Valuable strategy at the bottom from Nancy Dye,
So if you say you didn't get a flu shot, and it's flu season and you sign the consent form that says, "I agreed to biogenics," they will give you a vaccine even when you're under anesthesia because you already signed the consent. Nurse Tina
"They will inject you while you're unconscious" 💉💀
— “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) February 16, 2025
Nurse Warns of "Biologics" and Forced Flu Shots Happening in US Hospitals.
00:00. A nurse professional with insight, information that you're gonna want to hear. Go ahead, Tina, tell us what you've learned.
00:09. Okay, since the Affordable Care Act came out, since the Affordable Care Act came out, we are now as nurses required to ask every single patient when they come to the hospital if you've had your flu vaccine or your pneumococcal vaccine. If you say no to either one of those, in the computer an order will generate that says we need to give you this vaccine. We don't need to speak to a doctor. It's Hospital policy. It's now Health Department policy that we now have to give you the vaccine. Even if you came to the hospital with a stubbed toe, you will be offered both vaccines if you meet requirements, which just about everybody meets requirements for flu vaccine, and most people over the age of 65 will need the pneumococcal vaccine. Even if you come to the hospital with the stubbed toe, you will be given this vaccine. You have the right to say no. If you say no, they just check it off as "refused." This was never like this years ago this is a new thing.
01:05. Tell me what you were discussing before about surgery and your admission that you hadn't had these recent vaccines. Tell me about this protocol because I know that many people are not aware of this.
01:20. When you go to a hospital, if you need surgery, you need a knee replacement surgery, first, they're going to ask you if you've had the vaccine, and you're going to say no. Then they are going to say, "Well, you need to sign this consent; if you're going to have surgery, you need to sign a consent. In the consent is a word called "biogenics." If you sign the consent form, "I consent for you to give me biogenics," that basically means they can give you anything that they deem necessary, including vaccines. So if you say you didn't get a flu shot, and it's flu season and you sign the consent form that says, "I agreed to biogenics," they will give you a vaccine even when you're under anesthesia because you already signed the consent.
02:00. So you might not even know if you've received the vaccine.
02:02. Correct. Unless you go and get your medical records you will not know that you got a flu vaccine. They may tell you at the end, "Oh, by the way, you're now covered you got the flu vaccine or you got the pneumococcal vaccine. But two people now have reported to me last week saying that they got the vaccine. They did not want the vaccine, and they didn't know that the word "biogenics" meant that they're going to get a vaccine because vaccines fall under the title of biogenics it's a"new terminology that I myself just realized.
02:33. So how can people with your Insight protect themselves from being vaccinated against their wishes?
02:40. You had when you signed the consent for surgery, you can specifically say, "No vaccines. I don't want this." You can write an initial after what you say you do not want, and they have to honor that. And if they don't honor it, they can be sued.
02:52. So we do need to be educated to protect ourselves. So anytime you go to the hospital, you should be aware of their policies and you said it was biogenics . . .
03:03. The word biogenics is now . . . in the past that used to be a consent that basically said that we can give you blood products if we feel you need it, other medications if we feel you need it, but now that the word biogenics is now including vaccines.
Valuable strategy here from Nancy Dye,
Can’t modify the digital consent forms, and they won’t tear you without you signing them. It is all or nothing. Which is exactly the point of the digital forms.
I always insist on a paper hard copy form so I can cross out and initial. Which I even do with the B.S. Hippa forms that basically says they have the right to change what you are agreeing to at any time without informing you. So not about YOUR privacy, but their protection and control of your records.
Some institutions refuse that hard copy option. Even urgent care centers don’t give you options now. You either consent to them keeping your credit card on file in case insurance doesn’t them or they will refuse your service.
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