking sunlight, the White House posting research claiming,

Solar radiation modification would enable better-informed decisions about the potential risks and benefits of SRM as a component of climate policy alongside the foundational elements of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation.

Our next guest warns this is simply government's way of controlling your weather. Mark Murano, publisher of, and he joins us now.

Okay, Mark, my take this morning was maybe this is one of those "or else."  Get on board with everything "or else" we're going to block the sun.  But I guess it's a little bit more reality than that tell us about it.

00:47.  Well, this is actually Bill Gates funding this as well through Harvard University.  This is retro 1970s.  In the 1970s, they believed that our fossil fuels were creating aerosols blocking the sun, creating man-made global cooling.  So they came up with the same kind of geoengineering solutions back then.  They wanted to put black soot on the Arctic to melt it.  There was one proposal to use nuclear energy to help loosen the Arctic ice caps because they thought they were growing too much.  And John Holdren back in the Obama Administration also supported this kind of geoengineering if you will of the climate this is radical risky unproven unknown effects.  But they're doing it as a sort of lever over us to say now in the Biden Administration kind of like, "Yeah, we know this is dangerous.  We don't know the effects, but darn it, people aren't buying electric cars fast enough, or they're not embracing Green New Deal policies so we have to risk our entire planet with this insane kind of research. It's basically whether modification.  China has been doing it for years.  That's another form of what the US government has even been doing.  ABC News meteorologists bragged about the cloud seeding they are doing to increase rain or snow or storms.  The government will control the weather, and you will be happy that seems to be the new motto.

02:05.  I was just talking to Will about cloud seeding.  He's not sure if he believes it now so . . . this is something been trying to do for a while.  But on the same topic, if they don't get to block out the sun, they're going to try other maybe more practical ways, like electric vehicles, pushing those on us.  A poll out shows 59% of Americans oppose facing out gas cars by 2035.  21% support Biden's policy on this.  What's your take on it?

02:30.  I don't think we need a poll to show us these numbers.  The American people have voted.  Less than 7% of cars are electric vehicle sales in America, and that's despite massive subsidies, massive tax credits, and mandates banning gas-powered cars led by California and 18 other states with trigger laws.  They have done everything they can to promote electric cars.  They're more expensive.  They have less range, and all they do is increase our dependence on China.  It takes fossil fuels to make a car.  It takes fossil fuels to recharge the cars.  It makes no sense.  And what they're doing is it is intentionally creating car shortages by these gas-powered car bans to force us into mass transit.