Thursday, October 5, 2023

FEMA's EMF Radiation Broadcast lasted longer than you think it did. "it went on over 30 minutes as proven by high the meter spikes. "

Because of all the precautions we took to avoid it and we still got these readings show the invisible power of frequencies and how easily they can reach us anywhere with frequencies, in other words, Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). Our exposure was probably much lower than those who did not take all the precautions. We did but this is proof they lied about the 2:20pm only as it went on over 30 minutes as proven by high the meter spikes. Also, sources reported that when they turned on their phones again earlier at 2:30pm they still got the test in their phone. That is because they continued until 2:42pm!! So everyone got zapped several times with the higher spikes.

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