Saturday, August 3, 2024

LATYPOVA: [The DoD] bailed out their pharma cronies with giant no-bid contracts . . . In context, this government spending is officially justified by the fact that there is no market for [vaccines] (i.e. no need!!) and thus no private investment.

from Sasha Latypova,

The contract with an unnamed large US company is running until the end of 2030. The company and the type of manufacturing involved are undisclosed due to “business confidentiality.” This is interesting.

Some basic deductive reasoning leads me to believe this “US pharma company” is the US Government entity National Resilience. Previous reporting on Resilience:  

There aren’t that many US-based large pharmas with massive biologics manufacturing needs. In fact, the ONLY area of biologics that currently justifies the $1B scale is vaccines, and not because of the real demand, but because the governments are pumping money into them. Everything else in biologics is produced in much smaller volumes. The government’s obsession with poisoning as many people as quickly as possible to achieve Agenda 2030 fits both the contract end date and scale.

You may argue, but this is likely to be Pfizer or Merck or some other large US pharma outsourcing to Samsung. However, those have been disclosed. They are not secret. Samsung has deals with Baxter, Eli Lilly, Merck, Pfizer (also $1B), Moderna, Bristol Myers Squibb and GSK. Who would need the name and the purpose of the “biomanufacturing” kept secret? And who has THIS much money to throw around in the sector that has experienced an overall steep decline pre-covid with most patents expiring?


Interestingly, BARDA’s COVID-19 cash infusion, redistributing newly printed dollars to makers of the countermeasures via DOD contracts amounted to about $50 billion in the first 12-18 months and likely reached $70-100 billion by now. In other words, they bailed out their pharma cronies with giant no-bid contracts, because world-ending emergency… In context, this government spending is officially justified by the fact that there is no market for them (i.e. no need!!) and thus no private investment. This spending by now accounts for roughly 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire US pharma industry R&D. In 2020 they were desperately plugging the hole in the pharmaceutical industry, juicing the capital gains which had evaporated prior to 2020. It worked for a short time, but created no real industry growth:

Finish this brief but insight read on how the DoD is funding and building biologics or bioweapons labs around the world to bail themselves out.

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