Showing posts with label Esq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Esq. Show all posts

Monday, August 5, 2024

From The Solari Report with Catherine Austin Fitts and Cathy Betts on "Plunder Capitalism: What Is It and How Do You Protect Yourself?"

9:00  let's start off with private Equity the term of the day Equity of course is the ownership interest in an entity it can be a partnership it can be a corporation.  These private equity entities often are partnerships, sometimes limited partnerships.  Generally with a corporation, most corporations you would have heard of or what is called public companies and they are registered under the Securities Exchange Act and are required to provide quarterly and annual financial statements well there are exemptions from those registration requirements for "sophisticated investors."  It used to be that the maximum amount that could be raised by an entity and then call it a 12-month period was a relatively modest amount but under regulation D end of the securities Act of 1933 but the SCC has expanded the exemptions to the point where there's no maximum amount as long as all the people who buy interest in it are basically rich and we're not talking about people

Saturday, June 15, 2024

JENNIFER KENNEDY, ESQ.: You took veteran law enforcement and first responders off the line and you endangered the city of Los Angeles in the name of safety.

She addressed the Los Angeles School Board in 2023.  Tenacious.  Just wished more could have heard her before they took the shot.  

Speaking on Agenda item #23.

Good morning, Council.  My name is Jennifer Kennedy.  I'm a freedom lawyer and I represent hundreds of men and women injured by your Ordinance 187134, including Michael McMahon co-founder of the anti-mandate group RollCall4Freedom, and as an attorney, I assert their rights today to address this public body and I speak on their behalf.  My comments are their comments.  First, it's about time that you've ended the stupid and cruel mandate.  It's been 2 years, 9 months, and 22 days since this city intentionally and willfully devastated the lives of its dedicated employees.  You stripped careers and commands from your LAPD officers and your LAFD firefighters.  You took veteran law enforcement and first responders off the line and you endangered the city of Los Angeles in the name of safety.  You stole the livelihoods of these dedicated public servants and you put your citizens in danger, and you did this after the CDC had already globally admitted that these shots didn't prevent infection or transmission.  Today I ask you, was it worth it?  Was it worth it to you all to have your names forever linked with the tyrants who have committed genocide and holocaust against their own people?  Was it worth it? The men on the Council, was it worth it that you took the jobs of other men?  You took away their ability to provide for their families.  For the women on the council, was it worth it?  Was it worth taking mothers away from their children, putting single mothers on the streets because they wouldn't submit to your demands?  I will tell you, for my clients who said yes to your demand, who accepted the investigational EUA product, serving this city and keeping their jobs was not worth the damage to their bodies that the spike protein factories did.  And to the people who said no,  was it worth it to say no to your heresy inquisitions and your medical experiment?  Was it worth it for the Liberty violations to lose their jobs to stand on principle and faith?  And the answer was yes.  Not a one of us regrets not taking the shot.  It's time to end the mandate, and that day is today.

Though many have not forgotten what happened to them, the fight to be furious and pursue vengeance may have run its course precisely because there is no help.  There are no lawyers winning cases and damages to account for the loss in productivity, the loss in vitality, and the loss in savings spent on endless months and years of therapy instead of a financial legacy to their children or celebrating milestones in their lives.  Caring for themselves while hoping things will get better.  It's nice to hear advocates, like Jennifer Kennedy.  Thank you.