Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Burisma and the Atlantic Council signed a cooperation agreement for the Atlantic Council to kick energy deal flow to Burisma just one day in January 2017 before Trump took office and Trump's foreign policy neutrality on Ukraine obliviously threatened the daylights out of that.

The Atlantic Council is not just a think tank.  They have 7 CIA directors serving on their board.  They are basically a barometer for the intelligence community.  They are funded by 4 different branches of the Defense Department--Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force.  They're also funded by the State Department.  They're also funded by CIA cutouts like the National Endowment for Democracy.  It is basically just an outside CIA and they were the cheerleaders of this Grand Ukraine Energy play.  And they had again this formal partnership agreement with barisma they were put in charge of internet censorship for the 2020 election.  They were one of the four entities that had partnered with the Department of Homeland Security to censor your opinions about mail-in ballots.  22 million tweets they co-labeled "misinformation" just for questioning the efficacy of mail-in ballots.  And then they ran the whole playbook back to censor COVID-19.   So this is a NATO CIA cut out who is invested in barisma who is an apex predator of Internet censorship.  With Hunter on the board of that making hundreds of thousands of dollars.  And then beyond that with Hunter on the board of advisors, I'm sorry, the Chairman's Committee for the National Democratic Institute which is the DNC spinoff of the CIA cut out known as the National Endowment for Democracy and you have basically a National Security State battering ram for the private interests of the Biden family.  And I should also say the extended Biden family, which is basically all of these military financing energy stakeholders who have been backing the Biden family for basically one and a half generations. 

So that's the Ukraine scandal going on.  On the China scandal, you have Hunter busted in 4k HD with personal financial Investments with CEFC Energy China, this Chinese Energy company that he was texting his own family and he was co-partnered with Chinese intelligence for it.  Meanwhile, China has signed this $400 billion deal to get the natural gas and oil of Iran and the Atlantic Council of the Biden world has this big Iran energy play to free up Iran's oil which I've talked about before.  They sit on the world's third largest reserve of oil the world's second largest reserve of natural gas Hunter Biden's Bag Man deal was around the LNG gas market.  So they prying open Iran

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