Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Women are aggressive through non-physical means
Keith Ellison and Minnesota Attorney General’s Office bring down legal muscle to take Dr. Scott Jensen's Medical License
They are NOW using Keith Ellison and the Attorney General’s Office to take away my Medical License - If this can happen to me it can happen to you!
— Scott Jensen (@drscottjensen) January 30, 2023
Monday, January 30, 2023
the same people who want to nuke Russia also want Middle Americans dead and dispossessed
Watching this Russian recruitment video, it’s easy to see why the same people who want to nuke Russia also want Middle Americans dead and dispossessed. From the beginning, ruining Russia has served as a mental proxy for killing unreconstructed Americans.
— Pedro L. Gonzalez (@emeriticus) January 30, 2023
"Navarro later revealing that Trump refused to investigate Fauci and the Wuhan lab."
If he is running, or if he is endorsing another candidate, I don't see how he or his protege survives his financial collusion in censoring criticism of the vaccine manufacturers.
Trump literally can’t stop talking about DeSantis and covid. It’s obviously deflection because nothing’s more damning than Trump *attacking* Peter Navarro for criticizing Fauci when it mattered and Navarro later revealing that Trump refused to investigate Fauci and the Wuhan lab.
— Pedro L. Gonzalez (@emeriticus) January 30, 2023
Biden visited Ukraine 13+ times, securing US funding for Ukrainian oligarchs. Then used his power to fire a State prosecutor who figured out Biden’s kick-back/laundering scheme.
6) Obama opened the floodgates for the Deep State. Created biological weapons programs with the Ukrainian government, and established connections for US oligarchs to build biolab companies in the lawless land of Ukraine.
— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) January 30, 2023
Companies like Biden’s Metabiota.
And here I was thinking that Barrack Obama was a community organizer or activist. But which community?
9) Now with complete control of the Ukrainian government, then the Bidens began their dirty work.
— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) January 30, 2023
Biden visited Ukraine 13+ times, securing US funding for Ukrainian oligarchs. Then used his power to fire a State prosecutor who figured out Biden’s kick-back/laundering scheme.
Vince Lanci on Gold & Silver as Money
If gold is being re-monetized by the east, what does that mean for silver?
— Chris Marcus (@ArcadiaEconomic) January 30, 2023
Fortunately that's what Vince Lanci talks about in today's show.
Going live at the top of the hour! via @Sorenthek
6:20 Silver will be valued as money, I mean tier-one asset.
7:00 All the buying of silver by India, probably not just for India but also for Russia, since they are key trading partners in the de-coupling in the building of BRICS.
Your economy is dependent on what you do with oil.
Sergey Glaziev, the Russian equivalent of Zoltan Pozsar. Their comments mirrored each other in a strange way. Pozsar stopped talking about gold, and Glaziev was yacking it up even more. Then they started quoting each other.
Then Pozsar wrote a big piece in December on gold and oil.
Then on January 21, Glaziev writes a post extolling the virtues of gold, massive "gold recognition as money" in Golden Ruble 3.0. [This could assist.]
9:30 Then on January 27, 2023, he sees this working paper put out by the IMF on January 27, 2023.
Gold (along with silver) has been the core of the global financial system for millennia, an equivalent, an honest measure of the value of paper money and assets. Now the gold standard is considered anachronistic. It was canceled in its final form half a century ago (the United States announced the "temporary" closing of the "golden window" at Bretton Woods in 1944.
They've put a paper out telling us that they've remonetized gold. It's done. It's over. He never mentioned silver before. Pozsar put out 3 articles in a month, so they're rushing things.
What does gold being remonetized mean for silver? The BRICS are moving to a gold-backed decentralized Central Bank Digital Currency with gold on the blockchain. Gold on a blockchain, gold-backing currencies, whether it be the Yuan or the Ruble. Those currencies will be guaranteed, whether it be soft or hard, by gold, kind of like the Swiss Franc was not too ling ago.
So what happens next? Silver. Because no other commodity will be used, assuming for this moment, no other commodity will be used to "go in the basket," it'll just be gold right now. Let's assume that silver will not go in the basket. And I've contended before that silver's industrial use makes it unable to go in the basket. But here's the exceptions. The higher silver goes in price, the more difficult it is to use in industry. That's the first reason. For example, if gold was a lot cheaper and you use it instead of copper for wiring, why is not gold a lot cheaper? Because it's so f@$!ing rare.
If silver were to go up in price, it would be cost prohibitive to be used in industry. What would happen then? It would become a pure monetary metal. Not predicting it'll happen tomorrow, not fully tomorrow, but as the price of silver goes up it becomes used less industry. What ends up happening is as the price of silver rises, it will start to appreciate and approach the natural ratio of gold in the mining world. What's that level, 16 to 1? One of the levels that people discuss all the time.
1. There will be no fungible commodities in the Bretton Woods basket.
2. It will include a monetary substitute for the dollar, presumably gold. Nothing else fits it as perfectly. The close second to gold is silver.
Commodities become more valued based on their usefulness, and if they're not useful, they get valued based on their rarity. Silver, which up until now, has been the worst of both world's, right? It's sort of like gold because it's precious; it's sort if like copper because it's industrial, but it's not a specialty item. So in this world it gets lost in the shuffle. It can't be pitched as a one-dimensional item. It's a little bit of everything so that makes it get list in this world if specialization. But as the world changes, it will go from a world of specialization to "silver is the Goldilocks metal." It's very monetary. It's very industrial. It's very high-end, therefore it's economically important to grow an economy and it's economically almost ideal to use as a store if economic energy.
1. No consumer commodities in Bretton Woods 3.
2. Gold is money: a) because of its neutrality, b) because of its high price, c) and because of its complete uselessness.
3. Because gold is now an official remonetized store of value, it's also going to be a medium of exchange, its scarcity affects its price. Which means that everything in the same family starts to snap into place ratio-wise based on scarcity. Ratio of how much gold there is on the earth will determine the price. How much gold is there? Everybody needs money, everybody needs gold. Therefore, if gold is the very bottom of the extra pyramid again, then silver is just a quarter step above it. Which that as the world reprices gold based on its rarity and usefulness in growing economies, it's going to price silver more in line with its scarcity and usefulness in storing energy for the economy or growing the economy. Because silver does not get destroyed, it's like gold. Because silver can be used to grow an economy, it's like copper. When the BRICS' gold-backed currency is launched in their SWIFT competing product, Enbridge, when that happens what you're going to see is a couple different things in silver.
1. As things are priced more in line with their intrinsic value and scarcity in nature, the price of silver must rise relative to the price of gold.
2. As gold becomes even more scarce, because banks are holding it, what's going to happen is people won't be able to get gold. They're going to get the second-best thing, silver. Hence, silver as the poor man's gold. Silver will be hoarded by Indians, Chinese, Americans. It'll ve hoarded by the public as the next best thing because they can't get their hands on gold. Because there's not enough investible gold out there.
Finally, and this is not going to happen tomorrow, what's going to happen eventually technological uses for silver are going to increase and as crazy as that is it's going to make the price go up even more. Anyway, gold is money. Gold isn't just money as a store of value, gold is becoming a medium of exchange again. Which means you have to transfer, or at least acknowledge that it's there to be used as money. And guess what? If gold is a medium of exchange,then you're probably going to have a de facto bimetallic monetary system in the east. That's why India is buying all that silver. That's why all this silver is being taken off the market. The BRICS have decided no fungible commodities in their basket. That means, boom, gold. Then after all the gold us off the market, taking it to an extreme, and you want to buy gold and I want to buy gold, and we can't, and it's a $1,000 higher, what are we going to buy? Buy silver. That's how it works; that's how it's worked since the beginning of time. And if silver were a little more scarce, it would trade at an even higher ratio. But silver is also industrial applicable. That's it. Gold is fully monetized again. It's a store of value. It's about to be launched on a blockchain-backed product that will allow it to be a medium of exchange, meaning this is my gold, you can't touch it. It's used for money, it goes back and forth on a current account, which means "Oh, Shit! What are we going to have for money? What are we going to have? We can't have any gold anymore. There's no more gold left." All the banks have it. China confiscates it. The U.S. taxes it. You can't own gold so easily, and that's where silver comes in. Silver is going to explode when this happens. The dollar is the titanic. And the iceberg is ahead if us, and our captain has been asleep for years or didn't care. But it doesn't matter how much he cuts the wheel now, you're not going to avoid running into that iceberg. And when that happens, it's over It's going to happen. It may be slowed down. It may be sped up. It may be protected from with cushions and mattresses, meaning silver and gold. Price is irrelevant from this point going forward.
The Nonchalance of a Medical Bureaucrat Defending Big Pharma
. . . for fear that she is implicated in their crimes. At some point folks, you have to beging judging, weighing, evaluating who you put your trust in by way if how people treat you. If they dismiss your concerns, they're probably not someone you want to or should be doing business with.
🚨URGENT — Olivia Teseniar was part of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial. She suffered 2 years of serious adverse reactions, then developed lymphoma + leukaemia. Moderna never submitted her report to FDA. Here is Olivia’s meeting with Principal Investigator of the trial.
— James Cintolo, RN FN CPT (@healthbyjames) January 30, 2023
Sunday, January 29, 2023
The Project Veritas story is leading to the public exposure of the entire Deep State biological network.
Decent flow-chart. You'll recognize the names in the boxes, but check out what transpires between each sector. At least this gives a point of orientation from which one can pursue an investigation.
1) The Project Veritas story is leading to the public exposure of the entire Deep State biological network.
— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) January 29, 2023
To all the experts in these live spaces pontificating about the logistics; allow me to solve your problem.
Here’s how the Deep State biological network works. In detail.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Thailand to Declare Covid Contracts' Null and Void
Is the dam breaking on the COVID liability in favor of the people? Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi informs us of what the Thai government has decided with regard to the COVID vaccines.
Thailand to Declare Covid Contracts' Null and Void
— ZNeveri (@ZNeveri) January 29, 2023
The Royal Family has been alerted that the princess is most likely a victim of the jab!!
Thailand may declare Pfizer Covid vaccine contracts null and void.
— Corona Heads Up (@CoronaHeadsUp) January 29, 2023
babies born in America today are given a vaccine against a sexually transmitted disease
How can Americans have any faith in a healthcare system that is actively trying to incapacitate you, sterilize you, or dement you? Should we still believe, still have faith in an abstract, amorphous system to send a good vibe to doctors in the hopes of being reciprocated with good service? No, and Hell no. Never forgive. Never forget. And hold the line against these bastards.
Most people don’t realize that babies born in America today are given a vaccine against a sexually transmitted disease. Not only is this unnecessary (newborns don’t have sex), but the vaccine contains what amounts to an overdose of aluminum for most infants. #braindamage
— Jennifer Margulis (@JenniferMarguli) January 29, 2023
Trickle Down Justice?
Wow. Call your member of Congress now…
— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) January 29, 2023
In WWII, the U.S. Confiscated Japanese Assets, put energy embargoes on them, and threatened them from dealing with any other country. Biden is doing the same thing with Russia
In the lead-up to WWII, we confiscated all Japanese assets, put energy embargoes on them, and threatened to prevent them from dealing with any other country for energy. Roosevelt did everything he could to get Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. Biden has done the same to Russia.
Thanks to Martin Armstrong at Armstrong Economics.
For the life of me, there is absolutely no logic to any of these attacks on Russia except for the desire to conquer and destroy it as if it were any sort of a superpower or independent nation-state. Every President always sought peace until Biden, who seems to be reading the cue cards for Armageddon. Even Henry Kissinger said every president has invited him to the White House EXCEPT Biden.
Even if we assume that the sanctions worked and they forced Putin to withdraw from protecting the Russians in the Donbas, whom the West had all agreed were entitled to their human rights and self-determination with the fake Minsk Agreement, what would happen in the political crisis in Russia? In the lead-up to WWII, we confiscated all Japanese assets, put energy embargoes on them, and threatened to prevent them from dealing with any other country for energy. Roosevelt did everything he could to get Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. Biden has done the same to Russia.
The risk of overthrowing Putin would lead to a potential civil war and the further breakup of Russia with more nukes than the West. Of the 14,500 nuclear weapons on the planet, Russia and the United States own the lion’s share, with a combined total of approximately 13,350 nukes. The remaining 1,150 weapons are held by seven countries. The U.S. has 6,500 nukes and Russia has 6,800. Destabilizing Russia is just insane. Russia will wipe out Europe in the blink of an eye if pushed and they now know that this Ukraine bullshit is really a war of the USA and NATO against Russia, and we are the aggressors.
All my sources are saying that the Biden Administration is DOMINATED by inexperienced climate zealots who are demanding we have no time to wait and we MUST end fossil fuels NOW before there are any alternatives in place. They are the ones pushing to destroy Russia, which is embraced by the Neocons, all because the majority of their GDP is all fossil fuels.
The sanctions now are imposed by the European Union and will ban imports of refined Russian fuels on February 5th, 2023, adding to its embargo on seaborne Russian crude oil that began in December. The EU is putting its entire future and the lives of ALL its population at risk for the Donbas which has been occupied by Russians for centuries and two former Russian leaders came from that region. It was Khrushchev who drew the border within the USSR purely for administrative purposes. That region was never occupied by Ukrainians.
There is no difference if Mexico had demanded Texas and everyone who lives there must surrender their language and their religion to fit the norm of being Mexican. Then Texans have no right to vote on their future. The entire Minsk Agreement has been a joke. It was a deliberate ploy to buy time for war. This has now confirmed to both China and Russia that the United States and Europe cannot be trusted. Treaties mean absolutely nothing! This stupid ploy has opened the door for World War III because there is no point negotiating with the EU, Germany, France, or the United States when they will not HONOR their agreements. That means there can be no resolution!
That leaves only All Out War to the Death
But hey! There will be new business opportunities as well. Just think of the guided tours to show how foolish these mortals have been. There will be plenty of nuked cities to explore. The good news, we will exterminate all the climate change zealots who insisted on destroying Russia. Yet it may be up to us to prevent the politicians from crawling out of their safe underground bunkers to the new light of CO2 free world after they killed off all those nasty trees and plants that need CO2 to survive. They say the one bug that will survive a nuclear attack is cockroaches. I guess that’s why we are supposed to eat bugs now.
Saturday, January 28, 2023
cause of addiction is social isolation. Solution to addiction is not sobriety but connection
If it starts with an 8, eliminate. If it starts with 9, call it "All mine"
From Eating Well,
Turns out, those little coded stickers on your banana can help you learn more about your fruit: "A 4-digit code means conventionally grown, while a 5-digit one starting with 9 means organic and a 5-digit code starting with 8 means genetically modified," says Dan Vaché, a supply chain consultant and former vice president of the International Fresh Produce Association.
"Cops Kill Because We Gave them the Legal Framework to Do It"
Excellent article by James Bovard, "Cops Kill Because We Gave them the Legal Framework to Do It," published in May 2020 following the George Floyd killing. Even more relevant today after the Tyree Nichols killing.
Several excellent points. One, instead of targeting racial justice stoked by race baiters Rev. Al Sharpton and others following a young man's murder, organize against the legal agencies that grant and protect these kinds of crimes with impunity and qualified immunity.
Focusing on racial bias also risks obscuring the fundamental problem: the Supreme Court has effectively given police a license to shoot, pummel, or falsely arrest ill-fated citizens across the nation.
Let this sink in. Police brutality is the result of federal, state, and municipal laws that grant cops immunity for aggressive even violent actions and decisions.
James Bovard again,
How does the Supreme Court’s idealism on “good faith” G-men play out in the real world? Courts have “approved qualified immunity for cops who allegedly shot people without cause, sicced a dog on a man who was surrendering, tased a driver who was stopped for failing to buckle his seat belt, and ordered a 17-year-old boy to disrobe and masturbate so they could take pictures of his erect penis,” Reason columnist Jacob Sullum reported in 2019. That year, a federal appeals court bizarrely granted qualified immunity to Fresno, California, police officers who stole $225,000 during a search of two businessmen.
Congress writes bills and passes laws, then when unintended, because unforeseen, consequences and evils occur it's "We see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."
But Congress has, as usual, been asleep on the job. As Dan Alban, an Institute for Justice attorney and the nation’s most effective litigator against asset forfeiture abuses, observed, Congress could pass legislation “clarifying that there is no qualified immunity” for civil rights lawsuits against state and federal officials.
Politicians make things worse.
But the problem goes far beyond qualified immunity. Politicians criminalize practically everything in daily life and then tell police “be nice”—or maybe mandate that cops attend sensitivity training. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a blizzard of new mandates and prohibitions that further empower police. A video went viral earlier this month of a New York Police Department officer tackling and pummeling a young black man who was suspected of violating new dictates on social distancing. One wonders if there are a hundred such instances of idiotic brutality for each one that trends on Twitter today.
See how politicians make this crime worse.
Rep. Cori Bush Blames ‘White Supremacy’ For Police Killing of Tyre Nichols, Calls for ‘Civilian Traffic Enforcement’
— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) January 28, 2023
Friday, January 27, 2023
Slavery ended with the Civil War but that was only private slavery. The state has replaced that and it outright claims you are its property
Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.
Some people have written in and said I am just a Republican and I hate California. Sorry, I consider myself in the middle. I disagree with a lot on the Republican side as well. Simply put, the government should NOT be in the business of trying to manipulate society any more than the Investment Banks have tried to manipulate the markets and when they blow up, they run to the government for bailouts. The fines they get from CFTC ad SEC and just their 10% take of the amount of money they make on such schemes.
California is the absolutely WORSE state to live in. They are so MARXIST you cannot even imagine. They are proposing to create a WEALTH TAX and apply it to anyone who has ever worked in California. You better know that California has been going after people who worked in that state, but then moved to Florida. They then hunt them down and demand state income taxes arguing that they earned that pension while they were in California.
Plain and simple, California is the state from HELL. It views people as its economic slaves. Yes, you are a slave – the property of the state. It does not matter where you have moved to, they view it that you remain their property. California is out of control. It will NEVER reduce its size, it looks down upon the people as their endless possession. Slavery ended with the Civil War but that was only private slavery. The state has replaced that and it outright claims you are its property. They never heard of no taxation without representation. If you move out of state, you forfeit your right to vote in California. So we have exactly the very same situation that led to the American Revolution – you are taxed under tyranny and have no right to even be heard.
What California has been doing to those who retire out of state, they will do to absolutely everyone who has ever worked in that God-forsaken land of inequity.
Just for the record, you must report every asset you own everywhere in the world, and then you are taxed on that as if it were a property tax. Every year you will be taxed and if your assets declined, that’s your problem. You will be taxed on what the state says it is worth.
Her name is Charnelle Marie Bjelkengren, and she is
an American lawyer who has served as a judge of the Spokane County Superior Court since 2019. She is a nominee to serve as a United States district judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Washington.
Article V of the Constitution provides for Congress to make amendments to the Constitution.
Maybe hiring based on "DIVERSITY" isn't a good idea.
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) January 26, 2023
Sen. Kennedy: "Tell me what Article V of the Constitution does."
Biden Judicial Nominee: "Article V is not coming to mind at the moment."
Sen. Kennedy: "How about Article II?"
Biden Judicial Nominee: "Neither is Article II"
Article Two vests the power of the executive branch in the office of the president of the United States lays out the procedures for electing and removing the president and establishes the president's powers and responsibilities.
You won't find this levelof entertainment just anywhere.
What a meltdown.
— Gonzalo Lira (@GonzaloLira1968) January 27, 2023
Thursday, January 26, 2023
why would your adversary offer you a remedy? Because it's not a remedy. --Jon Jay Singleton
medical exemption might be easier, but a lot of times the medical exemption can legally be denied--and doctors are told not to give it. --Singelton
06:45 The EEOC is deliberately participating in the violations you're experiencing at your job and with retailers.
06:53 They're not a remedy.
06:55 They're trying to falsify the initial records so that you will not have a case if you go beyond the EEOC, if you go to court, your case will get dismissed.
Find the video here under "Are Exemptions a Trap?"
Jon recommends not getting a medical or religious exemption. It's not the best, correct legal procedure.
00:20 An exemption is an exclusion from a legal duty. So there has to be a legal duty for you to qualify for a legal exemption. And there are criteria for that; not everyone is exempt from a certain thing. Most understand it in terms of taxation. So, if something is a non-profit, like a church, it's exempt from taxation because it's a church, as long as that money is used in that way. But there's a legal duty to pay taxes, you see, and the legal exemption is an exclusion from complying with a law. It's an exception to the law.
00:50 By its nature, it says that a legal duty exists that you are asking for an exemption from. So if you ask for an exemption, you're forfeiting the great arguments, the burden of proof, shifting the burden of proof on yourself to say that the legal duty exists.
1:09 You're acting as if there's a legal duty. And now you're just asking for permission not to be included in that. And so those who are trying to push this on people love that. They want to set that up so they can always just deny the exemption because it's a privilege, not a right, like the right to informed consent is a right. You don't have to ask for permission for the right to informed consent.
Right. So there's something really tricky about it. Using the idea of exemption means you're asking for a privilege rather than standing on your rights by denying that there's any policy that can even ask you to do this in the first place. It's kind of like knocking out the foundation is a stronger way to go about it than asking for an exemption.
01:48 Notice how when someone is telling you to submit to accommodations, and I don't know what accommodations we should talk about, the mask-wearing and all that stuff, notice how when someone does that, that organization or individual offers you the opportunity to ask for a medical or religious exemption. At that moment when someone is doing this to you and he becomes your adversary, why would your adversary offer you a remedy? Because it's not a remedy. It's not a real remedy.
02:18 Are they even revealing the criteria for a religious or medical exemption? No.
02:25 We see a bird's eye view of all 50 states. What's happening is someone gets an exemption and someone else wants it and someone else wants it, and a week later, a month later it's revoked. It's because it's arbitrary. Capricious and arbitrary. When you file for an exemption, a lot of times people just fill out a form. Who gives you the form? The very person who is denying your rights, making you think you have an exemption. So you fill out this form, but nowhere is it disclosed what the criteria are that constitute an exemption, like a medical or religious exemption. The criteria are never disclosed. The way you find out what the criteria are is you go look at case law. And then in order to enforce those, you've got to spend $25,000 minimum if not a $250,000 in legal fees to go through a year's long, several years process to prove that you have a religious exemption, and possibly a medical exemption, the medical exemption might be easier, but a lot of times the medical exemption can legally be denied--and doctors are told not to give it. The whole thing is a trick. It's a dead end. It's a way to create a false record of something that has no legal defense or no legal merit. If you had to try to enforce something on your employer or business or something. In the end, it's going to be enforceable, and everyone's going to look at you like you're just a joke and that you don't know what you're doing, and you really don't. You cannot rely on a religious exemption or a medical exemption. The criteria for these are never disclosed [by whom? isn't it disclosed by the law?] And they're never going to tell you what they are. You can even go look up the case law, and who knows what they're making up in the background, it's ad hoc, it's capricious, it's arbitrary like Melissa said, and it shifts the burden of proof.
04:26 The Burden of Proof. 90% of cases . . .
04:30 90% of cases in court don't go to trial. They get resolved in what's called a Summary Judgment Hearing. Summary Judgment is a way to get out of trial. It's overused but it's very effective. 90% has to do with whether or not the plaintiff has the right to sue. That's all they talk about. They don't even talk about what you're suing over.
04:52 They don't even get to the merits of the case. It's just "Should the case be here, or should it be there? Do you have the right? Are you on time?" All the little rules and things . . .
05:00 So if you do not have the Burden of Proof on a situation, for example, if a person tells you, "You have to wear a mask to come into this building." Now at that moment, you don't have the burden of proof to prove that you have to wear a mask. Yes, there has to be proof that you have to wear a mask. And what is that proof? The proof is that you are a direct threat, and the only way to prove this is to conduct an individualized assessment to establish that you are a direct threat and that therefore you have to submit to the accommodation of wearing a mask. How can someone ever conduct an individualized assessment or diagnose you without your consent? They can never get to that point. So, the burden of proof stays where it is. So if the store or employer, whomever, wants to enforce a measure or accommodation like this, it has to go to court. If you claim an exemption from something, you have to go to court. Totally different.
05:57 People have convictions they want to protect, and so they rely on religious or medical exemptions. What we're saying is that using either of these exemptions is a trap. The burden of your exemption falls on you and establishing the criteria is very difficult. Your exemption is not going to be held up by the EEOC. In fact, the EEOC tries to guide people into religious and medical exemptions and tries to change their charges because that's the path that's been carved out by these "creatures."
06:45 The EEOC is deliberately participating in the violations you're experiencing at your job and with retailers.
06:53 They're not a remedy.
06:55 They're trying to falsify the initial records so that you will not have a case if you go beyond the EEOC, if you go to court, your case will get dismissed.
07:03 And interestingly, what you claim in your EEOC is basically what you're locked into what you're able to claim in court. We've had some clients, who after their consultation with the EEOC, who changed their claim back to a religious exemption .. . don't do that because that's the case that you have to argue in court.
07:30 There's no exemption guys. No medical, no religious exemption, even if you can get one and weasel through it, it's still a legal dead end. Even if you get it, you're still going to have to submit to the examinations, the temperature testing
"Now, you don't need to be violent to be a psychopath."
And there was a chapter in that book, called "Natural Born Persuaders," about how psychopaths are better at persuading.
clinicians, the medical experts couldn't countenance the possibility that there'd be benefits to psychopathic characteristics at large. --Dr. Kevin Dutton
The evil geniuses of persuasion, the con artists, who've learned it all from first principles, learned it all from the streets, living on their wits. So who learned more about persuasion, me, the boffin, the nerd, or the guys who learned it from books. Turns out it was a bit of a draw. He knew all the technical terms, but they knew how to do it, and they are the evil geniuses of persuasion. They were all of them, without exception, psychopaths. Now, you don't need to be violent to be a psychopath. They had no conscience, no remorse. They were pretty ruthless, and they could destroy people's lives not by violence but by fraud and deception.
Is that the definition of a psychopath, the willingness to inflict harm on other people for your own benefit without caring about it?
No, that's more of a sadist. Now you do get sadistic psychopaths. It's interesting. When people hear the word psychopath, they tend to think of real-life serial killers like Ted Bundy and on the silver screen, your Hannibal Lecters. But actually, Konstantin, when psychologists like myself talk about psychopaths we're, in fact, referring to a distinct set of individuals
"Why India Did Not Allow Pfizer's Covid-19 Vaccine"
Rudyard Kipling said – If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, —you’ll be a Man, my son!
🚨BREAKING — "Why India Did Not Allow Pfizer's Covid-19 Vaccine"
— James Cintolo, RN FN CPT (@healthbyjames) January 23, 2023
1. Indian regulators required a local safety & efficacy study.
"Pfizer refused to do a local trial."
2. Pfizer wanted legal immunity from vaccine injury.
India refused.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
ARIZONA: with 99.999% confidence that 291,000 bad signatures were accepted in the 2022 election. Now you add this to the 300,000 ballots that we know had no chain of custody.
.@KariLake: "One of the experts said with 99.999% confidence that 291,000 bad signatures were accepted in the 2022 election. Now you add this to the 300,000 ballots that we know had no chain of custody... It's just outrageous."
— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) January 25, 2023
At the 00:35 mark, she mentions Wendy Rogers. And Shelby Busch at the 00:55 mark.
Hamilton Canada 🇨🇦🍁 Boom 💣 Trudeau gets mauled by The People....A mountain of Police are needed to stop him getting lynched...𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮'𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚....💣🔥👊
— January 25, 2023
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
“ya these jabs were crap but here trust us on the next one"
People lost their lives to blood clots & heart problems, fired from professions they worked their entire lives for, were attacked & ostracized ruthlessly. Some of our loved ones are now dead. Why?
— Gina Carano 🕯 (@ginacarano) January 25, 2023
Just for them to say “ya these jabs were crap but here trust us on the next one.”
JOHN JAY SINGLETON: If you think a hospital is there to care for people who are sick, okay, but by that standard WE DON'T HAVE THEM.
"I did everything I could to protect her but I still couldn't protect her from these evil people that murdered her"
15 seconds
15 seconds
Here is the interview.
Hospitals were getting a $39,000 dollar kickback for putting patients on a ventilator, so when we said we didn't want her on a ventilator or her to be given Remdesivir, whatsoever, they immediately made a sign, DNR, Do Not Resuscitate. So they knew that my mother was going to die, so for people complaining at home, you know, the arm-chair conspiracy theorists, they want people to die because this is the problem: they were not able to get Emergency Use Authorization on the vaccine if there is any sort of remedy for COVID0-19. If there's any available remedy. Now, you can technically call Ivermectin an available remedy. Because of that, because Ivermectin actually works against COVID-19, it would have negated the vaccine, they denied people like my mother Ivermectin. And then they use Remdesivir when they know from the studies that half the people die from the trials, they gave it to people like my mother behind our back, knowing they had the legal liability to give it to her whatever they wanted because that was the government protocol for COVID, so they murdered my mom right in front of my face slowly . . . .
She died on October 21, 2021, thirteen days after his birthday. Really sad. I still have the last gifts my mother gave me--the notes and cards. She was my biggest fan, watched all the stuff, and then 2 weeks later, she's dead. Life is fragile. I didn't expect to lose my mom. She did everything. She wore a mask. She got vaccinated because she would have lost care from her doctor, she didn't even tell me about it, only told her sister. She didn't even want me to know because I was so anti-vaxx. So once again, they killed with the vaxx, they killed her with Remdesivir, they killed her with the protocols.
My mom was in an accident when I was younger, and my mom was on disability, I took care of my mom, I took care of my mom. I TOOK CARE of my mom, that's why I feel immense guilt. I did everything I could to protect her but I still couldn't protect her from these evil people that murdered her.
How could you give her Remdesivir when we both told you not to give it to her? Did they wait until she was asleep and then give it to her? Did you figure out how they gave it to her without her consent? I was very lucky to be in the room with her for 4 hours a day of visitation. But, Dan, there are so many wires, so much stuff going in and out of there. And because of intubation, they have what is called a C-Pap machine almost, it just blows in the air. It was very uncomfortable. One is Remdesivir, and one is steroids, I don't know. It doesn't matter. We told them no Remdesivir, no Remdesivir whatsoever. My mom was fine. The only reason she went to the hospital is that she was that she got it too fast, she hit her head and almost fainted. She did not really even want to go to the hospital. Long story, short, she called the hospital, and they told her that her breathing is fine. And the second time, she got up so fast she hit her head and got nervous, thinking that she should go into the hospital because she'd never fainted like that before. And the next thing you know, those first two days she and I were sitting there, having a conversation, drinking McDonald's milkshakes, and once they started administering Remdesivir, my mom's entire organs filled up with fluid and she died in my arms 5 days later.
And when you asked to give her Ivermectin at Baylor University Hospital,
They had 11 different cords going into my mother, they told you it wasn't part of the protocol because it wasn't part of the government, or what was their excuse? They looked at me like I was a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist like I was They may as well have thought I was QAnon when I asked for that in that hospital.
The worst of it all was when I was talking about Ivermectin, they had the police escort me out because those nurses were so nervous because those nurses said I was going to do something to them after my mom died. I'm just saying that's how they treated me. I would never hurt a nurse, but they were so nervous because they were treating me like absolute crap, like I was an anti-vaxxer, making me feel guilty while I was watching my mom die. The last thing I'm going to say is nothing scares me, Dan. When I go into a protest with Antifa, I could care less. I watched my mom die. I was so scared to go to that hospital every single day. So nothing will ever be as bad as
John Zingsheim survived a 10-month stay in the hospital after finally being treated with Ivermectin.
"the truth is that you're being regarded as having a disability, which is, in other words, a contagious disease, and that's being done without a diagnosis. And so you have a legal remedy if you frame it as an ADA violation and the EEOC can protect you."
This is an employment solutions video.
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