Showing posts with label — ☣️ Pleb Kruse = BTC foundationalist in exile 🟩🔆 (@DrJackKruse) February 15. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — ☣️ Pleb Kruse = BTC foundationalist in exile 🟩🔆 (@DrJackKruse) February 15. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

V.P. BIDEN. An unrelenting string of immigration, non-stop, non-stop. A conspiracy?

We have to adjust for them as they invade our country.

They don't have to adjust to our society.  In fact, we provide every service for them and their families.  Free education for their children.  No citizenship required.  Not for foreigners. 

I think there's a surge in anti-Semitism because at this point in time, Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and, I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation which must take place.  Europe is not going to be the monolithic society that they once were in the last century.  Jews are going to be at the center of that.  It's a huge transformation for Europe to make.  They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role.  But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.  

00:36. They have a shared fear in conspiracy theory something called the white genocide or the great replacements that says that Jews are at the head of this cabal . . .

00:45.  Ensure that we can get this kind of material before to the internet . . . 

00:51, YAN ST-PIERRE, Security Expert.   A conspiracy theory . . .

00:57. V.P. BIDEN. An unrelenting string of immigration, non-stop, non-stop.

01:03.  We will come here.  We have been coming here, and we will continue to come here in hundreds of millions until, indeed, Gaddafi said, "A Europe will turn black."

01:12.  BARI WEISS. Brown people and black people and Muslims and immigrants are coming to replace our white civilization, and the Jew's job is basically to pass as a white person but in fact, do the bidding of these people.  And so when you have someone like Congressman, Steve King, saying, "We can't replace our civilization with someone else's babies," like, what does that mean?  What is that idea?  The Jewish connection to the refugee is not a conspiracy.  That's something that we are very, very proud of an organization called HIAS, which brought people into this country.  It participated in something called Refugee Shabbat, the value of באַגריסונג דעם פרעמדער "Welcoming the Stranger," and especially of welcoming the refugee. 


01:55.  So literally, we opened the center in Silicon Valley back in 2017, and the woman who runs it is an ex-Facebook executive.  I have software engineers working at ADL.  We're monitoring all this stuff, and we are working with all the platforms by the way, Google and YouTube, Meta and Twitter, Reddit, all these companies. I'm like [from] Apple to Zoom, we work with all of them right.  It's relevant because we've been working with that's relevant cuz we've been working with Twitter now since it was founded; we worked with the old regime, we're working with the new regime.  

DR. ANDY WAKEFIELD: [The CDC] spent the next 14 years destroying the documents, putting them in a dumpster, and covering up and publishing a paper that exonerated the vaccine until one of the whistleblowers, William Thompson, the head scientist in that study, came forward and said, "I can't live with this any longer. I kept the documents. Here they are."

A lot of people smoke but only a few develop lung cancer, but the point is it's patented exposure.  I said look, we believe, for example, the age of exposure is important.  --Dr. Andrew Wakefield

I think it'll turn out to be the worst mistake they ever made, I really do, because when I got involved, like I said, there were 5 people around the world, a handful of people worldwide prepared to talk about the thorny subject of vaccine safety.  Now, it's more than half the adult population around the world.  Around every dinner table are talking about this issue.  They've made a huge mistake. The other thing that emerged was this, in the context of the MMR vaccine and autism, is that I went to the CDC back in 2000, and they said, "Look Dr. Wakefield, everybody gets the MMR.  Only a few children have autism.  So how do you equate . . . ?" Well that's how medicine works.  A lot of people smoke but only a few develop lung cancer, but the point is it's patented exposure.  I said look, we believe, for example, the age of exposure is important.  We know this because with the natural infection, the younger you get measles the greater the risk of a more severe reaction.  If you get it under age 1, for example, does the same pertain to the vaccine?  If you get the vaccine younger, are you at greater risk?  And they went away to their credit and tested that hypothesis, and they found that it was exactly true.  And they spent the next 14 years destroying the documents, putting them in a dumpster, and covering up and publishing a paper that exonerated the vaccine until one of the whistleblowers, William Thompson, the head scientist in that study, came forward and said, "I can't live with this any longer.  I kept the documents.  Here they are."  It showed fraud, the most appalling violation of medical and scientific ethics on behalf of the CDC.  So people say now "Oh, there's no evidence vaccines cause autism." Absolutely there is.  And when you have to commit to that level of fraud, any level of fraud but that level of fraud, not only in the context of this vaccine but Pfizer in the context of the COVID-19 vaccine and everybody else, you are on a losing run right from the start.  You are going to lose because you can only sustain that lie for so long and then someone somewhere is going to come forward, some brave person, and say, "Actually, no, it was completely the opposite."  And public confidence is shattered.  It will never be regained.  So now we are in a majority of people who are saying no to the fourth, fifth, and sixth booster for COVID-19, and by definition in media terms those are anti-vaxxers; more than half the adult population around the world are anti-vaxxers.  So I think that, as I say, this will turn out to be the greatest mistake they ever made, and I think that we are winning, uncomfortable as that maybe, we are winning.