Showing posts with label Antifungal properties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antifungal properties. Show all posts

Saturday, April 23, 2022


It has a wonderful effect on your teeth and on the blood vessels in your head.  In fact, all the tiny vessels below your teeth that run to your heart benefit from cinnamon's vessel-dilating ability. Use the powder.  Use it without your daily toothpaste.  Mix it with a little baking soda, and you've got a nice antibiotic abrasive to clean your teeth 

From Healthline


Cinnamon’s antimicrobial properties may help fight off pathogens like bacteria and fungi (6Trusted Source7Trusted Source8Trusted Source).

Because many infections of the mouth are caused by bacteria and fungi, cinnamon has been studied as a potential treatment for dental ailments.

Some of the main beneficial compounds in cinnamon are (6Trusted Source9Trusted Source10Trusted Source11Trusted Source):

  • cinnamaldehyde
  • cinnamic acid
  • cinnamyl acetate
  • cinnamyl alcohol
  • coumarin
  • eugenol
  • linalool
  • phenol
  • beta-caryophyllene


Cinnamaldehyde appears to be among the most powerful compounds in cinnamon. Additionally, the spice contains other healthy plant compounds known as polyphenols (12Trusted Source).

These compounds fight bacteria by damaging their cell walls and preventing cell division, thereby inhibiting bacterial growth (8Trusted Source13Trusted Source).

Multiple studies have found cinnamon bark oil to be effective against the Streptococcus mutans bacterium — a common cause of cavities, tooth decay, and enamel erosion — in children with cavities (14Trusted Source15Trusted Source1617Trusted Source).


Cinnamon and cinnamaldehyde also appear to be effective against fungi, including strains of the Candida genus of yeasts (18Trusted Source19Trusted Source20Trusted Source21Trusted Source).

Candida strains are a common cause of yeast infections like oral thrush in the mouth and throat. It’s normal to have some Candida on your skin and in your body, but overgrowth and infections can occur in people with compromised immune systems.

One test-tube study found that cinnamon oil fought Candida albicans directly, while cinnamon extracts displayed anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, both the oil and extracts helped prevent the growth of biofilm and strengthened the mouth’s protective barrier (22Trusted Source).

Another test-tube study also found cinnamon oil prevented Candida biofilm (23Trusted Source).

Biofilm is a slimy layer of fungi or bacteria that often forms on teeth and in the mouth. Although biofilm is common, it can progress into plaque and gum disease if it’s not regularly brushed and flossed away.

Yet, even though cinnamon may help fight fungi strains and prevent the prevalence of biofilm, human studies are needed.  

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cayenne Pepper, Among Many Things, Stops Heart Attacks
Did you know that cayenne pepper can prevent heart attack in a minute? So you better make sure you always have it on hand or at least in your kitchen cabinet, cause you never know when you might need this valuable ingredient.
An American herbalist, Dr. Christopher, has never lost a patient to a heart attack in his 35-year career. What he does is he gives a cup of cayenne pepper tea (a teaspoon to a cup of water) to patients who are still conscious.  These theory is scientifically proven from personal experience and not on studies done in controlled conditions. So it is even more trustworthy.
The reason why Cayenne pepper helps with heart attack is because it has at least 90,000 Scoville units, according to the Scoville Heat Units (SHU). This also includes Habanero, Thai Chi, African Bird, JalapeƱo, Jamaican Hot Pepper, and Scotch Bonet. 
A combination of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a glass of water can be given to patients who have had a heart attack, but are still conscious and breathing.
If the person is unconscious, put a few drops of cayenne pepper extract under the patient’s tongue.
This will increase the heart rate and carries blood to all parts of the body, thus balancing circulation. It has hemostatic effect, stops bleeding, and helps in heart recovery.
The remedy below is considered to be the best remedy for emergency cases of heart attacks. Just remember to use cayenne pepper and not hot pepper.
  • Cayenne pepper powder
  • a few fresh cayenne peppers
  • 50% alcohol (you can use vodka)
  • glass bottle (1 litre)
  • Gloves
1.   Put your gloves on because cayenne peppers are pretty hot.
2.   Fill a quarter of the glass bottle with cayenne pepper powder and put enough alcohol to cover the powder. If possible, do this on the first day of a New Moon.
3.   Blend a few fresh cayenne peppers, and add enough alcohol so it gets a sauce-like texture.
4.   Add the mixture to the bottle which should now be 3/4 full.
5.   Fill the bottle to the top with alcohol and close it well. Shake it several times during the day.
6.   Leave the tincture until the next New Moon (after 28 – 29 days), and strain it using a gauze. Keep it in a dark bottle.
7.   If you want to have a very strong tincture, strain it after 3 months.
8.   Close the bottle and store it in a dry and dark place. It doesn’t spoil, so you can use it as long as you want.
Dosage: 5 – 10 drops of the tincture to a conscious patient who has suffered a heart attack or a stroke. Add another 5-10 drops in 5 minutes. Repeat the treatment until the patient’s condition improves.
If the patient is unconscious, put 1-3 drops under the tongue, and start a CPR. Repeat the treatment every 5 minutes until the patient’s condition improves.
Health benefits:
  • Cayenne pepper has antifungal properties which prevent the occurrence of Phomopsis and Colletotrichum
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system – it stimulates the production of gastric juices, and relieves gases.
  • It has anticancer properties, especially for lung cancer and smokers. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper is known to prevent the development of tumors caused by tobacco, and similar results are noticed in patients diagnosed with liver cancer.
  • It helps in the treatment of stomach problems, migraines, flu symptoms, allergies, obesity, redness, toothache and arthritis.
There are 26 different nutrients in cayenne pepper, like calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, vitamins C and A.
Prepare this remedy and always have it handy, because cayenne pepper is one of the strongest natural spices that can do miracles for the heart.