Sunday, February 2, 2025

VALERIE ANNE SMITH: Mammograms use ionizing radiation at a dosage that causes the development of breast cancer. They expose your body to radiation that is 1000 times greater than that from a chest x-ray.

"Mammogram Screenings Are Harmful & Should Be Abandoned."

"There is a Zero Net Benefit For Mammograms. The Best Way To Lower Breast Cancer Risk Is To Avoid A Mammogram." Nordic Cochrane Centre Study Mammograms Are A Billions Dollar Business. They're Only Useful For Profit & Always Do Terrible Harm To The Patient. For every 2,000 women, 1 woman's life is potentially saved. But, in the process, 50 women will be treated unnecessarily with surgery, chemo & radiation. It can never be said that Mammography saves lives. 600-1,000 of every 2,000 women who undergo Mammograms, will go thru more radiation screening & biopsies for potential diagnosis. Repeated radiation exposure causes deaths from heart disease, lung cancer & other cancers. These iatrogenic deaths are not counted as breast cancer deaths. Mammograms use ionizing radiation at a dosage that causes the development of breast cancer. They expose your body to radiation that is 1000 times greater than that from a chest x-ray. If you follow standard recommendations for prevention & get all Mammograms ordered each year, you are exposed to as much radiation as someone who was exposed to the atom bomb at Hiroshima. Mammographic compression of the breast tissue causes cutaneous bruising, haematoma & rupture of cystic masses. This extreme compression spreads cancer cells if they already exist. Mammography is useless in fibrous dense breasts. False positive rate on a mammogram is 70%. False positives & the needless interventions that occur lead to invasive & avoidable biopsies. Upon further testing from these biopsies, 70-80% of detected “tumors” on Mammograms revealed no presence of cancer. Many countries have already abandoned deadly & harmful 3D Mammography & instead utilize safe QT Ultrasound & Thermography as the standard of care when preventive screening is wanted. Both have 40 times the resolution of MRI, without any radiation exposure. Both are incredibly accurate & detect 97% of abnormalities 8-10 years before other standard cancer detection tests. Cancer is a Metabolic Disease & can be prevented with lifestyle & diet interventions. A Ketogenic Low Carb Diet, eliminating seed oils, Ultra Processed Foods & sugar is preventive of Cancer. Avoid synthetic hormonal birth control. Fasting on a regular basis to rid the body thru Autophagy cellular turnover of any compromised mitochondrial cells. And keep Vitamin D3 level above 70 ng/ml is protective against Cancer. 👇Gold Standard Mammography Research Study👇 👇Radiation Induced Heart Disease👇 👇Radiation Induced Cancer After Mammogram👇 Video: Dr Jay Goodbinder, Epigenetics Healing Center

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