Saturday, February 1, 2025

Ihor Kolomoyski.  

Zielinsky the president of Ukraine, or the coke-head of Kiev, because he is a cokehead.  The coke-head of Kiev is actually a manufactured political figure.  He was manufactured by a Ukrainian Israeli supriyate oligarch named Igor Kolomoyski.  Now, Ihor  Kolomoyski was the man who owns One Plus One1 Media here in Ukraine, and One Plus One Media is the company that financed and produced the TV show called, "The Servant of the People," and The Servant of the People hired Zelensky, a well-known actor in Ukraine, an actor with zero political experience, or even any political interest, well he hired him to play the role of the president in the show, "Servant of the People.  Now Servant of the People had huge ratings but a lot of people said that it was really weird the amount of propaganda and PR that was done for the show; it was disproportionate to any other of any channel the amount of PR, positive press, and all the rest of it.  It was really pushed at the people.  Some people say it was completely astroturfed. Some people who would know how to speak Ukrainian and who watched the show told me that it was a mildly enjoyable show.  No big deal.  Anyway, the show was hugely popular and it ran from 2015 to 2018 and almost seamlessly the oligarch created a party called "The Servant of the People," the same name as a TV show and their candidate was Zelensky, a man with no previous political experience and indeed no previous political interest in Kolomoyski financed Zelensky to the point that Zelensky today is a billionaire.  How many actors do you know are billionaires?  I mean I don't think that Tom Cruise is a billionaire, and he's the most successful actor in the world, but he's just an actor.  Zelensky is more than just an actor.  He is the finger puppet of Kolomoyski, this oligarch.  And do you know who Kolomoyski also financed to the tune of $50,000 a month, plus additional benefits of different sorts?  Hunter Biden, yes.  In 2014, Burisma, the Ukrainian oil company, gas company, excuse me, hired Hunter Biden to be on its board of directors to the tune of $50,000 a month.  Who do you think controls Burisma? Kolomoyskithe same guy who manufactured Zelensky as president of Ukraine.  I'll bet you didn't know that.  Zelensky and Hunter Biden Are Spiritual cousins they are bankrolled by the same guy it's funny because both of them have drug addictions pretty serious ones both of them get their money from colomoski and both of them are intimately involved in Ukraine but here is the difference of course Zelensky doesn't have a dad who is president of the United States, now does he? Why do you think the White House, the United States, is freaking out so badly over Ukraine?  In Ukraine there are all kinds of secrets in Ukraine.  Well, you see, the more unsavory people in the Washington establishment have used Ukraine as their private piggy bank to the detriment of the Ukrainian people.  They have financially raped Ukraine, stripping it of monies and assets, money and assets needed by the people of Ukraine.  And this is part of the reason that Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in Europe, if not the poorest country in Europe, because of corruption, because of how Westerners have exploited, how Western politicians have exploited it. Hunter Biden, $50,000 a month, and you say to yourself, "Well, $50,000 isn't that much."  Yeah but $50,000 a year is the medium household income in the United States, and Ukraine, a much poorer country, $50,000 a year would easily solve the problems of a good four to five families in Ukraine, the financial problems of those four to five families in Ukraine for a year, and Hunter Biden was getting that kind of money per month just for himself. Although, of course, in the Hunter Biden emails there is talk that seems to be true that the old man would get a 10% kickback of whatever Hunter Biden was getting.  

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