Showing posts with label CDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CDC. Show all posts

Saturday, June 19, 2021

DeSantis Reverses the CDC's Disabling Regulation of the Cruise Industry in Florida

Abolish the CDC.

Press release from the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis.  

Today, the federal district court in Tampa delivered a major victory for Governor Ron DeSantis against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and its obstructionist No Sail Orders that have flatlined Florida’s cruise industry for over a year. Ruling in favor of Florida’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Judge Stephen Merryday concluded the CDC’s restrictions are likely unconstitutional and overstepping their legal authority. The Cruise Industry will soon be permitted to set sail again, thanks to the lawsuit brought by Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moody. The state fought on behalf of the cruise industry in Florida to secure the ability to resume operations without overly burdensome requirements that discriminate against children, leave most of the ships sitting in port, and disregard the freedom of Floridians to make decisions for their families.

Beginning July 18, the CDC’s orders will become mere “guidance,” and cruise ships will hit the open waters once again free from the CDC. As Florida continues to thrive while open for business, the return of the cruise industry marks an important milestone in the fight for freedom.

“The CDC has been wrong all along, and they knew it,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “The CDC and the Biden Administration concocted a plan to sink the cruise industry, hiding behind bureaucratic delay and lawsuits. Today, we are securing this victory for Florida families, for the cruise industry, and for every state that wants to preserve its rights in the face of unprecedented federal overreach.”

Included in the ruling, the Middle District Court of Florida found that:

§ The CDC cannot discriminately keep children and families from cruising;

§  Neither the CDC nor any federal agency can require a vaccine passport; and

§  The CDC must create an actual framework for businesses to resume operations, rather than forcing them to conduct burdensome and bureaucratic tests without any standard by which to be measured. 

In its ruling, the court says “Never has CDC (or a predecessor) detained a vessel for more than fifteen months; never has CDC implemented a widespread or industry-wide detention of a fleet of vessels in American waters; never has CDC conditioned pratique as extensively and burdensomely as the conditional sailing order; and never has CDC imposed restrictions that have summarily dismissed the effectiveness of state regulation and halted for an extended time an entire multi-billion dollar industry nationwide. In a word, never has CDC implemented measures as extensive, disabling, and exclusive as those under review in this action.

Judge Merryday also cites a previous ruling stating, “When an agency claims to discover in a long-extant statute an unheralded power to regulate ‘a significant portion of the American economy,’ we typically greet its announcement with a measure of skepticism.”

Find the full ruling here

Monday, July 20, 2020


And yet Trump's fearless NIH leader, Dr. A. Fauci, argues that we all should be wearing masks even though their efficacy has not been demonstrated in a controlled study.  Check out Fauci's answer to a college student's question

But Fauci balked at the idea.

I would not want to do a randomized controlled study because that would mean having people not wear masks and see if they do better, he said.

Fauci suggested he would never ask an individual to participate in a study that would involve not wearing a mask.

I think that to do the study would be kind of difficult to do because then you’d have to tell people not to wear masks, and I’m not about to tell them that, he said. 

Tom DiLorenzo points out that 

So announced Fuhrer Fauci a few days ago.  After all, the study would inevitably find that the whole mask business is one big stinking pile of horse manure (to use “scientific” language).

UPDATE:  Paddy H. writes to inform me that Fauci’s CDC has already done controlled studies of the effectiveness of masks and concluded that they are ineffective.  Fauci most certainly knows this, and so is once again lying through his teeth and deceiving the public on international television. 

Check out this CDC report on the efficacy of face masks in reducing the spread of influenza.  Go to the section on face masks, and you'll see their findings in the first couple of sentences.  Here is how the CDC report puts it

In a pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25). 

The report continues

Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on the transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.  

And yet Fauci says that he doesn't want to conduct a controlled study despite the fact that a controlled study HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE AND REPORTED ON BY THE CDC and found masks to be ineffective.  

Two boys die from wearing masks during gym.  Cuomo sends thousands of ailing octogenarians to the nursing homes where infection rates are highest.  I'll let you reach your own conclusions.