Showing posts with label General Hate (@ConceptualJames) June 14. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Hate (@ConceptualJames) June 14. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

CA SENATOR, SCOTT WILK: I've encouraged people to keep fighting but I've changed my mind on that. If you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee.

I'm now in year 11 in the state legislature, and all the time we're proposing policies to protect children. After 11 years, I've come to the conclusion that we need to start protecting parents.  That's just not happening.  I've been here and witnessed a full frontal assault on charter schools taking away parents' choice and how their children are going to be educated to the detriment, particularly of children of color. In recent years, we have put government bureaucrats between parents children and doctors when it comes to medical care, and now we have this where if a parent does not support the ideology of the government they're going to be taken away from the home.  Now, I agree with both Senator Weiner and Senator Laird that today it only involves divorce proceedings, and frankly, a judge can already factor this in.  But I can assure you, it's not going to end with divorce proceedings.  In the past when we've had these discussions I've seen parental rights atrophied.  I've encouraged people to keep fighting but I've changed my mind on that.  If you love your children, you need to flee California.  You need to flee.  We are moving towards the pathway of The Handmaid's Tale. California is becoming the new Gilead, and it just breaks my heart born and raised in the state I love, this state.  I'm not going to stay in this state because it's just too oppressive, and I believe in freedom.  So I'm going to move to America when I leave the legislature.