Thursday, January 12, 2023

"when Reagan and the Congress at the time put in the public health and emergencies section that was the beginning of concentrating much more power in the hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary."


Public Health Services Act, 1944.

National Emergencies Act, 1976.

The Public Health Emergency Fund, PHEF, 1983.

The Public Health Emergency Fund (PHEF; Figure 1), created in 1983, falls under the authority of the HHS. The HHS secretary is authorized to access PHEP funds following the declaration of a PHE.

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (Public Law 99-660), 1986.

Katherine Watt's substack site is called Bailiwick News.

What was the earliest and most relevant piece of law that you can trace that was changed for this particular pandemic to occur? 

1983 establishment of the public health emergencies program under the Public Health Emergencies Act, which was a 1944 law.  But when Reagan and the Congress at the time put in the public health and emergencies section that was the beginning of concentrating much more power in the hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary.  Whenever a health emergency has been declared by the HHS, it's a completely closed loop.  Once it's declared, they have all the power.  And they are the only ones who can suspend their power because of the way they wrote the laws . . . to the extent let's say, to the extent that federal judges and Congress accept the premise that the Executive Branch can shut them out of everything after the announcement has been made.  

6:10  This unconstitutional law was put into place in the 1980s.  This branch of government can reserve power at its own discretion.  So what is required to declare an emergency?  Does it have to have a set of concrete rules, dates, and any threshold that needs to be reached for a public health emergency to be declared? Or is it just something that they describe as one?

Yep.  They 

So far, I think it's just something they describe as one.  

8:05  They want to propagandize specifically viral pandemics through Hollywood, Netflix shows, books, and publications.  

And through test-runs: SARS-1, 2003; H1N1, 2009.

And then they would have these old stories about ebola in Africa.  So they wanted that image of a scary, scary virus, that causes a pandemic, that kills half of the world's population, which is total nonsense scientifically, I can assure you.  With a bomb, you can respond to concrete things.  But with a virus, the government plays on people's fears based on invisible threats that you can't identify, so deadly and so stealthily.  

Yes, and it's much less destructive of infrastructure.  It can destroy social and economic structures without taking out buildings, railroad tracks, and factories with bombs.  So for the architects of the takeover, these folks can take over the production facilities.  They do it with board games too.  Her kids play Pandemi[c].  The whole premise 

3rd circuit court of Appeals stopped the resistance against the lockdowns.  

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